Why did Biden create a semiconductor shortage hurting automakers and consumers!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
The man is totally incompent. Any moron would know sactions don't work. And factories can't just shut down and start up.

Huawei began stockpiling semiconductors ahead of the sanctions coming into effect, and other companies followed their lead, further straining supplies.

As much as Biden is an incompetent goof with OBVIOUS worsening mental capacity... I am not getting the connection?
This problem has been building for 20 years.
Blame globalism/corporatism for it as investor groups demand makers use Chinese parts so they make more profits. Not giving one rats ass that this is leaving the entire western world openly vulnerable and dependent on a nation that wants to take our place in the world.
Joe's answer:

"Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the phone — make sure that kids hear words, a kid coming from a very poor school, a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there."
iamwhatiseem and Mr Trump was trying to turn that around--but the idiot Dems fought him on that
I believe he was.
But it wasn't just the Dems fighting him.
So were the Republicans. By not joining with him, they were the same as blocking him.
The entire Senate and Congress are in complete collusion with globalism/corporatism. They make plenty of their own money off of Chinese slave labor themselves, and certainly care more about that then serving the country.
The man is totally incompent. Any moron would know sactions don't work. And factories can't just shut down and start up.

Huawei began stockpiling semiconductors ahead of the sanctions coming into effect, and other companies followed their lead, further straining supplies.

Don't be an idiot. The semiconductor shortage is occurring for several reasons. The pandemic, Drumpfs trade war with China, demand for electronics, and changing business models.
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Are you saying that Drumpfs trade wars didnt have a part in this?

Only a leftwing rag site that you obviously would read would say that.
Auto makers cut orders of them because of the Pandemic thinking there would be a major
downturn in the auto market and when that rebounded much quicker than they thought, the chips
were already directed towards other electronics. Japan had a major fire which had a major affect.
Bottom line is that, there needs to be American companies producing larger quantities of the chips
where we don't have to rely on foreign companies.
.. because he's an idiot
Yes Drumpf is an idiot. From the OPs link you obviously didnt read.

"US-China tensions are also part of the story. Last August, the US banned foreign companies whose chips use American technology from selling to Chinese tech giant Huawei, over espionage allegations.

Huawei began stockpiling semiconductors ahead of the sanctions coming into effect, and other companies followed their lead, further straining supplies."
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Joe isn't in charge. He takes orders from the shadow cabal that got him elected.

Americans need to prepare for Democrat created shortages across the board.

The Great Reset is coming.

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