Why can't every state have it's act together like Florida?

Remember you were the joke of the nation because of the 2000 election? Glad you got your shit together.

I think Florida is great because it's a tourist destination. People from all over the world visit/move to Florida. Duh. No shit you have a lot of money.

Blue states tourism has picked up too. We get a lot of women from red states who come to get abortions. Stay in our hotel rooms. Fill up at our gas stations. They even come to our malls to shop because they don't have internet in your state nor are the malls nearly as big. You don't have these stores. Macy's. Nordstrum. You know, the classy stores. They don't have those in most red states. Florida does because

3.87% violent crime per 1000 residents. That's kind of high. Let me guess. This only happens in cities with Democratic Mayors?

Also, Florida has toll roads and cameras on every corner. You pay to drive on the roads and you get a ticket if you don't completely stop, turn on red, whatever. You see a camera flash and you get a ticket in the mail. And Florida gets a lot of revenue ticketing visitors. Everyone knows the saying Florida, come for vacation, leave on probation. LOL How much money does Florida make from this?

Remember you were the joke of the nation because of the 2000 election? Glad you got your shit together.

I think Florida is great because it's a tourist destination. People from all over the world visit/move to Florida. Duh. No shit you have a lot of money.

Blue states tourism has picked up too. We get a lot of women from red states who come to get abortions. Stay in our hotel rooms. Fill up at our gas stations. They even come to our malls to shop because they don't have internet in your state nor are the malls nearly as big. You don't have these stores. Macy's. Nordstrum. You know, the classy stores. They don't have those in most red states. Florida does because

3.87% violent crime per 1000 residents. That's kind of high. Let me guess. This only happens in cities with Democratic Mayors?

Also, Florida has toll roads and cameras on every corner. You pay to drive on the roads and you get a ticket if you don't completely stop, turn on red, whatever. You see a camera flash and you get a ticket in the mail. And Florida gets a lot of revenue ticketing visitors. Everyone knows the saying Florida, come for vacation, leave on probation. LOL How much money does Florida make from this?
You are a strange, bitter little person, aren't you?
If you can't follow what I'm putting out, just move on. You still butt sore Papa?
Then tell me oh wise and wonderful, what does shopping at a Macys have to do with Florida elections running smoothly? Why would I be butt sore about Florida elections running smoothly? You are butt hurt because Florida does it right and you hate that, that’s why you divert the conversation. Are you high?
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Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
You said why, super majority Republican and DeSantis as governor. After the debacle in 2000 Florida got its act together with voting laws
You know nothing about Florida Moon Bat. You are always confused.

When the Democrats were in charge we had deficits just like other Democrat controlled states.

However, now we have surpluses, a booming economy due to DeSantis not shutting down the economy during the Pandemic. Our kids also did not lose a year of education because of the schools being shut down like they did in the Moon Bat states.

Most Floridians are not the rich but normal hard working Americans that have been devastated by Democrat policies at the Federal level. Like tremendous inflation, decreased family income and high cost of fuel. That doesn't even count the drain on resources from the goddamn Illegals that Potatohead allowed to flood into the country. DeSantis had done a lot to negate the damage like lowering taxes and growing the economy but Potatohead has fucked this country.

The stupid tourist industry generates a lot of tax revenue but it also produces a tremendous drain on government services . It is just about a wash.

Florida is the model for America so the question remains; Why can't every state have their act together like Florida?
I think you've answered your own question. Most states simply don't WANT to have their act together when it comes to elections. They WANT to be able to tie up the process as long as possible.
I think you've answered your own question. Most states simply don't WANT to have their act together when it comes to elections. They WANT to be able to tie up the process as long as possible.
You might be right and who would benefit from this debacle? The oligarchy and big corporations of course.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
Florida sucks you seen the rental and housing cost? It's one of the worst in the nation now
Democrats run states like PA. Look at Ohio just across the border. They take voter fraud seriously. Elections run smooth in Ohio and results are all known on election night before midnight.

The reason voter fraud exists in because of state like California being controlled by Democrats want loose elections laws to make it easier to maintain one party rule.

Fair elections means competition for them.

Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
Just curious, what makes Florida absentee voting any safer than other states? They are way way way more liberal than many other states... They allow any registered voter to request one, and vote. States like Texas only allows the sick and elderly, but Florida is no excuse required?

Now regarding the quickness of Florida's quick vote count....


Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin are unable, under their Republican created election law by their Republican majority legislatures, to sort, separate, check for signature match, take out of envelopes or count, until election day.

Florida election law, allows absentee and early voting to be processed and counted, prior to election day and even as the votes are cast.

