Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
See, that is why you are illogical. I ask you to point something specific. You say my posts are racist. I say find one that is and you cannot so you say they are anti black. I say find one that is and you say all of them.

You are a crazy man. The world is better off without people like you (leftists) in it. Honestly.
Listen, my first interactions with you you were spewing standard white supremacist garbage.

I'm not going to recall everything, just in general.

Deal with it.
Bullshit. I called you out on your racism. I cannot be a white supremacist. I am a Jew. So I ask again, show me ONE POST where I show even a hint of racism.
Youre an Askenazi which is a white person. Just because your ancestors converted to Judaism doesnt make you a true Hebrew.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
..so fighting against injustice is wrong???!!
BLM wants to KILL white people
etc many links

Yes, there definitely some radicals in that group.

BLM is promoting the lies and promoting HATE against whites and cops---
..so hating people of other races is ok with you???!!!
Why do white people protest along side BLM protestors?
Because they are tired of you racist fucks?
As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with yo
What do you mean by "level playing field?"
What do you think that means?
Government confiscating the means of production and distribution from individuals? (Literally Marxism)

There can never be a "level" playing field. It never has been level....FOR ANYONE...and never will be. Some people have better opportunities. Some have better talent. Others are smarter or more savvy. Others are good looking or fit.

It can NEVER be equal results. That is a bullshit pipe dream, no matter how much government tinkering you do.
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Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.

I respect your opinion, but I see absolutely no truth in it. Expand on this point, and maybe I can see your POV.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.
I have NEVER benefited from slavery. Prove it.

I have NEVER benefited from Racism. PROVE IT!!!

In fact, it was to my detriment. My great great great grandfather was a non-slave-holding farmer in SW Louisiana, and later in Texas. He competed DIRECTLY against slave plantations. He was conscripted into the Louisiana Cavalry to protect the very institution against which he directly competed, but those who owned the plantation didn't have to fight, did they?

This is all bullshit. It's nothing more than rich verses poor. The race shit is window dressing.

In other words, it's just more Marxism.

But, like I said, I SUPPORT affordable business and education loans for NEEDED industries, as a form of reparations. That gets you a LOT farther down the road than some shitty government check every month.
Bullshit. I called you out on your racism. I cannot be a white supremacist. I am a Jew. So I ask again, show me ONE POST where I show even a hint of racism.
You're white, aren't you?
I am tan. It’s summer. I tan easily. No sunscreen. Must be my Jew skin from my ancestral home of Judea. But yes, I am white. I am also 6’3, 205. Are you looking for a date? I like women, sorry.
See, that is why you are illogical. I ask you to point something specific. You say my posts are racist. I say find one that is and you cannot so you say they are anti black. I say find one that is and you say all of them.

You are a crazy man. The world is better off without people like you (leftists) in it. Honestly.
Listen, my first interactions with you you were spewing standard white supremacist garbage.

I'm not going to recall everything, just in general.

Deal with it.
Bullshit. I called you out on your racism. I cannot be a white supremacist. I am a Jew. So I ask again, show me ONE POST where I show even a hint of racism.
Youre an Askenazi which is a white person. Just because your ancestors converted to Judaism doesnt make you a true Hebrew.
My ancestors are from Judea. No one converted. There are different shades of “white”. I dont need sun screen in the summer time in MA. Yes in Fla or Aruba. I tan easily. I have wavy hair like your boy Jesus. They don’t make Jews like Jesus anymore or do they?
Asians got theirs for the Japanese encampment fiasco that America put them through.

Yeah, because it was cheap. Only 80,000 people received them. Would $20,000 a person make things all square with black people? Sounds a bit unreasonable to me. Plus, what would be the true barometer for the amount of black people 'owed'?

You'd have to show me where Latinos were oppressed historically.

I'd say start with researching how the U.S. obtained our southwestern states.

Reparations isn't a handout, it's a debt owed.

People's feelings aren't going to change those facts.

I think people's feelings absolutely change those facts. Especially people in power that would make such decisions, for where it has been wholly unsuccessful. No judgement, just a fact.

Wealth distribution has been, and still is, going on in this country. Just in the wrong direction.

That's a whole other ball of wax that has less to do with racial inequality than pure classism, IMO.
" Yeah, because it was cheap. "

Fucking up generations of Black families is expensive. The US had a chance to pay the debt and cease racism in 1865 but neglected to do so then. The fact that the US lack of actions and ongoing racism has become exceedingly expensive is not a good enough excuse to simply pretend the debt isnt owed.
Then, go get it from those who owe it and prove you are entitled to payment.

It's much easier to do a cheap business/education loan program for NEEDED industries, and will bring about a much better benefit to black folks.
As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with yo
What do you mean by "level playing field?"
What do you think that means?
Government confiscating the means of production and distribution from individuals? (Literally Marxism)

There can never be a "level" playing field. It never has been level....FOR ANYONE...and never will be. Some people have better opportunities. Some have better talent. Others are smarter or more savvy. Others are good looking or fit.

