Why Delete Something You Claim To Be Proud Of??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Republican National Committee was caught attempting to quietly erase history on Sunday when a page on GOP.com praising former President Donald Trump's "historic peace agreement with the Taliban" was deleted as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. "How quickly can the politics around Afghanistan change? Here's a section on the RNC's website in June; click it now, and you get a 404 error." Washington Post's David Weigel added alongside an image of the dated page.

Notably, as the situation quickly unravels in Afghanistan, many Republicans are already flipping on positions about withdrawing troops from the region held only months ago. Individual members of the Trump administration faced blowback as well over their roles in the conflict; former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was mocked on social media and questioned by Fox News’s Chris Wallace over US negotiations with Taliban leaders that occurred under his watch even as he sought to cast blame on the US exit."

Why delete or try to distance yourself from something you should be proud of...95% of the country wanted to get out of Afghanistan and truth be told -- a majority of that 95% didn't really give a fuck about the fate of the Afghani people after we left...so why the faux outrage now?? Why try to delete something you were cheering for just a couple of months ago? Ending this war is something to be proud of....

Why make yourself look like a hypocritical moron in this way?

Exhibit #1

Exhibit #2 -- Pompeo meeting with Taliban to discuss the release of 5000 Taliban fighters, lifting sanctions on the Taliban, etc, etc, etc...

Exhibit #3 -- One of the chief architects of these Taliban peace deal/withdrawal negotiations said this....

Exhibit #4 -- Even Trump back in 2012 said what we all knew years ago......so why are we pretending like this wasn't the case now??


"The Republican National Committee was caught attempting to quietly erase history on Sunday when a page on GOP.com praising former President Donald Trump's "historic peace agreement with the Taliban" was deleted as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. "How quickly can the politics around Afghanistan change? Here's a section on the RNC's website in June; click it now, and you get a 404 error." Washington Post's David Weigel added alongside an image of the dated page.

Notably, as the situation quickly unravels in Afghanistan, many Republicans are already flipping on positions about withdrawing troops from the region held only months ago. Individual members of the Trump administration faced blowback as well over their roles in the conflict; former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was mocked on social media and questioned by Fox News’s Chris Wallace over US negotiations with Taliban leaders that occurred under his watch even as he sought to cast blame on the US exit."

Why delete or try to distance yourself from something you should be proud of...95% of the country wanted to get out of Afghanistan and truth be told -- a majority of that 95% didn't really give a fuck about the fate of the Afghani people after we left...so why the faux outrage now?? Why try to delete something you were cheering for just a couple of months ago? Ending this war is something to be proud of....

Why make yourself look like a hypocritical moron in this way?

Exhibit #1

Exhibit #2 -- Pompeo meeting with Taliban to discuss the release of 5000 Taliban fighters, lifting sanctions on the Taliban, etc, etc, etc...
View attachment 526950

Exhibit #3 -- One of the chief architects of these Taliban peace deal/withdrawal negotiations said this....
View attachment 526953

Exhibit #4 -- Even Trump back in 2012 said what we all knew years ago......so why are we pretending like this wasn't the case now??

Progs stole an election and many others. Your sickening Propaganda means when Repubs do something they must be living in a monastery. Of course your views come from the red light district and is never questioned.
The answers very simple - because people like you will try to use it against them whilst totally missing the point that he never advocated pulling troops out overnight, in one swoop with no strategy and succession plan/s in place.

It's wise to remove all mentions of what the plan was (or wasn't) for Afghan and let the focus sit solely on Biden and the pigs ear he's made of it all.

This is fuck-all to do with Trump anymore.

You wanted him gone, he's gone.
You wanted Biden, he's here.

This is one of the fruits of his labour.

It's weird to see partisans try to shift responsibility for something I see as a win.
This is a perfect example of why party politics is so bad.

When Trump was talking about pulling us out of Afghanistan it was hailed as great news by the republicans. "Bring our boys home!"

