Why Did We Treat Coronavirus So Differently Than Other Epidemics?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

7 May 2020 ~~ By Tom Patterson
A three-column article in the local daily recently revealed the alarming news that Arizona State Sen. Lupe Contreras and members of his family had tested positive for the coronavirus. I wish Sen. Contreras and his family well. He seems like a good guy. But in a sane world without the hyperbolic, breathless press treatment of all matters coronavirus, the headline would read “state senator and family get the flu“ which, of course, isn’t a news story at all.
Nothing remarkable here, folks, just another among the countless attempts of the media to convince us that Wuhan flu is vastly more threatening than any other health challenges faced in the past. Yes, viral epidemics are nasty. People get sick and die. But compared with others America has faced in its history, this virus is worse than some, not as lethal as others.
Regrettably, the media blitz has succeeded. The virus may not be the most destructive of all time, but the panic-driven reaction to it could be the worst public-health blunder in our history.
Whether we can recover from this national nightmare and reclaim our free and prosperous nation depends on what we have learned and how we change. Will we realize that life is worth the risk and that avoiding pain and death is not always possible? Will we learn to resist groupthink and media sensationalizing? Will we become more future-oriented and responsible for the well-being of Americans yet to come?
We have to do better or go down in history as the generation that let the American experiment fail.

This has just become another effort to destroy Trump and control the population.
The Wuhan virus is no different than other flu strains that have mutated to effect humans, destroying the economy is insane because of the Wuhan Covid 19 Flu.
America has dealt with the Flu on at least five times before and survived without massive quarantine's.
Both the biased Media and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat are once again guilty of fearmongering and panicking the public. It all been a political ploy created by the Left.
Don't get me wrong now, Covid-19 virus is dangerous but so was the 1957 Asian Flu. We found a vaccine for that and we will for Covid-19 meanwhile 99% affected survive.
Because there is no fucking virus,it’s a hoax cooked up by the elite to get the people to go into panic mode and destroy people’s livilhoods by ruining the economy so they will depend on the government to look out after them and tell them what’s best for the them,the establishment has had this planned for decades ago for their new world order plan to depopulate the world and it is finally now in the works,do not take the vaccine,it will kill you overtime,they will have to throw me in jail or kill me first before I take it and if they forcefully vaccinate me which they will do to the people that resist down the line, I am now brushing up on what to do if force vaccinated and will be prepared.

I'll tell you why....this coronavirus was treated differently than other epidemics:

here you go

Trump is the guy that set up the stay at home position..Why do you people try to always leave him out of this, he declared a national emergency over a health crisis and implemented a proclamation for states to follow. Had Trump not done that there would have been no shutdown in society or business...
I am sure that you people will deny this to protect your president.
Because there is no fucking virus,it’s a hoax cooked up by the elite to get the people to go into panic mode and destroy people’s livilhoods by ruining the economy so they will depend on the government to look out after them and tell them what’s best for the them,the establishment has had this planned for decades ago for their new world order plan to depopulate the world and it is finally now in the works,do not take the vaccine,it will kill you overtime,they will have to throw me in jail or kill me first before I take it and if they forcefully vaccinate me which they will do to the people that resist down the line, I am now brushing up on what to do if force vaccinated and will be prepared.
Damn that Trump!!!He will never, ever learn to stop being a man that destroys the US....
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I'll tell you why....this coronavirus was treated differently than other epidemics:

here you go

View attachment 334148
She has zero power to do what the president did....

Pelosi and the DemonRats are almost "proxy" citizens of China.... they have been bought by China...they are proper scum.

Yes, I am sure you can prove that assertion...

Was that before or after the Chinese released the Wuhan virus? :dunno:
I keep wondering how the Democrats got the entire world to implement quarantines and shutdowns. It also seems that if they have that sort of power, Trump would never have been elected in the first place.
Because there is no fucking virus,it’s a hoax cooked up by the elite to get the people to go into panic mode and destroy people’s livilhoods by ruining the economy so they will depend on the government to look out after them and tell them what’s best for the them,the establishment has had this planned for decades ago for their new world order plan to depopulate the world and it is finally now in the works,do not take the vaccine,it will kill you overtime,they will have to throw me in jail or kill me first before I take it and if they forcefully vaccinate me which they will do to the people that resist down the line, I am now brushing up on what to do if force vaccinated and will be prepared.