Democrats in these state legislatures introduced an election law bill, to allow their states to process and count absentee ballots and early votes, EXACTLY AS FLORIDA DOES, before election day.

But the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY LEGISLATURES IN THESE STATES, voted it down, and the law to make it like Florida, was voted down by these Republicans.I

THIS IS A STRATEGIC REPUBLICAN PLOY, to make these states with Democratic Governors look bad, and the Republican false claims of nefarious doings even possible, because it takes so much longer to count, than a State like Florida who can count absentee votes much much earlier than these states can, under their law.

You're being DUPED in to thinking something is wrong!
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NO it's called mismanagement, Milwaukee has plenty of cheap housing for people,

Exactly, because who the fuck is moving to Milwaukee? Nobody

Florida No, Boise Idaho with all that new California money,

Exactly, because that's where people are moving, Boise, Florida, Phoenix, Vegas, etc. all places with rising housing costs.

No and I could go on and on.
Please do and keep on proving my point.
Because they suffered the most due to repressive COVID restrictions?

Just getting back to normal due to policies you implemented making the situation further below normal than other States isn't anything to crow about.

It's like taking credit for cleaning up after the stampede you created by firing a rifle over the heads of the cattle.

Yiddish has a great word for this, "Chutzpah"
We stayed closed longer to attempt to stop the spread of covid. Many many kids went to vacation in Florida during the pandemic and they brought covid home with them. Super spreaders. I remember those parties on TV.

Unfortunately Republicans kept going out and spreading it so our efforts were all for nothing.

Funny she got re elected. Oh yea, abortion. You guys will be kicking yourselves for years that that Supreme Court decision was leaked before the midterms and not after. Right now you guys would be impeaching Biden and making abortion illegal. Veto proof. Red wave. But it didn't happen.

This reminds me how you came one thumbs up away from killing Obamacare.

Florida is #4 by GDP with strong growth, Not bad at all. :thup:

The economy of the State of California is the largest in the United States, with a $3.5 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2021. It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California were a sovereign nation (2022), it would rank as the world's fifth largest economy, behind Japan and Germany.

Out of all 50 states, New York had the highest per-capita real gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021, at 76,365 U.S. dollars, followed closely by Massachusetts. Mississippi had the lowest per-capita real GDP, at 35,374 U.S. dollars.
According to Bloomberg, Michigan experienced its best economic recovery in history over the last two years. Michigan is #1 nationwide based on equally-weighted measures of employment, personal income, home prices, and stock market performance of publicly-traded companies.

Thanks Gretchen Whitmer
Michigan has a Ghoul for a Governor.

We have a lot more people from Michigan moving to Florida than we have Floridians moving to that goddamn pissant yankee state.
We stayed closed longer to attempt to stop the spread of covid. Many many kids went to vacation in Florida during the pandemic and they brought covid home with them. Super spreaders. I remember those parties on TV.

Unfortunately Republicans kept going out and spreading it so our efforts were all for nothing.

Funny she got re elected. Oh yea, abortion. You guys will be kicking yourselves for years that that Supreme Court decision was leaked before the midterms and not after. Right now you guys would be impeaching Biden and making abortion illegal. Veto proof. Red wave. But it didn't happen.

This reminds me how you came one thumbs up away from killing Obamacare.

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And your economy suffered for dubious benefits. That they were allowed to come and go shows the in State extended precautions were just for show, like the stores that blocked off non essential items in stores like seeds, so people couldn't do work OUTSIDE.

The Roe stuff will balance itself out once pro-lifers realize they may have to compromise and support bans only on birth control abortions between 6-16 weeks after conception. DeSantis figured that one out. The thing is laws like that are far more popular than "abortion whenever" laws, and abortion rights people aren't the type to compromise, they were used to winning for too long.
The economy of the State of California is the largest in the United States, with a $3.5 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2021. It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California were a sovereign nation (2022), it would rank as the world's fifth largest economy, behind Japan and Germany.

Out of all 50 states, New York had the highest per-capita real gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021, at 76,365 U.S. dollars, followed closely by Massachusetts. Mississippi had the lowest per-capita real GDP, at 35,374 U.S. dollars.

How much of New York's and California's present and future production is locked into supporting underfunded State Employee Pension Funds?
You said why, super majority Republican and DeSantis as governor. After the debacle in 2000 Florida got its act together with voting laws

However, it wasn't as much of a debacle as the filthy Democrats made it out to be. The only reason we got into that stupid chad counting bullshit was because it was so close that the Democrat scum thought they could change the results by putting two Democrats and one Republican at a table to decide the intent of the voter.

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