Why are we in Syria?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Has congress declared war against syria or otherwise authorized force? Then what authority does the president have to be bombing syria? And why isn't anyone demanding the president stop bombing or make a case?

Lots of people declared Iraq an unconstitutional war despite the authorization from Congress. Obama doesn't have an authorization in Syria so why is any of our military attacking anyone in syria?
war on terrorism ---------it is actually----for military purposes a "declared war" I have been told that persons in active duty DURING THE WAR ON TERRORISM----considered "veterans of war"
No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.
I'm also told by a Constitutional supporter that we do not have a standing army--our military has to be voted on every year or two in order to continue business as usual. Pretty amazing, if it's correct, mostly because the military managed to survive the Vietnam War.

Doctor, is your quote Shakespeare?
No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.
I'm also told by a Constitutional supporter that we do not have a standing army--our military has to be voted on every year or two in order to continue business as usual. Pretty amazing, if it's correct, mostly because the military managed to survive the Vietnam War.

Doctor, is your quote Shakespeare?

Yep, sure is. King Lear.
The US is in Syria so that Big Ears can assist ISIS in overthrowing Assad...since after all, history tells us that removing the dictator of a Muslim nation, results in peace and love...:uhoh3:
war on terrorism ---------it is actually----for military purposes a "declared war" I have been told that persons in active duty DURING THE WAR ON TERRORISM----considered "veterans of war"

what do you find funny-----brulee? my own son had been ACTIVE DUTY during the war on terrorism----------I will not tell you what he did------it may not be legal to divulge
that information
if we don't flex our muscles on a regular basis funding our military complex to the extreme draws too many questions ...
No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.

"NO ONE"??? you have not encountered a whole lot of muslims in your lifetime---
have you?

I count many Muslims among my friends, and not a single one of them want us to stop bombing ISIS.
In 2015, the US will have a declared military and defense budget of $601 billion, which is more than the next 7 highest spending countries combined.

that's why we are in Syria.
No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.

"NO ONE"??? you have not encountered a whole lot of muslims in your lifetime---
have you?

I count many Muslims among my friends, and not a single one of them want us to stop bombing ISIS.

what do you call "MANY" I have no doubt that I have had far more muslim friends than have you------friends and colleagues and people whom I came to know very closely-----enough to discover what actually goes on in muslim circles and homes and schools and mosques. 9-11-01 -----was startling----but in essence did not surprise me-------nor did the fact that muslims celebrated ----nor did the fact that muslim children were parroting "DA JOOOS DID IT" within one day of the event. For the record ---LOTS OF MUSLIMS despise ISIS-----Shiites ----virtually ALL OF THEM, certainly do. Saudis do. SO? Lots of muslims despise all sorts of "other" muslims The most significant hatred I encountered
as a very young woman--------close up------was the HATRED Iranian muslims have
for 'arabs' I saw it long before I had the Shiite/sunni thing figured out. The group of people I encountered at that time were highly educated young people long
before the "cultural revolution" in Iran. ----in fact at a time when the people of the USA, in general ------did not know a muslim from a hindu from a martian
if we don't flex our muscles on a regular basis funding our military complex to the extreme draws too many questions ...

ok have fun in the LSD parlors of your flower child 1960s youth
In 2015, the US will have a declared military and defense budget of $601 billion, which is more than the next 7 highest spending countries combined.

that's why we are in Syria.

the USA people also spend lots on HALLOWEEN CANDY-------ask CARSON ----
must be a conspiracy controlled by DENTISTS
No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.

"NO ONE"??? you have not encountered a whole lot of muslims in your lifetime---
have you?

I count many Muslims among my friends, and not a single one of them want us to stop bombing ISIS.

what do you call "MANY" I have no doubt that I have had far more muslim friends than have you------friends and colleagues and people whom I came to know very closely-----enough to discover what actually goes on in muslim circles and homes and schools and mosques. 9-11-01 -----was startling----but in essence did not surprise me-------nor did the fact that muslims celebrated ----nor did the fact that muslim children were parroting "DA JOOOS DID IT" within one day of the event. For the record ---LOTS OF MUSLIMS despise ISIS-----Shiites ----virtually ALL OF THEM, certainly do. Saudis do. SO? Lots of muslims despise all sorts of "other" muslims The most significant hatred I encountered
as a very young woman--------close up------was the HATRED Iranian muslims have
for 'arabs' I saw it long before I had the Shiite/sunni thing figured out. The group of people I encountered at that time were highly educated young people long
before the "cultural revolution" in Iran. ----in fact at a time when the people of the USA, in general ------did not know a muslim from a hindu from a martian


Your asinine and ridiculous opinions of Muslims is enough evidence for me to conclude that you've probably never spoken to a Muslim in your life.

I feel no need to convince you of anything.
Has congress declared war against syria or otherwise authorized force? Then what authority does the president have to be bombing syria? And why isn't anyone demanding the president stop bombing or make a case?

Lots of people declared Iraq an unconstitutional war despite the authorization from Congress. Obama doesn't have an authorization in Syria so why is any of our military attacking anyone in syria?
There actually is some dispute over whether Obama has the authority, which is why he has been asking the GOP Congress for over a year to give him a specific AUMF against ISIS, which they have refused.

In the meantime, Obama claims he has the authority under the 9/11 AUMF.

No one has challenged this in court, because they are happy to let him take all the blame if something goes wrong. This is also why they don't approve an AUMF, because then they would have some ownership.

No one is demanding the President stop bombing ISIS because no one wants the US to stop bombing ISIS.

"NO ONE"??? you have not encountered a whole lot of muslims in your lifetime---
have you?

I count many Muslims among my friends, and not a single one of them want us to stop bombing ISIS.

what do you call "MANY" I have no doubt that I have had far more muslim friends than have you------friends and colleagues and people whom I came to know very closely-----enough to discover what actually goes on in muslim circles and homes and schools and mosques. 9-11-01 -----was startling----but in essence did not surprise me-------nor did the fact that muslims celebrated ----nor did the fact that muslim children were parroting "DA JOOOS DID IT" within one day of the event. For the record ---LOTS OF MUSLIMS despise ISIS-----Shiites ----virtually ALL OF THEM, certainly do. Saudis do. SO? Lots of muslims despise all sorts of "other" muslims The most significant hatred I encountered
as a very young woman--------close up------was the HATRED Iranian muslims have
for 'arabs' I saw it long before I had the Shiite/sunni thing figured out. The group of people I encountered at that time were highly educated young people long
before the "cultural revolution" in Iran. ----in fact at a time when the people of the USA, in general ------did not know a muslim from a hindu from a martian


Your asinine and ridiculous opinions of Muslims is enough evidence for me to conclude that you've probably never spoken to a Muslim in your life.

I feel no need to convince you of anything.

how interesting-----in fact you are entirely wrong. What do you IMAGINE are my ASININE AND RIDICULOUS opinions about muslims? I have not even provided any "opinions" about muslims------I have noted aspects of the societies
and teachings to which they are subjected and the biases of those societies. Young muslim medical school graduates in the US for the first time in their mid twenties do not DESPISE-----the "other" muslims as manifestations of their own
personalities---------the stuff is learned at home----in mosques and from family and community.

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