Why Are Leftists So Easily Hoodwinked???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well....certainly government schooling.
But, there are libraries, and Amazon.....why do Leftists treat books the way vampires treat garlic???

1. While not the first to advance the sort of pap that kindergarteners' accept, Marx must be given his due credit:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a slogan that Karl Marx made popular....

...and, the spin-offs of his fantasy include socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism.

Now for the facts:

2. "Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived.

2. Fidel Castro’s former bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sánchez says that the communist leader “lived like a king” and “ran country like a cross between medieval overlord and Louis XV.” While ordinary Cubans stood in breadlines and suffered the effects of a declining economy, Castro had his own private yacht and his own private island --
[Remember....this was the guy Hussein Obama rushed to kiss his boots....and got a kick in the rear for it!]

3. ....Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung was the greatest mass murderer in world history. “At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death,” he writes. “It was like [the Cambodian communist dictator] Pol Pot's genocide multiplied 20 times over."

In abook written by Mao’sown personal physician, Dr. Li Zhisui writes:

Despite his populist pretensions, Mao lived like a traditional emperor with all the material comforts that China could afford. His physical needs were taken care of by attendants recruited from young, uneducated peasants, who bathed and clothed him and combed his hair …. [He] indulged in young women--sometimes more than one at the same time -- and … even had a special bed made for his sexual activity…

a. On his death, Mao Tse-tung was worth an estimated $1 billion. Mao’s granddaughter has been named to China’s rich list, with a fortune of nearly £530 million.

4. The world’s second greatest mass murderer, Josef Stalin, killed 20 million, many by forced starvation. Stalin himself had no fear of starvation, however. Upon his death, he was worth an estimated $75 million."
Hate on the Left

5. "Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination"
Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination

That's Bernie Sanders, Marxist.

Gads, Democrats/Liberals are stuuuppppidddd!!!
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Left Wingers are fools and fanatic that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians easily exploit and manipulate
Maybe lefties are lefties so they don't end up on another lefty's hit list.

Coulter described them in a similar way:

  1. While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.
  2. The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.
Hoodwinked. Trump is the perpetrator of the biggest hoodwinking in recent history. And you fools are still falling for it :lol:
Hoodwinked. Trump is the perpetrator of the biggest hoodwinking in recent history. And you fools are still falling for it :lol:

Liberal playbook, page 1...

When you have been skewered by the truth and the facts (e.g., the OP), try to change the subject.

Scream 'Booooooshhhhhh!!' or, currently....'Truuuuummmmmpppp!!'

I should thank you for proving the last line of the OP.
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Well....certainly government schooling.
But, there are libraries, and Amazon.....why do Leftists treat books the way vampires treat garlic???

1. While not the first to advance the sort of pap that kindergarteners' accept, Marx must be given his due credit:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a slogan that Karl Marx made popular....

...and, the spin-offs of his fantasy include socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism.

Now for the facts:

2. "Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived.

2. Fidel Castro’s former bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sánchez says that the communist leader “lived like a king” and “ran country like a cross between medieval overlord and Louis XV.” While ordinary Cubans stood in breadlines and suffered the effects of a declining economy, Castro had his own private yacht and his own private island --
[Remember....this was the guy Hussein Obama rushed to kiss his boots....and got a kick in the rear for it!]

3. ....Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung was the greatest mass murderer in world history. “At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death,” he writes. “It was like [the Cambodian communist dictator] Pol Pot's genocide multiplied 20 times over."

In abook written by Mao’sown personal physician, Dr. Li Zhisui writes:

Despite his populist pretensions, Mao lived like a traditional emperor with all the material comforts that China could afford. His physical needs were taken care of by attendants recruited from young, uneducated peasants, who bathed and clothed him and combed his hair …. [He] indulged in young women--sometimes more than one at the same time -- and … even had a special bed made for his sexual activity…

a. On his death, Mao Tse-tung was worth an estimated $1 billion. Mao’s granddaughter has been named to China’s rich list, with a fortune of nearly £530 million.

4. The world’s second greatest mass murderer, Josef Stalin, killed 20 million, many by forced starvation. Stalin himself had no fear of starvation, however. Upon his death, he was worth an estimated $75 million."
Hate on the Left

5. "Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination"
Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination

That's Bernie Sanders, Marxist.

Gads, Democrats/Liberals are stuuuppppidddd!!!

lol, you've now started the same thread 100 times.

You win the participation trophy.
6. During the reign of avowed Marxist Hugo Chavez, Venezuela drowned in a sea of corruption involving “some of the most senior figures in Mr. Chávez’s “Bolivarian revolution,’” according to The Economist. The country was ranked as the eighth most graft-ridden county in the world. Even places like Haiti and Zimbabwe ranked higher.

7. Although Chavez is now dead, the country has continued its decline into dictatorship under the rule of Nicolas Maduro. Yet while ordinary people face food shortages, skyrocketing inflation and abject poverty, Chavez’s daughter, María Gabriela Chávez, has bank accounts in the U.S. and Andorra withassets totaling nearly $4.2 billion – making her the richest individual in the country.Hate on the Left

."Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination"
Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination

8.Somehow, Liberals/Democrats seem to apply this line from financial advisers to their political aspirants...."Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results"

Then, they can ignore the slaughter and squalor Leftism has produced in societies where it took hold.

... in politics,.... due diligence is required.

It's important to remember that liberalfilth are NOT human. They surrendered their humanity by plunging into their nationwide violence-orgy. As a result, cancer-deserving liberalfilth are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.
It's important to remember that liberalfilth are NOT human. They surrendered their humanity by plunging into their nationwide violence-orgy. As a result, cancer-deserving liberalfilth are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.

