What Does The Second Amendment Mean For Liberals?

Yep, you are a perfect example of a modern liberal "I could care less about constitutional rights". In other words, you don't care about the very foundation of our government. The only rights that you care about are yours's. You are the person the founders were afraid of, a mindless member of the mob swayed by the emotional tenor of the moment without care for the long-term consequences of his actions.
You got all that because I'm not into guns?
You got all that because I'm not into guns?
Read the quote FROM YOU that I posted and if you aren't terminally stupid you should understand.
"I could care less about constitutional rights"
You have shown over, over and over again that is how you view the Constitution. In your mind anyone that disagrees with you HAS NO RIGHTS. In your idiotic opinion, the only rights that matter are yours or ones that you agree with.
More revisionist history

Our founders created a Constitution with better weapons than armed civilians…….Freedom of the press and the vote

The Second Amendment makes it clear that arms are needed for a well regulated militia…..NOT to use against the Government
The 2nd Amendment gives the people the ability to protect themselves from tyranny.
It happens everyday. Why do you think the government hasn't tried to tyrannically impose it's will upon the people?
First Amendment and the vote

Any time the government leans towards tyranny, a free press calls them on it, the power of the vote removes them from office.

That is why a tyrant like Trump wants to destroy both
Homicidal maniacs (aka MAGA voters) don’t need the 2nd Amendment to go on rampage killings. It’s a dumbass amendment written before there was streetlights or zippers.
Boston had street lights before the Declaration of Independence was written. Read a book sometime.

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