I'll bet all those dead people and their families will sure be embarrassed when they realize the virus was just a fake.
1.Because it was NEW. We are interested in NEW. We follow NEW. We have no societal memory of the last really devastating epidemic in this country and how it was dealt with at a conscious level.
2.There was and is no definitive cure and only experimental treatment. That kind of crap scares people.
3.People were shocked when Trump said it would go away and then it was allowed to run rampant through a Washington Nursing home, with seemingly no way to stop it and frankly appearing the government didn't even try. And they were dropping like flies fast, as he was minimizing it, so they counted it as a Trump lie. Lying about a deadly unknown infectious disease, while people are dying brings out the instincts for revolt against the lies, but pitchforks tar/feathers and riding out on rail is out of style.
4. Nobody bought into it being the underlying conditions that were killing people, because there weren't any nursing homes where 20 or 30 dying at a time in one nursing home, much less multiple nursing homes, not to mention 10s of thousand suddenly getting sick, sometime becoming critical just a few hours after feeling like the had a mild cold and dying suddenly, until what trump supporters call a fake virus showed up when it should have been kept out.
5. Some idiot got the idea of pitting the young against the old and trying to stifle the old on patriotic grounds. Not a good move.
6. Now some of the same idiots think it is just a Democrat problem and say so. Not a good move, as it will and has killed republicans just as quick when they got infected. At some level we all know that we never know for whom the bell tolls, but none of us want the Covid-19 bell to ring for us or ours and know caution is called for, just not sure how much or what absolutely necessary, so we don't like having to listen to people in authority.
Right off hand, I would say that bill Gates wasn't ready yet.
Although it does have a lot to do with Gates, his foundation is only part of it.

These plans go back even further.

This is just a drill for the full on lock step they have planned.

It is eerie how much all this was planned and written about. As the wealth disparity gets even worse, the elites plans to put in place draconian levels of control based on a crises such as this have been planned. . . long ago.


7 May 2020 ~~ By Tom Patterson
A three-column article in the local daily recently revealed the alarming news that Arizona State Sen. Lupe Contreras and members of his family had tested positive for the coronavirus. I wish Sen. Contreras and his family well. He seems like a good guy. But in a sane world without the hyperbolic, breathless press treatment of all matters coronavirus, the headline would read “state senator and family get the flu“ which, of course, isn’t a news story at all.
Nothing remarkable here, folks, just another among the countless attempts of the media to convince us that Wuhan flu is vastly more threatening than any other health challenges faced in the past. Yes, viral epidemics are nasty. People get sick and die. But compared with others America has faced in its history, this virus is worse than some, not as lethal as others.
Regrettably, the media blitz has succeeded. The virus may not be the most destructive of all time, but the panic-driven reaction to it could be the worst public-health blunder in our history.
Whether we can recover from this national nightmare and reclaim our free and prosperous nation depends on what we have learned and how we change. Will we realize that life is worth the risk and that avoiding pain and death is not always possible? Will we learn to resist groupthink and media sensationalizing? Will we become more future-oriented and responsible for the well-being of Americans yet to come?
We have to do better or go down in history as the generation that let the American experiment fail.

This has just become another effort to destroy Trump and control the population.
The Wuhan virus is no different than other flu strains that have mutated to effect humans, destroying the economy is insane because of the Wuhan Covid 19 Flu.
America has dealt with the Flu on at least five times before and survived without massive quarantine's.
Both the biased Media and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat are once again guilty of fearmongering and panicking the public. It all been a political ploy created by the Left.
Don't get me wrong now, Covid-19 virus is dangerous but so was the 1957 Asian Flu. We found a vaccine for that and we will for Covid-19 meanwhile 99% affected survive.
The Obama funded Wuhan flu has been become a bioweapon of mass economic destruction
Right off hand, I would say that bill Gates wasn't ready yet.
Although it does have a lot to do with Gates, his foundation is only part of it.

These plans go back even further.

This is just a drill for the full on lock step they have planned.

It is eerie how much all this was planned and written about. As the wealth disparity gets even worse, the elites plans to put in place draconian levels of control based on a crises such as this have been planned. . . long ago.

BS. I wish they had planned for a crises such as this long ago. Hang out on conspiracy sites much?
Right off hand, I would say that bill Gates wasn't ready yet.
Although it does have a lot to do with Gates, his foundation is only part of it.

These plans go back even further.

This is just a drill for the full on lock step they have planned.

It is eerie how much all this was planned and written about. As the wealth disparity gets even worse, the elites plans to put in place draconian levels of control based on a crises such as this have been planned. . . long ago.

BS. I wish they had planned for a crises such as this long ago. Hang out on conspiracy sites much?

That's the whole point dude. They knew about this. . . and yet? Why did the government not stock PPE and all that other stuff necessary for such a crisis?

I tell you what, instead of calling folks names and using ad hominem attacks because you can't face reality, you should just do a little critical thinking and some research of your own, rather than just trusting billionaires and a corrupt Deep State.


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