Why did they stop counting votes?

What do you mean by 'stop'? Do you mean sleep when the count takes several days?

Is the U.S. on track to see its first election utterly stolen in front of its eyes? The way Venezuela's Hugo Chavez used to do it in the face of huge, huge enthusiastic crowds protesting against him back in Caracas?
How else to explain strange doings like these?
Nevada says no more results to announce until Thursday morning Biden projected to win Wisconsin and Michigan
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 4, 2020

Michigan, too, needs some extra time to count the ballots. And so does North Carolina. And so do all of the states where Trump was running ahead — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan... The counting suddenly shut down. Arizona went down a suspicious 90 minutes before the announcement that the state had flipped to Biden.
Mark Steyn has some brutal observations here, emphasis mine.


2.40am The President entered to the familiar strains of "Hail to the Chief", which seemed very consciously chosen. His remarks were brief, but this line struck me:
I said, 'What happened to the election?' 'It's off...' All of a sudden everything just stopped.
Indeed. The election special mysteriously ground to a halt. Trump could reasonably have expected to be giving his victory speech right now, had not Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina
all decided to have an early night and resume in the morning, or afternoon, or next Tuesday.
There is great peril in that.
In the past, every state counted its ballots and announced them well before sun-up. That's how elections have always been done. And most states did do it that way, producing the expected Trump victories, the votes for a booming economy against an old, doddering, extremely corrupt, and tax hike–promising candidate who can't attract two dozen people to a crowd. All signs in fact, showed a wave of Republican victories, from gas prices below $3 a gallon to forecasts from always-right prognosticators.

For the Democratic swing states, the early vote totals were just the heads0up on what it would take to swing the election from their side toward Biden. If Trump was ahead in their states, too, same as Florida, all of a sudden, they needed...time.
Time alone with the ballots, away from prying eyes, so that what they bring forth would, coincidentally of course, be a slew of all Biden ballots in every single case. Funny how the urban areas, closest to population centers that ordinarily vote blue, always get counted last. Easy to duplicate the ballots when they all vote alike.
Thomas Lifson noted that in Pennsylvania's case, they were caught on record as saying they wanted to keep the observers out. Hugo Chavez kept observers out, too, having Jimmy Carter to vouch for him. The Carter Center's report of Chavez's first likely stolen election, the recall referendum of 2004, proclaimed that all was free and fair ... with the minor exception of "what went on in the totalization room." It was like mostly peaceful riots, see.
Any questions as to why Trump in Florida won the Venezuelan-American vote?
Chavez used electronic voting machines to enact his electoral fraud, flipping numbers electronically. But he is far from the only comparison.
In California, ballot harvestors went to voters' homes, letting them know they knew where they lived, and then "helped" them fill out their ballots, turning in ballots and turning in ballots, well after the election until they got the result they wanted. Now we see the phenomenon of normal states counting and announcing their results and Democrat-run swing states using that information to calculate how much they would be needing to cancel it out.
It's scary stuff, and obviously, President Trump is going to take it to the courts. There ought to be new elections ordered with bipartisan observation and absolute transparency, based on this utterly suspicious pattern of behavior in these states. Suddenly stopping the counting while Trump was ahead, and needing "time" stinks of voter fraud and stolen elections on a very wide and scary scale. As Mark Steyn noted: "Belarus."
This is ugly stuff, the same thing that happened in California in 2018, when ballot harvesters flipped all of conservative Orange County for the left. The price was a loss of confidence. And it was one reason people began fleeing the state. Same as Venezuela, same as Belarus. Could it really happen here? Well, the Democrats tried riots to beat America into submission. They tried spying on the presidet, they tried phony impeachment. Some of them are big admirers of Chavez and his ways, too. They're more than capable of fraud, and in some of these places, they've engaged in fraud for years. And if and when it happens, kiss our republic goodbye.
And yet, nobody can provide any proof of election fraud. At least not sworn under penalty of perjury and presented to a judge.
Oh come on... there is so much evidence that the 2020 elections were conducted like no other election in American history... but even with that no court has approved an evidentiary trial....
No one wants to be the judge that finds reason to overturn an election...
Drop boxes mail out ballots ballot harvesting... basically due to covid the nation held an election the way CA does... and CA is a one party state for a reason.....

Is the U.S. on track to see its first election utterly stolen in front of its eyes? The way Venezuela's Hugo Chavez used to do it in the face of huge, huge enthusiastic crowds protesting against him back in Caracas?
How else to explain strange doings like these?

Michigan, too, needs some extra time to count the ballots. And so does North Carolina. And so do all of the states where Trump was running ahead — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan... The counting suddenly shut down. Arizona went down a suspicious 90 minutes before the announcement that the state had flipped to Biden.
Mark Steyn has some brutal observations here, emphasis mine.


