Why are so many prisoners homosexual?


VIP Member
Nov 1, 2011
I've heard homo leaders talk about how their homosexuality wasn't their choice, they were born that way. So why is the homo percentage of prisoners so much higher than the general population?

Some possible explanations:
1) Homosexuality is actually a choice. Since there are no women available to have sex with, they choose men.
2) Homosexuals are more likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
3) Homosexuals are picked on by the courts, so they're more likely to go to prison than normal people.

I believe the evidence strongly favors that homosexuality is a choice. Furthermore, I believe they are more likely to commit crimes. That's because they chose homosexuality even though it's wrong. People who make that choice are more likely to make other choices that are wrong, such as choosing to violate laws.

If you disagree, but have no logical argument to present, then just call me names and tell me I'm stupid. If you do have a logical argument, please present it.
I've heard homo leaders talk about how their homosexuality wasn't their choice, they were born that way. So why is the homo percentage of prisoners so much higher than the general population?

Some possible explanations:
1) Homosexuality is actually a choice. Since there are no women available to have sex with, they choose men.
2) Homosexuals are more likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
3) Homosexuals are picked on by the courts, so they're more likely to go to prison than normal people.

I believe the evidence strongly favors that homosexuality is a choice. Furthermore, I believe they are more likely to commit crimes. That's because they chose homosexuality even though it's wrong. People who make that choice are more likely to make other choices that are wrong, such as choosing to violate laws.

If you disagree, but have no logical argument to present, then just call me names and tell me I'm stupid. If you do have a logical argument, please present it.
how do you know they are?.....
Dude, you gotta stick your dick somewhere. After a while anything will do. It does not mean they are gay. You can close your eyes during a blow job and the giver can be anyone you want it to be. Many times I have imagined that Gwen Stefani was blowing me when in reality it was some skank. Yes, I prefer women. I have never been in prison, but after awhile I can imagine that dudes will be willing to make certain compromises.

Being a homo means that you prefer the same sex. Any man with one knows that a dick has a mind of its own and that it is blind. Lighten up.
I've heard homo leaders talk about how their homosexuality wasn't their choice, they were born that way. So why is the homo percentage of prisoners so much higher than the general population?

Some possible explanations:
1) Homosexuality is actually a choice. Since there are no women available to have sex with, they choose men.
2) Homosexuals are more likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
3) Homosexuals are picked on by the courts, so they're more likely to go to prison than normal people.

I believe the evidence strongly favors that homosexuality is a choice. Furthermore, I believe they are more likely to commit crimes. That's because they chose homosexuality even though it's wrong. People who make that choice are more likely to make other choices that are wrong, such as choosing to violate laws.

If you disagree, but have no logical argument to present, then just call me names and tell me I'm stupid. If you do have a logical argument, please present it.

Having sex is always a choice. But my personal opinion is sexual orientations don't actually exist in nature. Rather horny people or animals will simply seek sex from whoever's willing. As such, prisoners in all-monosexual groups (all men/women) will seek sex from whoever's willing and available. Because of a prisoner's lack of female options, they opt to 'make due.' But that's not homosexuality, as many prisoners have explained to researchers inquiring about this phenomenae. They explain they don't continue homosexual relationships outside of prison and simply 'made due' with what was available.

I don't believe homosexuality or heterosexuality is something you're born with. Rather I think we're born, for all intents and purposes, bisexual. Or as I think of myself, 'just sexual.' And it's only society's insistence of picking a term that makes people then identify as one or the other, gay or straight. But given the means and opportunity, most experiment. But because of our inherent homophobia and discriminatory practices against homosexuality, only those for whom it's more positively linked to positive experiences opt for it over heterosexual relationships.
I've heard homo leaders talk about how their homosexuality wasn't their choice, they were born that way. So why is the homo percentage of prisoners so much higher than the general population?

Some possible explanations:
1) Homosexuality is actually a choice. Since there are no women available to have sex with, they choose men.
2) Homosexuals are more likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
3) Homosexuals are picked on by the courts, so they're more likely to go to prison than normal people.

I believe the evidence strongly favors that homosexuality is a choice. Furthermore, I believe they are more likely to commit crimes. That's because they chose homosexuality even though it's wrong. People who make that choice are more likely to make other choices that are wrong, such as choosing to violate laws.

If you disagree, but have no logical argument to present, then just call me names and tell me I'm stupid. If you do have a logical argument, please present it.

You know what they say about opinions.

Considering your obsession with homosexuality, I'd say that's an appropriate comparison.

You're welcome to your opinions but you can't pretend they're facts.
I've heard homo leaders talk about how their homosexuality wasn't their choice, they were born that way. So why is the homo percentage of prisoners so much higher than the general population?

Some possible explanations:
1) Homosexuality is actually a choice. Since there are no women available to have sex with, they choose men.
2) Homosexuals are more likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
3) Homosexuals are picked on by the courts, so they're more likely to go to prison than normal people.

I believe the evidence strongly favors that homosexuality is a choice. Furthermore, I believe they are more likely to commit crimes. That's because they chose homosexuality even though it's wrong. People who make that choice are more likely to make other choices that are wrong, such as choosing to violate laws.

If you disagree, but have no logical argument to present, then just call me names and tell me I'm stupid. If you do have a logical argument, please present it.

You heard? Citations please.

Homo Leaders? What the hell does that mean?

So much higher? Citations please.

I suspect, at the root of the issue you present, might just be basic math. You know, available options!?! So your option #1 might be the most logical, but that fails to extrapolate to the larger human population.
Fact that different cultures even now define sexual orientations differently contributes to my disbelief in any of them being objective realities. In Brazil for example, a straight-identifying man may have sex with other men so ong as he's the penetrator and not the penatratee. Whereas the one penetrated is the 'gay' one. And right here in the US, the top demographic for transsexual porn are 'straight' men.

More likely then, terms like gay and straight are for other people's benefit instead of the one in question. I think we're all just 'sexual' and any/all variation is situational. Get drunk enough, turn down the lights, who knows what'll happen...:)

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