It can NEVER be equal results. That is a bullshit pipe dream, no matter how much government tinkering you do.
Whites were legislated better opportunities time and time again. It had nothing to do with talent or intelligence. It was fear and opportunity. If they were not afraid of competing on a level playing field why did they legislate themselves a myriad of head starts over the course of US history?
It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians

Eh? Reparations would come from our combined economy, right? So how do you figure that?

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern

Perhaps, but your concerns aren't paramount to everyone else's either. When you believe they are is where 'entitlement' rears its ugly head.

Its simple. Take the money from the defense budget or any other inflated budget.

We already know our concerns arent paramount to others which is why I say whites are going to have to come to grips with its importance if they truly wish to resolve the issue. This is why I say dialogue is meaningless without action.
I support your request to take from the defense budget, but in the form of cheap business/education loans for needed industries. That will help black folks 100,000 times more than a stupid check every month.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.

I respect your opinion, but I see absolutely no truth in it. Expand on this point, and maybe I can see your POV.
Which point? I made 2.
As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with yo
What do you mean by "level playing field?"
What do you think that means?
Government confiscating the means of production and distribution from individuals? (Literally Marxism)

There can never be a "level" playing field. It never has been level....FOR ANYONE...and never will be. Some people have better opportunities. Some have better talent. Others are smarter or more savvy. Others are good looking or fit.

It can NEVER be equal results. That is a bullshit pipe dream, no matter how much government tinkering you do.
Whites were legislated better opportunities time and time again. It had nothing to do with talent or intelligence. It was fear and opportunity. If they were not afraid of competing on a level playing field why did they legislate themselves a myriad of head starts over the course of US history?
Oh, no doubt. FDR was one of the worst offenders. It's really too bad that MANY MANY MANY white people DID NOT benefit (including me and my poor-ass ancestors on all sides).

Like I said, the best way to "level the playing field" is to give opportunities for success, like cheap business/education loans for needed industries.
It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians

Eh? Reparations would come from our combined economy, right? So how do you figure that?

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern

Perhaps, but your concerns aren't paramount to everyone else's either. When you believe they are is where 'entitlement' rears its ugly head.

Its simple. Take the money from the defense budget or any other inflated budget.

We already know our concerns arent paramount to others which is why I say whites are going to have to come to grips with its importance if they truly wish to resolve the issue. This is why I say dialogue is meaningless without action.
I support your request to take from the defense budget, but in the form of cheap business/education loans for needed industries. That will help black folks 100,000 times more than a stupid check every month.
Time is money. I dont need a stupid check every month. I will make more money by getting it all upfront. I also dont need my money going into a fund where whites can figure out a way to get it by making a some bullshit law that has a loophole that allows them access.
As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with yo
What do you mean by "level playing field?"
What do you think that means?
Government confiscating the means of production and distribution from individuals? (Literally Marxism)

There can never be a "level" playing field. It never has been level....FOR ANYONE...and never will be. Some people have better opportunities. Some have better talent. Others are smarter or more savvy. Others are good looking or fit.

It can NEVER be equal results. That is a bullshit pipe dream, no matter how much government tinkering you do.
Skin color should not be a factor. You enslaven a race for over a hundred years & then free them yet keep them under your whitey thumb for another hundred plus years & pass a bill ion 1964 & expect everything to be caught up in three generations?
As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with yo
What do you mean by "level playing field?"
What do you think that means?
Government confiscating the means of production and distribution from individuals? (Literally Marxism)

There can never be a "level" playing field. It never has been level....FOR ANYONE...and never will be. Some people have better opportunities. Some have better talent. Others are smarter or more savvy. Others are good looking or fit.

It can NEVER be equal results. That is a bullshit pipe dream, no matter how much government tinkering you do.
Whites were legislated better opportunities time and time again. It had nothing to do with talent or intelligence. It was fear and opportunity. If they were not afraid of competing on a level playing field why did they legislate themselves a myriad of head starts over the course of US history?

I came up in the 'enlightened' age of affirmative action, created solely due to white guilt. Did you find this an advantage or a detriment to minorities? Please explain your answer, if you wouldn't mind.
Its simple. Take the money from the defense budget or any other inflated budget.

You seem to forget we all contribute to said budget. You also seem to forget who holds the purse strings. I see nothing simple about that.

This is why I say dialogue is meaningless without action

Action won't happen without a dialogue and consensus.
Congress holds the purse strings and we all contribute to the entity that is the US.

We cant have dialogue on something we disagree on. Its not a bargaining session. Its money owed.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.

I respect your opinion, but I see absolutely no truth in it. Expand on this point, and maybe I can see your POV.
Which point? I made 2.

Excuse me for not being clearer. The 'all whites' point you made.

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