Why can't the Trump and GOP govern???


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:
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Bringing our racial issues to the for front has been a great accomplishment
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:
Democrats are your answer, they had 8 years and f..ked up the country real good, and they can't seem to stop.
The Dems can't govern either! The ONLY major accomplishment the Dems got in 8 years was health care & they had to BRIBE their OWN senators to even get that!!

Plus keeping the HORRIFIC 3rd world socialist liberal agenda OUT of power is good enough for most AMERICAN patriots!!
Let us not forget Hillys campaign sent money to several Trump opponents.....Paul RyAN ,,McCain..... Graham....Jebbie.....Fiorina......for concessions.........swamp repubs oppose Trump.....have no interest in the people ......
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:
Because that's why he can't accomplish anything. Liberal traitors, media fed simpletons, and the lying traitor media, and pols on both sides doing all they can to interfere.
It's very simple.... The few true Consrrvative Republicans in the two Houses of Congress realize thst their proper role (Constitutionally) is to IMPEDE Government power, not oblige it, as the Establishment members of both parties prefer. Combine that with a POTUS who doesn't even understand how the Government works and you gave a logjam - jyst like most Conservatives prefer.
Because that's why he can't accomplish anything. Liberal traitors, media fed simpletons, and the lying traitor media, and pols on both sides doing all they can to interfere.

But an overwhelming majority of the media bashing comes from Trumps Tweets. The majority of the Republican infighting is coming from his tweets.

Why not put down twitter and start doing the things you've promised in the campaign? That's what pisses me off about him. His contract with the voter had some great things in there, and most of them he's done nothing with. Just more of the same.
So according to conservatives, even though conservatives control of all three branches of government, with majorities in both Houses, the SC, and control of the WH, it's still the Democrats' fault that nothing is being done.

Given the conservatives are incapable of taking responsibility for the fuck-up that was W's administration, I guess this is hardly surprising. Conservatives are not only capable of governing but totally incapable of taking responsibility for the messes they create.
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:
Because that's why he can't accomplish anything. Liberal traitors, media fed simpletons, and the lying traitor media, and pols on both sides doing all they can to interfere.
OH, you poor whiney little bitches! The left completely out of power with the right holding all the power but the failed POTUS fat fuck too impotent to control his infantile outbursts shooting himself in the foot daily and it's always someone or something else at fault for everything rather than piss poor planning and actions by the failed cabal in power! Piss, moan, whine and point in all directions but not the true problems because you dummies just have to scapegoat everything and everyone other than your own collective failings and leaders! Damn weak whiney little bitches!
The Dems can't govern either! The ONLY major accomplishment the Dems got in 8 years was health care & they had to BRIBE their OWN senators to even get that!!

Plus keeping the HORRIFIC 3rd world socialist liberal agenda OUT of power is good enough for most AMERICAN patriots!!

And these are just not true. While I disagree with a lot of his legislation, he got the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform act through, the Economic Stimulus Package, Extension of the Bush tax Cuts. Reduced our military presence in war zones 98%, Nuclear deal with Iran, Trans Pacific Partnership, trade deals with South Korea, Panama, and other countries, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, repealed don't ask don't tell, the Fair Pay act, the US freedom Act, the Matthew Shephard act, extended the Patriot Act, killed Bin Laden.

No offense but the entire campaign against Obama is about how much he did that I and others didn't agree with.

That's what pisses me off about Trump right now. He is so divisive he can't even get Republicans lined up behind him.
Let us not forget Hillys campaign sent money to several Trump opponents.....Paul RyAN ,,McCain..... Graham....Jebbie.....Fiorina......for concessions.........swamp repubs oppose Trump.....have no interest in the people ......

News flash for you, Trump has no interest in the common/forgotten man. His main interest is tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy and that is his main reason for repeal of the ACA!
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:

Can't accomplish anything? Really?
Where the fuck have you been...are you paying attention?
You're losing credibility here fast...You may need to research a few things before popping off at the mouth. You may have heard of this little website: www.google.com
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportations of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...how long would you guess it takes to undue years of corruption? How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...shit...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
The Dems can't govern either! The ONLY major accomplishment the Dems got in 8 years was health care & they had to BRIBE their OWN senators to even get that!!

Plus keeping the HORRIFIC 3rd world socialist liberal agenda OUT of power is good enough for most AMERICAN patriots!!

And these are just not true. While I disagree with a lot of his legislation, he got the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform act through, the Economic Stimulus Package, Extension of the Bush tax Cuts. Reduced our military presence in war zones 98%, Nuclear deal with Iran, Trans Pacific Partnership, trade deals with South Korea, Panama, and other countries, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, repealed don't ask don't tell, the Fair Pay act, the US freedom Act, the Matthew Shephard act, extended the Patriot Act, killed Bin Laden.

