Why Could White Immigrants Come Here With Nothing and Make it and Blacks Can't?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This video shows how whites stole millions of acres of black owned land after slavery. It was done by any means necessary, and it continues to this very day.

How Blacks Were Brutally Robbed of Their Lands and Wealth​

" At the beginning of the 20th century, African Americans owned at least 14 million acres of land. By the 21st century, 90 percent of the land had been stolen from them. Now, African Americans only own one point one million acres of farmland and are part owners of another one point zero seven million acres. Across a century, white farmers and landowners developed multiple ways to take African Americans’ land, using methods such as violence, heirs' property, tax sales, and Torrens Acts. Of all these, the heirs property act is still in force today, as black owners lose every source of wealth they've created for generations.

To understand the magnitude of this land theft, we must examine the extreme measures taken by those who captured the land from African American landowners. Both laws and practices allowed white landowners, farmers, and developers to manipulate the system so they could gain control over the land owned by African American farmers and homeowners."

This video shows how whites stole millions of acres of black owned land after slavery. It was done by any means necessary, and it continues to this very day.

How Blacks Were Brutally Robbed of Their Lands and Wealth​

" At the beginning of the 20th century, African Americans owned at least 14 million acres of land. By the 21st century, 90 percent of the land had been stolen from them. Now, African Americans only own one point one million acres of farmland and are part owners of another one point zero seven million acres. Across a century, white farmers and landowners developed multiple ways to take African Americans’ land, using methods such as violence, heirs' property, tax sales, and Torrens Acts. Of all these, the heirs property act is still in force today, as black owners lose every source of wealth they've created for generations.

To understand the magnitude of this land theft, we must examine the extreme measures taken by those who captured the land from African American landowners. Both laws and practices allowed white landowners, farmers, and developers to manipulate the system so they could gain control over the land owned by African American farmers and homeowners."

As usual our resident angry shoe shine boy is 100 years behind the times

America is filled with recent black immigrants who are thriving in the US economy
Democrats had an effective sales force in those days


fortunately, it's far less effective these days.
I think I know better than some white racist how blacks are doing in the U.S. economy.

Blacks have 13 percent of the population and 2.7 percent of the wealth. Black immigrants are thriving so well that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. So in other words, SHUT UP AND LISTEN!
Any black person who can read and write and isnt too lazy to work can make a decent living in America

And if they are highly educated then can be wealthy
Any talk of Black poverty is empty unless it addresses the 70% illegitimacy rate and the dreadful "Black HS graduation rate. Neither of these things have anything to do with "white" racism, and both factor greatly in whether a person will grow up or live in long-term poverty.

Give me the statistics of the Black families who play by the rules. They get as much free education as they can, don't have kids before they are married and can afford to have them. I suspect their financial profile is not that much different from "white" working class families.

And as for assets/wealth, most working-class "white" families have zero financial net worth until they are in their thirties, having paid off major expenses of starting a household, student loans and other one-time expenses.

Sorry I don't have time to watch the video on land being "stolen" from African Americans. Maybe later.

Why Could White Immigrants Come Here With Nothing and Make it and Blacks Can't?​

Or, for that matter, Asian, Jewish, or Hispanic immigrants. Probably not a question you want to have answered.
Wrong. Right now, I believe there are fewer than 10 black billionaires.

In 1932 over 80 percent of blacks lived in poverty. In 1960, 55 percent. In 1972, 32 percent.

Black poverty 2021, 19.5 percent. White poverty 2021, 8.2.

I study these things. Your opinions and beliefs based on emotions aren't going to cut it.
Who do you see living on the streets in tents more blacks or whites. and 10 black billionaires is still alot. I wonder if that 19.5 perecnet is in relation to the black population only?
Blacks have 13 percent of the population and 2.7 percent of the wealth.
That’s how communism works. You vote for communism, so I don‘t get why you are so upset. Blue cities and blue states keep the poor people poor, and no one is more poor than the negro.

You need to be more grateful to your masters in the State. They are teaching black kids in public schools such wonderful things, like how racist America is, and how they can change genders.
That’s how communism works. You vote for communism, so I don‘t get why you are so upset. Blue cities and blue states keep the poor people poor, and no one is more poor than the negro.

You need to be more grateful to your masters in the State. They are teaching black kids in public schools such wonderful things, like how racist America is, and how they can change genders.

That's how fascism has worked. America has been a democracy for white males and a fascist regime for everyone else.
That's how fascism has worked. America has been a democracy for white males and a fascist regime for everyone else.

And we will be so much better off when it’s a democracy for blacks and a fascist regime for whites.
Who do you see living on the streets in tents more blacks or whites. and 10 black billionaires is still alot. I wonder if that 19.5 perecnet is in relation to the black population only?

Again, your opinion is no good here. 19.5 of the black population lives in poverty as opposed to 8 percent of whites. Overall, the American poverty rate was 11 percent. Whites have always lived with less than the overall poverty rate and blacks have lived around least double the American poverty rate. The fact remains that whites stole land from blacks that would have equalized wealth. Between that and tearing down black business communities for freeways, blacks have been robbed of trillions.
Shhhh……percentages aren’t allowed in crime stats. For things like this it’s okay, because it helps “the cause”.
Percentages are allowed, whites commit more crime by percentage. But the only crime that should be discussed in this thread are the crimes whites committed to take land that was owned by blacks. You can't discuss that, because it doesn't help "the cause".
Any black person who can read and write and isnt too lazy to work can make a decent living in America

And if they are highly educated then can be wealthy
Said by a white man. Turn black, try to live 5 years.

Then come talk.
The subject here is how whites stole land from blacks after slavery. This is posted in the history section. That means we are discussing history, therefore the excuses about how someone is talking about the past have no place in this discussion. Nor does the stale references to crime and the white opinion on how people can make it if they are willing to work hard.

All off topic posts from this point on will be reported.

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