2.40am The President entered to the familiar strains of "Hail to the Chief", which seemed very consciously chosen. His remarks were brief, but this line struck me:
I said, 'What happened to the election?' 'It's off...' All of a sudden everything just stopped.
Indeed. The election special mysteriously ground to a halt. Trump could reasonably have expected to be giving his victory speech right now, had not Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina
all decided to have an early night and resume in the morning, or afternoon, or next Tuesday.
There is great peril in that.
In the past, every state counted its ballots and announced them well before sun-up. That's how elections have always been done. And most states did do it that way, producing the expected Trump victories, the votes for a booming economy against an old, doddering, extremely corrupt, and tax hike–promising candidate who can't attract two dozen people to a crowd. All signs in fact, showed a wave of Republican victories, from gas prices below $3 a gallon to forecasts from always-right prognosticators.

For the Democratic swing states, the early vote totals were just the heads0up on what it would take to swing the election from their side toward Biden. If Trump was ahead in their states, too, same as Florida, all of a sudden, they needed...time.
Time alone with the ballots, away from prying eyes, so that what they bring forth would, coincidentally of course, be a slew of all Biden ballots in every single case. Funny how the urban areas, closest to population centers that ordinarily vote blue, always get counted last. Easy to duplicate the ballots when they all vote alike.
Thomas Lifson noted that in Pennsylvania's case, they were caught on record as saying they wanted to keep the observers out. Hugo Chavez kept observers out, too, having Jimmy Carter to vouch for him. The Carter Center's report of Chavez's first likely stolen election, the recall referendum of 2004, proclaimed that all was free and fair ... with the minor exception of "what went on in the totalization room." It was like mostly peaceful riots, see.
Any questions as to why Trump in Florida won the Venezuelan-American vote?
Chavez used electronic voting machines to enact his electoral fraud, flipping numbers electronically. But he is far from the only comparison.
In California, ballot harvestors went to voters' homes, letting them know they knew where they lived, and then "helped" them fill out their ballots, turning in ballots and turning in ballots, well after the election until they got the result they wanted. Now we see the phenomenon of normal states counting and announcing their results and Democrat-run swing states using that information to calculate how much they would be needing to cancel it out.
It's scary stuff, and obviously, President Trump is going to take it to the courts. There ought to be new elections ordered with bipartisan observation and absolute transparency, based on this utterly suspicious pattern of behavior in these states. Suddenly stopping the counting while Trump was ahead, and needing "time" stinks of voter fraud and stolen elections on a very wide and scary scale. As Mark Steyn noted: "Belarus."
This is ugly stuff, the same thing that happened in California in 2018, when ballot harvesters flipped all of conservative Orange County for the left. The price was a loss of confidence. And it was one reason people began fleeing the state. Same as Venezuela, same as Belarus. Could it really happen here? Well, the Democrats tried riots to beat America into submission. They tried spying on the presidet, they tried phony impeachment. Some of them are big admirers of Chavez and his ways, too. They're more than capable of fraud, and in some of these places, they've engaged in fraud for years. And if and when it happens, kiss our republic goodbye.
Nevada stopped reporting for a day. That doesn't mean they stopped counting.

And you haven't provided evidence that the counting 'suddenly stopped', let alone in all the swing states. You've simply said it must be so, citing 'American Thinker' that similarly just says it must be so.
Oh come on... there is so much evidence that the 2020 elections were conducted like no other election in American history... but even with that no court has approved an evidentiary trial....
No one wants to be the judge that finds reason to overturn an election...
Drop boxes mail out ballots ballot harvesting... basically due to covid the nation held an election the way CA does... and CA is a one party state for a reason.....

There they again, closing their eyes tightly and putting their fingers in their ears and singing "LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" It's what they always do when it comes to the election fraud.
Oh come on... there is so much evidence that the 2020 elections were conducted like no other election in American history... but even with that no court has approved an evidentiary trial....
No one wants to be the judge that finds reason to overturn an election...
Drop boxes mail out ballots ballot harvesting... basically due to covid the nation held an election the way CA does... and CA is a one party state for a reason.....
There have been no evidentiary trials, because there have been no evidentiary lawsuits brought. The lawsuits fall into two categories, those with evidence of a handful of fraudulent votes, and asking to overturn the entire states election. And those offering affidavits filled with hearsay, speculation, and suspicions, but no actual evidence of widespread fraud.

Oh, I left out the third type of case. The one's lacking standing, or jurisdiction, or seeking a remedy beyond the powers of the court.
There have been no evidentiary trials, because there have been no evidentiary lawsuits brought. The lawsuits fall into two categories, those with evidence of a handful of fraudulent votes, and asking to overturn the entire states election. And those offering affidavits filled with hearsay, speculation, and suspicions, but no actual evidence of widespread fraud.

Oh, I left out the third type of case. The one's lacking standing, or jurisdiction, or seeking a remedy beyond the powers of the court.

Oh, Trump had his opportunity. He had a trial scheduled in Georgia where he was able to call witnesses, subpoena testimony, conduct discovery and present evidence to definitively PROVE that election fraud had occurred.

And the day before the trial was to begin, where Trump would have to back up his claims with evidence....what do you think happened?

That's right, Trump voluntarily dismissed the very trial he asked for.