Now that it is the other side bringing our boys home, it is suddenly a betrayal of all patriotic Americans.

It is truly fucked up.
The answers very simple - because people like you will try to use it against them whilst totally missing the point that he never advocated pulling troops out overnight, in one swoop with no strategy and succession plan/s in place.

It's wise to remove all mentions of what the plan was (or wasn't) for Afghan and let the focus sit solely on Biden and the pigs ear he's made of it all.

This is fuck-all to do with Trump anymore.

You wanted him gone, he's gone.
You wanted Biden, he's here.

This is one of the fruits of his labour.

^ Self projection ^
This is a perfect example of why party politics is so bad.

When Trump was talking about pulling us out of Afghanistan it was hailed as great news by the republicans. "Bring our boys home!"

Now that it is the other side bringing our boys home, it is suddenly a betrayal of all patriotic Americans.

It is truly fucked up.
and most principled people hailed Trump's plan to get us out of Afghanistan as great news....

It doesn't matter to me if Trump had the balls to do it under his watch or that Biden has the balls to do it under his watch.....

All of the bullshit about the "optics" and the faux concern for Afghan people won't change my position one bit...

Like I said before, for all these people acting like they are so concerned for Afghan people -- they stop that bullshit real quick when we say "just bring more refugees over here" -- it would definitely be cheaper and not cost a single soldier his life.....

and most principled people hailed Trump's plan to get us out of Afghanistan as great news....

It doesn't matter to me if Trump had the balls to do it under his watch or that Biden has the balls to do it under his watch.....

All of the bullshit about the "optics" and the faux concern for Afghan people won't change my position one bit...

Like I said before, for all these people acting like they are so concerned for Afghan people -- they stop that bullshit real quick when we say "just bring more refugees over here" -- it would definitely be cheaper and not cost a single soldier his life.....

The other thing that is ridiculous is the people wailing and gnashing their teeth because they claim it makes the veteran's sacrifices meaningless.

It doesn't. The men and women who volunteered and served gave a full measure of patriotism. Those who sent them there, and more importantly the ones who kept them there are the ones who made the war meaningless for the last 10 years.
The other thing that is ridiculous is the people wailing and gnashing their teeth because they claim it makes the veteran's sacrifices meaningless.

It doesn't. The men and women who volunteered and served gave a full measure of patriotism. Those who sent them there, and more importantly the ones who kept them there are the ones who made the war meaningless for the last 10 years.

Blame Bush for getting us into it...and then making it trendy to accuse anyone who questioned the war of being a traitor and on the side of the terrorists...

Which created a whole generation of weak politicians who tried to outdo each other on how "tough on terrorism" they were by doubling down on the same stupid foreign policy...this includes Obama....this includes Trump, this includes Biden......

However, when the dust settles.....people will remember Biden for being the one who had the balls to stop it more so than they will remember if he did it in a pretty enough and organized way or not....
You are the kind of guy who gets his hair done. Did you find you a purse gun yet? I hope you're able to leave your apartment.

You just keep on projecting yourself onto me. I'm a man, I can take it, because I know snowflakes don't last, so your days are numbered.

I know who YOU are though.......BIG TRUCK/SPORTS CAR and a TINY, TINY DICK.....that is, if you have one at all. Has to put down others and make fun of people because you have no self-worth. Nobody likes you, nobody wants you.
Hmmm......have YOU ever LEFT your apartment????

You just keep on projecting yourself onto me. I'm a man, I can take it, because I know snowflakes don't last, so your days are numbered.

I know who YOU are though.......BIG TRUCK/SPORTS CAR and a TINY, TINY DICK.....that is, if you have one at all. Has to put down others and make fun of people because you have no self-worth. Nobody likes you, nobody wants you.
Hmmm......have YOU ever LEFT your apartment????

Still thinking and talking about dicks. Go get your nails done.

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