Why a Democratic landslide in November could crush the GOP for the next decade (or more)


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

And they would have brought it all upon themselves.
Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

The GOP will never retain power for at least 20-30 years. It's going to be a lot of work restoring our country in the same amount of time and if and when the GOP gets back in power they will fuck it up all over again.

Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

You found us out. We're shaking in our shoes. Not. We're actually celebrating Donald John Trump's early victory. Haven't your heard? He's declared himself King of the Cosmos. Be honest; you'd be running for the hills if he had.
Whole shitload of Biden-loving projection going on in this thread.

Like they say, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first."
Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

In 2008, Chris Matthews said it would be a decade before the GOP would ever hope to get the house back.

We all know how that worked out.
If Republicans lost, we would not go mentally insane like the Democrats did in 2016.

Of course you wouldn't. You're already there.
Well damn...........that explains everything.......I just saw a flying pink elephant flying around the room..........Damn you are good............

PINK ELEPHANTS............

I would think anyone else was just joking.
Does it hurt you bad when you try to think........scary.......
A democrat landslide in november would crush the world forever.

I hope you like being told what you're allowed to eat & when you're allowed to take a shit...democrats will put a bullet in your head if you don't follow their dictates!

Imagine a boot stomping on your face...forever!
Republicans are running scared. Everything that Trump says and does confirms the desperation.

You've got the title of this all wrong, you should have put "Why a democratic landslide in November will completely crush the nation"..

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