These rubes are being played.
I heard someone ask the question, why did certain states stop counting votes during the controversial 2020 election?
I heard that was one of the first election night lies told by the Trumpyberra media because they knew his lead was not going to hold. The Dirty Don even said they should stop counting because he was ahead.

There have been no evidentiary trials, because there have been no evidentiary lawsuits brought. The lawsuits fall into two categories, those with evidence of a handful of fraudulent votes, and asking to overturn the entire states election. And those offering affidavits filled with hearsay, speculation, and suspicions, but no actual evidence of widespread fraud.

Oh, I left out the third type of case. The one's lacking standing, or jurisdiction, or seeking a remedy beyond the powers of the court.
That's not true at all... several trials have been requested in several states... every one has been kick down without viewing of hearing evidence and that's wrong.... we don't do things that way in America...
That's not true at all... several trials have been requested in several states... every one has been kick down without viewing of hearing evidence and that's wrong.... we don't do things that way in America...

Kicked down....by who? Remember, Trump voluntarily dismissed his own trial. This from the the State of Georgia:

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

You're being played, rube.
Trump was ahead then they stopped counting and when they resumed there were magical ballots for Potatohead.

But yet these stupid Moon Bats deny the Democrat filth stole the election.
LOL at the OLD moon bat Flash . ^^^^^^
The pandemic allowed the Democrat filth to do anything with ballots they wanted to do with no questions asked. They created the fraudulent ballots with no traceability.
Nope. Made Up Fake News created by team trump.

FOX News, at 11PM EST, even said that the late ballots that hadn't been counted, and WHY they hadn't been counted, would come in heavily for Biden.
But.......trump and team trump screamed Stolen Election.

Get a grip, many Americans HATE trump, and I know why.
I heard someone ask the question, why did certain states stop counting votes during the controversial 2020 election?

This was the first time counting had ever stopped, and they all stopped in key battleground states that won the election for Biden

Moreover, before they stopped counting, Trump was winning, but they then stopped, and when everyone woke up in the morning Biden was President.

It is a fair question that I don't even see the GOP asking

Does everyone think that the GOP was in on this since they don't seem to be asking this question?
In order to roll in the fake votes and stuff the ballot boxes with them.

I'm here to help.
Kicked down....by who? Remember, Trump voluntarily dismissed his own trial. This from the the State of Georgia:

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

You're being played, rube.
There were a lot of trials requested so I'm not sure what you are referring to... there are still lawyers seeking grievances against states for not providing important election information....
Because it was the hated Trump we got screwed.... both sides blocked any effort to examine whether this never before type of national election was fair and fraud free....
There were a lot of trials requested so I'm not sure what you are referring to... there are still lawyers seeking grievances against states for not providing important election information....
Because it was the hated Trump we got screwed.... both sides blocked any effort to examine whether this never before type of national election was fair and fraud free....

Trump had his perfect opportunity to present his evidence.....and voluntarily dmissed his own case.

The 'Trump didn't get a chance to present his evidence' claim is meaningless, disprovable horseshit. He had his chance. He blinked and ran when his claims would be subject to cross examination.

Again, from the State of Georgia:

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

You're stuck. You can't get around the fact that your entire argument on Trump never getting a chance to present evidence is demonstrably bullshit.

But tell us again about how nobody died at Sandy Hook. I want the gullibility and delusion necessary to swallow Trump's lies on full display.
Trump had his perfect opportunity to present his evidence.....and voluntarily dmissed his own case.

The 'Trump didn't get a chance to present his evidence' claim is meaningless, disprovable horseshit. He had his chance. He blinked and ran when his claims would be subject to cross examination.

Again, from the State of Georgia:

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

You're stuck. You can't get around the fact that your entire argument on Trump never getting a chance to present evidence is demonstrably bullshit.

But tell us again about how nobody died at Sandy Hook. I want the gullibility and delusion necessary to swallow Trump's lies on full display.
That's one case.... against a republican Secretary of State... you don't know why they did that and neither do I... I'm sure they had a good reason.... But that doesn't address all the other cases requested by attorney's.... there are a lot of cases brought and being brought by people other than Trump.... voters that feel their vote was stolen.... they should be heard... this is America... because the rules were severely changed before the election every ballot from 2020 can and should be looked at and scrutinized.... unless you are afraid of what will be discovered....
In fact I've never seen my nation work so hard to not seek out the truth.... not in any other issue do we deny evidence to be reviewed... that's not the American way... when 1/3rd of the people feel they were robbed of their vote our nations courts have a duty to at least view the evidence....
But they refuse... why?....
That's one case.... against a republican Secretary of State... you don't know why they did that and neither do I... I'm sure they had a good reason.... But that doesn't address all the other cases requested by attorney's.... there are a lot of cases brought and being brought by people other than Trump.... voters that feel their vote was stolen.... they should be heard... this is America... because the rules were severely changed before the election every ballot from 2020 can and should be looked at and scrutinized.... unless you are afraid of what will be discovered....

Trump had his opportunity to present evidence.

Any argument that Trump never had an opportunity to present evidence is meaningless horseshit.

What else have you got?

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