9. Now, about that 'worker's paradise' thing the Reds promised.....
The following is pretty good evidence of the fallacy of communism.

The Communists of East Germany did produce a consumer product....the Trabant is an excellent analogy for communist accomplishment.

"The Trabant is an automobile that was produced by former East German auto maker VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau in Zwickau, Sachsen. It was the most common vehicle in East Germany, and was also exported to countries both inside and outside the communist bloc. The main selling point was that it had room for four adults and luggage in a compact, light and durable shell.

Despite its mediocre performance and smoky two-stroke engine, the car is regarded with derisive affection as a symbol of the failed former East Germany and of the fall of communism (in former West Germany, as many East Germans streamed into West Berlin and West Germany in their Trabants after the opening of the Berlin Wallin 1989).

For advocates of capitalism it is often cited as an example of the disadvantages of centralized planning as even refueling the car required lifting the hood, filling the tank with gasoline (only 24 litres[1]), then adding two-stroke oil and shaking it back and forth to mix. It was in production without any significant changes for nearly 30 years with 3,096,099 Trabants produced in total."
Trabant - Wikipedia

....the man who goes to buy a car in Moscow, pays for it, and is told by the salesman that he can collect it on a particular date in 10 years' time. The buyer thinks for a moment and then asks:

'Morning or afternoon?'

The salesman, astonished by the question, asks: 'What difference does it make?'

And the buyer answers: 'Well, the plumber is coming in the morning.'

Yet, today....we still have dunces who vote for Leftism...i.e., Liberals or Democrats...

....How can they be so easily hoodwinked????
Well....certainly government schooling.
But, there are libraries, and Amazon.....why do Leftists treat books the way vampires treat garlic???

1. While not the first to advance the sort of pap that kindergarteners' accept, Marx must be given his due credit:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a slogan that Karl Marx made popular....

...and, the spin-offs of his fantasy include socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism.

Now for the facts:

2. "Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived.

2. Fidel Castro’s former bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sánchez says that the communist leader “lived like a king” and “ran country like a cross between medieval overlord and Louis XV.” While ordinary Cubans stood in breadlines and suffered the effects of a declining economy, Castro had his own private yacht and his own private island --
[Remember....this was the guy Hussein Obama rushed to kiss his boots....and got a kick in the rear for it!]

3. ....Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung was the greatest mass murderer in world history. “At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death,” he writes. “It was like [the Cambodian communist dictator] Pol Pot's genocide multiplied 20 times over."

In abook written by Mao’sown personal physician, Dr. Li Zhisui writes:

Despite his populist pretensions, Mao lived like a traditional emperor with all the material comforts that China could afford. His physical needs were taken care of by attendants recruited from young, uneducated peasants, who bathed and clothed him and combed his hair …. [He] indulged in young women--sometimes more than one at the same time -- and … even had a special bed made for his sexual activity…

a. On his death, Mao Tse-tung was worth an estimated $1 billion. Mao’s granddaughter has been named to China’s rich list, with a fortune of nearly £530 million.

4. The world’s second greatest mass murderer, Josef Stalin, killed 20 million, many by forced starvation. Stalin himself had no fear of starvation, however. Upon his death, he was worth an estimated $75 million."
Hate on the Left

5. "Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination"
Poll: Dems favor Biden, Sanders for 2020 nomination

That's Bernie Sanders, Marxist.

Gads, Democrats/Liberals are stuuuppppidddd!!!
is this a trick question ?:cool:
It's important to remember that liberalfilth are NOT human. They surrendered their humanity by plunging into their nationwide violence-orgy. As a result, cancer-deserving liberalfilth are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.


No, because that presupposes they were replicated from humans. They're descended from the cancerous pap-smear of their choice.
10. I believe in using the 'Gates Test' to judge a society or government's doctrines: when they lift the gates, do folks rush in or rush out.

Speaking of gates.....there was East Germany, Angela Merkel's birthplace and early indoctrination center....had more government spies than even Hitler's or Stalin's...

" To ensure that the people would become and remain submissive, East German communist leaders saturated their realm with more spies than had any other totalitarian government in recent history.

The Soviet Union's KGB employed about 480,000 full-time agents to oversee a nation of 280 million, which means there was one agent per 5,830 citizens.

... for the Nazi Gestapo, there was one officer for 2,000 people.

The ratio for the Stasi was one secret policeman per 166 East Germans. When the regular informers are added, these ratios become much higher: In the Stasi's case, there would have been at least one spy watching every 66 citizens!

When one adds in the estimated numbers of part-time snoops, the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens. It would not have been unreasonable to assume that at least one Stasi informer was present in any party of ten or twelve dinner guests."

Now....why would the Soviets, the Nazis, the Stasi, require sooooooo many agents????

Isn't it clear?
The Soviets, the Nazis, the East German Stasi all organized huge spy networks to keep tabs on, and intimidate their citizenry.

Could that happen in the USofA???

You betcha'!!!!

11. Time to play 'Pin the tail on the Fascist/Communist/Nazi!'
Or....'Turn in your fellow citizens!'

Speaking of state organized spying on the public, remember when the Obamunists did this....
"The White House wants people to believe they are losing the health care debate because “scary … videos are starting to percolate on the internet” that are spreading “disinformation” about Obama’s health care plan. The White House is even encouraging Obama supporters to help them identify people spreading this “disinformation.”

The official White House blog now asks Americans: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].”
Morning Bell: The People Spreading "Disinformation" About Obamacare

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