Why aren't monkeys evolving now?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
I didn't know humans evolved from monkeys. I'm glad we lost our tails; imagine the nuisance they would be when squatting on the toilet.

At any rate, as long as species pass alleles to their offspring, don't they evolve?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land. Evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Fossil evidence has shown that sea creatures, likely related to arthropods, first began to make forays on to land around 530 million years ago. There is little reason to believe, however, that animals first began living reliably on land around this same time period. A more likely hypothesis is that these early arthropods' motivation for venturing on to dry land was to mate (as modern horseshoe crabs do) or lay eggs out of the reach of predators.[4] As time went on, evidence suggests that by approximately 375 million years ago, the bony fish best adapted to life in shallow coastal/swampy waters (such as Tiktaalik roseae), were much more viable as amphibians than were their arthropod predecessors. Thanks to relatively strong, muscular limbs (which were likely weight-bearing, thus making them a preferable alternative to traditional fins in extremely shallow water),[5] and lungs which existed in conjunction with gills, Tiktaalik and animals like it were able to establish a strong foothold on land by the end of the Devonian period. As such, they are likely the most recent common ancestor of all modern tetrapods.
Terrestrial animal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Well, I never said whether or not I believe in evolution.

I'm just asking questions.

So far, the answers have been pretty mediocre.

One person tells me to read a science book.

Another person tells me humans are still evolving, but doesn't provide any links.

Is this really your best effort to defend your theory of evolution, upon which so much depends?
Telling me to educate myself is dodging. I have come here to be educated by you. Prove the theory of evolution is true. Stop telling me to look it up myself.
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Its called better nutrition, not evolution
The fundamentalists have built their fortress around the Creation story in the book of Genesis. The theory of evolution is your battering ram and catapult. If you are to lay siege to the faith of so many, at least be prepared to defend what you say you believe in.

Tell me why monkeys are not still evolving into men. That is my first question. If you can answer that, I will ask more questions.

If you are not interested in this mental exercise, clear the room and don't distract the people who are interested.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
What an absurd proposition! Of course monkeys evolve, just look at our USMB progressives. They can't be more than a generation away from monkey

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Its called better nutrition, not evolution
Evolution is influenced by nutrition, climate etc.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Again. Educate yourself. We don't know where or how 'life' begins. Any organic compound is a sign of life. Murchison meteorite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Organic compounds, it is theorized, were in the sea on Earth, and over billions of years evolved into aquatic life forms that evolved into terrestial life forms. Didn't you take any science classes in school?

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