Why Corona Virus Spiking In Very Hot States? Air Conditioning? Families Staying Home With 24/7 Running AC?

I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.
right, a lot people get sick that dont keep their AC serviced regularly,,,,but imagine a household with 7 people and one has the corolla virus, and then add the AC to it? thats what was brought up on Tucker Carlson tonight. I use mine time to time, but had my share of getting really sick from working in an enviorment where the AC is full force, never again,,,im just really sensative to AC and winter weather.
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
Gee, do air conditioners have the virus now? Or maybe the spike in Covid-19 cases is due to stupid people not wearing masks and not social distancing? Could that be it?
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our main 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
What institution did you get your medical degree from, again?
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
Just have couple of glasses of bleach and you'll be fine Trump said.
Oh and he also said it will go away when it gets warm,, so what corolla ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas. I don't like central air and don't have ducts, though, so that would make a difference if you have long runs of those in your ceiling; they can get nasty. I also have a huge ass attic fan I turn on for a few minutes in the hottest parts of the day that sounds like a jet taking off that sucks the accumulated hot air out of the entire house in less than three minutes. Best money I ever spent, and don't need to run it for more than that three minutes at a time.
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this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
Still waiting to hear what institution you got your medical degree from...

I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So, are you saying that people can get Covid-19 from air conditioners? If so, why were people getting sick in early March?
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
Still waiting to hear what institution you got your medical degree from...

Why would I need a medical degree? Am I treating patients?
I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So, are you saying that people can get Covid-19 from air conditioners? If so, why were people getting sick in early March?

I never said that, and in fact doubt it would be spread by air conditioning. I said:

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas. Nothing about Covid or any other such disease.
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
Still waiting to hear what institution you got your medical degree from...

Why would I need a medical degree? Am I treating patients?
You seem to be claiming some medical knowledge. I don't know if you're treating patients. I hope not.
I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So, are you saying that people can get Covid-19 from air conditioners? If so, why were people getting sick in early March?

I never said that, and in fact doubt it would be spread by air conditioning. I said:

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So what does that have to do with Covid-19?
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
Still waiting to hear what institution you got your medical degree from...

Why would I need a medical degree? Am I treating patients?
You seem to be claiming some medical knowledge. I don't know if you're treating patients. I hope not.
One does not need a medical degree to read statistics.

Go back to smoking your weed.
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
I should add that the serology testing is showing 3% have had the virus and recovered. That would be an additional 218,000 that have had the virus as our state has 7,286,000 people. Combined with total confirmed test for active cases, that is about 275,000 cases total. With half the cases being in the age group of 20-44, that means the estimated actual mortality rate is 0.05% for that age group.
Still waiting to hear what institution you got your medical degree from...

Why would I need a medical degree? Am I treating patients?
You seem to be claiming some medical knowledge. I don't know if you're treating patients. I hope not.
One does not need a medical degree to read statistics.

Go back to smoking your weed.
Alcohol is my current vice, if you want to know. But drunk or sober, I don't think I'd take medical advice from you.
I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So, are you saying that people can get Covid-19 from air conditioners? If so, why were people getting sick in early March?

I never said that, and in fact doubt it would be spread by air conditioning. I said:

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So what does that have to do with Covid-19?

What does you being a noisy faggot desperate for male attention have to do with you trolling this thread?
I don't get what you are saying. I've lived in Arizona since the 80s and have never gotten sick from inhaling AC air. Do you mean ducts that have lots of built up dust? Yes that can be a problem but you have to get those cleaned out with a duct vacuum service every few years.

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So, are you saying that people can get Covid-19 from air conditioners? If so, why were people getting sick in early March?

I never said that, and in fact doubt it would be spread by air conditioning. I said:

Some people react badly to refrigerated air. If I sleep with it on my lungs will hurt for an hour after I wake up, makes them raw. IF you don't drain off the humidity properly you can end up with a lot of fungus growing in the bottom of the unit from the sweat off the condenser on some models. Most modern models have done away with that problem, though, except in superhumid areas.
So what does that have to do with Covid-19?

What does you being a noisy faggot desperate for male attention have to do with you trolling this thread?
You're pathetic.
this theory was brought up earlier on Tucker Carlson. It makes sense, a lot of people get sick from inhaling a lot of AC fumes. I know I cant be around AC for very long,it will eventually kill me! Im in Florida and I dont care if its 95 degrees, I am not running my AC all the time, at least I get a lot of breezes here on the west coast. But this makes sense, a lot of people are in thier homes now as its baking in the south and the AC is on most of the time full force. you breathe that stuff in long enough, it could make u real sick!
so what do you guys think? is it AC thats making a lot more Corolla cases this week?
It’s just the initial spike after reopening. It’s mostly young and middle aged people. The number of cases is highest in the big cities of course, yet the number per 100k is highest on Indian reservations.

1384 deaths, and 1044 were 65+ year olds. Only 6 were younger than 20.

The vast majority of new cases are 20-44 year olds. Total right now is about 29,000 cases. Yet only 72 have died in that age group. That’s a 0.2% mortality rate.

The statistics show that working class age groups recover from it and have low mortality rates. Elderly more rarely get it, but it’s much more deadly.

So there is nothing to “panic” about. Let young people get it so they become immune. Keep elderly isolated and locked down.
The faster our main 20-50 year olds get it and become immune, then the spread will die off significantly as we reach herd immunity.

Communist Democrats are trying to prevent this from happening so they can keep dragging the economy into oblivion.
What institution did you get your medical degree from, again?
What’s your opinion, Tyrell Einstein?

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