Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Not my point, MarcATL. It's 2020. Have we not learned from our history that it might be a good idea to keep that Pandora's Box shut? Are you for wealth distribution for blacks? What about Asians? Latinos?
Asians got theirs for the Japanese encampment fiasco that America put them through.

You'd have to show me where Latinos were oppressed historically.

Reparations isn't a handout, it's a debt owed.

People's feelings aren't going to change those facts.

Wealth distribution has been, and still is, going on in this country. Just in the wrong direction.
Asians got theirs for the Japanese encampment fiasco that America put them through.

Yeah, because it was cheap. Only 80,000 people received them. Would $20,000 a person make things all square with black people? Sounds a bit unreasonable to me. Plus, what would be the true barometer for the amount of black people 'owed'?

You'd have to show me where Latinos were oppressed historically.

I'd say start with researching how the U.S. obtained our southwestern states.

Reparations isn't a handout, it's a debt owed.

People's feelings aren't going to change those facts.

I think people's feelings absolutely change those facts. Especially people in power that would make such decisions, for where it has been wholly unsuccessful. No judgement, just a fact.

Wealth distribution has been, and still is, going on in this country. Just in the wrong direction.

That's a whole other ball of wax that has less to do with racial inequality than pure classism, IMO.
Show me one post in my history and verbiage where there is an even a hint of racism. Tell the KKK and the antisemites that I am "white". They don't care. They just use the "K" word and state they wished Germany finished the job. I would actually enjoy speaking with you minus the vitriol on ideas of how to make this country better but I do not believe you're capable.
Your views are anti-black.
Such as? LOL
You don't know what Marxism is... Remember?

You should read up on it.

Do you support Marxism?
No, I don't care to.

From your very link, it states that there's currently no single, definitive Marxist theory. Which informs me that that simply means that people like you get to make crap up about it and/or apply it to anything you want to attack and demonize.

Like I said, its something in the past.
The ONE SINGLE FEATURE that is held in common among all the "Marxist" theories is the REMOVAL FROM INDIVIDUALS the ownership or control of the means of production/distribution.

Now, you can deny and make up all the fairy tales you want and try to hide your COMMIE BULLSHIT, but we KNOW you're a fucking commie.

The defense rests.
Well said. I would say less commie and more selfish and entitled. BTW - Is that you on that bike or Lance Armstrong?
Selfish = commie, so I agree.

And, I am Lance Armstrong....


(I'm kidding)(but I live in the same area and ride with the same guys [Richardson Bike Mart or RBM] and Plano Bicycle Association)

A very good friend of mine used to ride in Austin, cop. Another very good friend is a commander in the Austin PD.
Richardson/Plano is Dallas area, but a LOT of people ride in the Austin area. It's actually GREAT for riding.
You ask for reparations and cry racism. You never complain that people don’t care about black kids dying in Chicago. If I am wrong link me to a post that shows you do. Thanks.
Since the OP was to chicken to fully go down this road, maybe you actually have the balls to.

Who do you believe are the people that don't care about children dying in Chicago?

Moreover, what do said dead children have to do with racism?
Why did you change the narrative? I am asking about YOU!!

People do care. Very much so. I think this is ridiculous. I am a Jew. Jews are not racist (some outliers) we like to help as many as we can. Didn't your parents teach you manners? It is rude to answer a question with a question.

Jews are not racist?????? Why are those who are the MOST racist, always the first to claim they're not racist? I've been the token shiksa in an all Jewish firm. You're full of shit.

It it also the height of rudeness to point out the rudeness of other since the whole point of good manners is to make others feel comfortable and welcome.

Any other closely held beliefs you need to have explained to you are based on utter bullshit?
Then quit and go somewhere else. Oh wait they must pay you well. Your antisemitism is noted.
Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
I gave you an option. I said you were either an idiot that had no clue what BLM stood for or you were a racist. Theres no other options.

There is always going to be escalating tensions as long as racism and/or your ignorance abounds.

Racism isn't going anywhere. You are an irrational individual who's mind has been pervaded into thinking you need to fight against an insurmountable cause.

There will always be bigotry, racism and hatred between humans, as long as there are humans on this planet. You are adding to that daily being probably one of the most hated filled bigoted racists on this board. How you fail to see your own culpability in what you espouse to stand against is astounding.

I am honestly curious as to what racism you have personally experienced that turned you into the vitriolic fear/hate monger you are today? Did a white guy honk at you for jaywalking? Or do you have an actual gripe/reason to be so awful constantly?
" Racism isn't going anywhere. "

As long as whites are afraid to compete on a level playing field I agree with you but that's not going to stop me from speaking on it and against it.
I ask AGAIN:

What is a "level playing field?"
What does that mean?
What does it look like?
How do we make it happen?
Such as? LOL
Such as all of them.
See, that is why you are illogical. I ask you to point something specific. You say my posts are racist. I say find one that is and you cannot so you say they are anti black. I say find one that is and you say all of them.

You are a crazy man. The world is better off without people like you (leftists) in it. Honestly.
See, that is why you are illogical. I ask you to point something specific. You say my posts are racist. I say find one that is and you cannot so you say they are anti black. I say find one that is and you say all of them.

You are a crazy man. The world is better off without people like you (leftists) in it. Honestly.
Listen, my first interactions with you you were spewing standard white supremacist garbage.

I'm not going to recall everything, just in general.

Deal with it.
See, that is why you are illogical. I ask you to point something specific. You say my posts are racist. I say find one that is and you cannot so you say they are anti black. I say find one that is and you say all of them.

You are a crazy man. The world is better off without people like you (leftists) in it. Honestly.
Listen, my first interactions with you you were spewing standard white supremacist garbage.

I'm not going to recall everything, just in general.

Deal with it.
Bullshit. I called you out on your racism. I cannot be a white supremacist. I am a Jew. So I ask again, show me ONE POST where I show even a hint of racism.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Asians got theirs for the Japanese encampment fiasco that America put them through.

Yeah, because it was cheap. Only 80,000 people received them. Would $20,000 a person make things all square with black people? Sounds a bit unreasonable to me. Plus, what would be the true barometer for the amount of black people 'owed'?

You'd have to show me where Latinos were oppressed historically.

I'd say start with researching how the U.S. obtained our southwestern states.

Reparations isn't a handout, it's a debt owed.

People's feelings aren't going to change those facts.

I think people's feelings absolutely change those facts. Especially people in power that would make such decisions, for where it has been wholly unsuccessful. No judgement, just a fact.

Wealth distribution has been, and still is, going on in this country. Just in the wrong direction.

That's a whole other ball of wax that has less to do with racial inequality than pure classism, IMO.
" Yeah, because it was cheap. "

Fucking up generations of Black families is expensive. The US had a chance to pay the debt and cease racism in 1865 but neglected to do so then. The fact that the US lack of actions and ongoing racism has become exceedingly expensive is not a good enough excuse to simply pretend the debt isnt owed.
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It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians

Eh? Reparations would come from our combined economy, right? So how do you figure that?

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern

Perhaps, but your concerns aren't paramount to everyone else's either. When you believe they are is where 'entitlement' rears its ugly head.
It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians

Eh? Reparations would come from our combined economy, right? So how do you figure that?

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern

Perhaps, but your concerns aren't paramount to everyone else's either. When you believe they are is where 'entitlement' rears its ugly head.

Its simple. Take the money from the defense budget or any other inflated budget.

We already know our concerns arent paramount to others which is why I say whites are going to have to come to grips with its importance if they truly wish to resolve the issue. This is why I say dialogue is meaningless without action.

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