No offense but the entire campaign against Obama is about how much he did that I and others didn't agree with.

That's what pisses me off about Trump right now. He is so divisive he can't even get Republicans lined up behind him.
Repubs never were lined up behind him........btw how much of what you just cited as grand policy wasnt good for the country...Dodd Frank abject failure and cost driver....Nuke deal with Iran simple treason...TPP...more sell America down the toilet...Ec stim package..aid to Obamas bbuddies produced nothing but a new malaise welcome to your new normal 1.5% growth...equal pay was the law alrdy......blah blah blah
While the Trump supporters here are busy crying like little girls about the big bad media, and those pesky Russia investigations, there is an ugly little detail no one wants to talk about. The GOP controls The House, The Senate, most of the State governorships, and the White House, and 7 months in to this administration, nothing has been done! Well, let's review a few of those really loud campaign promises:

“We’re gonna take care of Social Security, we’re gonna take care of Medicaid and Medicare, we’re gonna take care of all of the things that frankly, right now, we can’t do. OK?” Trump's budget contains deep cut's to all of these.

Mark my words folks, we're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! WRONG, they'll be no wall, and if there is America will pay for it.

“You’re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost,” he said. “It’s going to be so easy.” We sure don't see that happening, now do we?

"We will create the first class infrastructure our country and our people deserve," Trump budget actually contained a net cut to infrastructure programs, reducing federal outlays by $145 billion over 10 years. Those include cuts to Amtrak, and the Highway Trust Fund,

"I'll eliminate the national debt in 8 years, and it's going to be so easy folks....so easy!" Even the most Conservative lawmakers and budget hawks say this is not possible. "I see just one way Trump will get close to the deficit-neutral outcome he wants," says Brian Riedl of the conservative Manhattan Institute. "He'd need play the 'madman' card, and shut down the government."

Trump supporters: Why don't you take a break from your customary bitching about the Liberal's and Media for 2 min. and explain to the rest of us why can't Trump and the GOP accomplish anything??:bye1:

Can't accomplish anything? Really?
Where the fuck have you been...are you paying attention?
You're losing credibility here fast...You may need to research a few things before popping off at the mouth. You may have heard of this little website: www.google.com
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportations of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been seven months...how long would you guess it takes to undue years of corruption? How long does the planning stage of building a massive wall take? If it weren't for the GOP establishment RINO's the DNC would be fucked...shit...John ShitStain may fall six feet under tonight, that alone will open things up for the GOP.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7.5 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
Slashing onerous regs as he goes......illegals flooding out of US into Canada who is now whining like a bitch....turned into haters real fast when the bill is theirs nnot ours
Till we quit using the two party's to pin the blame on one or the other, recognize that they are in collusion with each other to benefit them self's and those who pay there way into public service.
Let us not forget Hillys campaign sent money to several Trump opponents.....Paul RyAN ,,McCain..... Graham....Jebbie.....Fiorina......for concessions.........swamp repubs oppose Trump.....have no interest in the people ......

News flash for you, Trump has no interest in the common/forgotten man. His main interest is tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy and that is his main reason for repeal of the ACA!
LLMMAAOOOOOOO......ACA was corp welfare idiot
Let us not forget Hillys campaign sent money to several Trump opponents.....Paul RyAN ,,McCain..... Graham....Jebbie.....Fiorina......for concessions.........swamp repubs oppose Trump.....have no interest in the people ......

News flash for you, Trump has no interest in the common/forgotten man. His main interest is tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy and that is his main reason for repeal of the ACA!

Oh REALLY?? Then why did 30 out of 50 states vote for Trump if he doesn't care about them??!? This includes the ENTIRE heartland!!

It's because Trump talks to THEM while Dems talk about toilets, illegals, & Muslims! :laugh:
Let us not forget Hillys campaign sent money to several Trump opponents.....Paul RyAN ,,McCain..... Graham....Jebbie.....Fiorina......for concessions.........swamp repubs oppose Trump.....have no interest in the people ......

News flash for you, Trump has no interest in the common/forgotten man. His main interest is tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy and that is his main reason for repeal of the ACA!

Oh REALLY?? Then why did 30 out of 50 states vote for Trump if he doesn't care about them?? This includes the ENTIRE heartland!!

It's because Trump talks to THEM while Dems talk about toilets, illegals, & Muslims! :laugh:

I am not saying he didn't talk to them, he did. But in case you didn't figure it out yet he straight out lied. No wall, no ACA repeal, no infrastructure bill. Nothing, Nada. And by being a dick to everyone he will make it much tougher to accomplish any of it!

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