Who's more conservative: Newt or Mitt?

Who's more conservative?

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Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I don't think either is a true conservative, but these are the choices we've been presented.

I left out Santorum and Paul. I'll concede both are more conservative in their own way than either of the frontrunners...but this poll is targeted between the two frontrunners only.
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I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbyist who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?
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Neither is a true conservative like I would want to see as the nominee...

But we will have to look at it as the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to the General Election... I am still undecided as to who I am going to vote for in the primary... for each of the candidates (even those who probably will not have a shot at the nomination) has some big things I do not like... I will have to weigh the options against a scorecard of my making and just vote on who ranks higher in total score in comparison to my stances and standards
I guess it depends on who is telling the story... Regardless of what either one of them claim, they both sometimes smell of liberal aftershave. However, I like President-elect Newt.
Ron Paul (write in)

The others are tax and spend liberal militarist......
I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

Decades from now, historians quite likely will reflect back upon the Contract With America as one of the most significant developments in the political history of the United States. As Newt Gingrich, the first Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in 40 years, has written: "there is no comparable congressional document in our two-hundred-year history."

Never before had so detailed a document become such an integral part of a congressional election campaign; never had so many innovative ideas been drafted into legislation so quickly; and never in the previous six decades had so much legislation been passed by the House of Representatives in less than 100 days after the newly elected Members of Congress took office.

As the chief political columnist for The New York Times, R. W. Apple, wrote in a front page news analysis: "Perhaps not since the start of the New Deal [in 1932], to which many of the programs now under attack can trace their origins, has Congress moved with such speed on so many fronts."

The Contract with America: Implementing New Ideas in the U.S.

Now, show me how Mitt is a conservative.
Career politician
never ran a private business
was open to cap 'n trade w/ Pelosi :)
Was champion of individual mandate
worked for Freddie Mac (revolving door, crony capitalism)

Former Governor (exec experience)
extensive private sector work
I'd say Newt is more conservative by default. Romney is a moderate and always has been.

I am not sure what makes Romney a conservative outside of his inclination to lower taxes for the rich. As governor of MA, he did have some success in restoring their budget, but he did that by increasing fees and closing loopholes.
I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

Decades from now, historians quite likely will reflect back upon the Contract With America as one of the most significant developments in the political history of the United States. As Newt Gingrich, the first Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in 40 years, has written: "there is no comparable congressional document in our two-hundred-year history."

Never before had so detailed a document become such an integral part of a congressional election campaign; never had so many innovative ideas been drafted into legislation so quickly; and never in the previous six decades had so much legislation been passed by the House of Representatives in less than 100 days after the newly elected Members of Congress took office.

As the chief political columnist for The New York Times, R. W. Apple, wrote in a front page news analysis: "Perhaps not since the start of the New Deal [in 1932], to which many of the programs now under attack can trace their origins, has Congress moved with such speed on so many fronts."

The Contract with America: Implementing New Ideas in the U.S.

Now, show me how Mitt is a conservative.

I'll read that closely. I am not optimistic that it will show me how Newt is a conservative but I will read it closely. Will it answer my question about him being a conservative now?

Newt has been all over the place since the 1990's. And from what I have heard from some of his contemporaries, he was pretty wide ranging in the 1990's. Yet the answer to questions about his conservative credentials is "Contract with America" as if that one snapshot tells who Newt was and more importantly who he is today.

Please note that I haven't claimed that Romney is a conservative. Romney is a successful businessman with a boring personal life. I like that. I also like that he has been somewhat moderate in the past. I don't find his attempts to move to the right socially all that convincing, but I'm not a social conservative, at least not the kind who wants to enact social conservatism into law.
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I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

Bitter hatred of nearly everything...for one.
Simplistic arguments that are in no way practical is another.
Romney is by far more conservative. It's not contest. Newt is a self-proclaimed progressive after the mold of TR, WW, and FDR. And those are his words.

The only difference is Newt knows how to mask his progressivism in conservative language to decieve people.
Romney is by far more conservative. It's no contest. Newt is a self-proclaimed progressive after the mold of TR, WW, and FDR. And those are his words.

The only difference is Newt knows how to mask his progressivism in conservative language to deceive people.

I agree.

Perhaps the OP could define what it means to BE "conservative" these days...?
I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

I have a good idea that nobody is going to be able to show you anything. your mind is made up.. so vote for obummer and just stfu about it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Career politician
never ran a private business
was open to cap 'n trade w/ Pelosi :)
Was champion of individual mandate
worked for Freddie Mac (revolving door, crony capitalism)

Former Governor (exec experience)
extensive private sector work

edit: Newt is also the granddaddy of earmarks ;)
Gingrich the "granddaddy of earmarks," and said that earmarked spending "exploded" during Gingrich's speakership from 1995 to 1999. "Members [of Congress] considered earmarks their entitlement," he said.
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I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

I have a good idea that nobody is going to be able to show you anything. your mind is made up.. so vote for obummer and just stfu about it.

especially if no one bothers trying.
Mitten is a social conservative (thinks abortion should be illegal, gay marriage should be illegal, etc.) and a fiscal conservative (thinks government should be trimmed until we bleed, corporations are people, etc).

So I'd say him.

I don't know what Newt is, maybe opportunistic fucktard lobbyist cheater describes him the best.
I'm also still waiting for someone to show me how Newt is conservative.

People are being blinded now because he threw out some red meat. That "rah rah eff the media" stuff is fun but are we going to wake up soon and find ourselves with a cheating, lying, lobbiest who promoted a federal health care mandate, et cetera?

I have a good idea that nobody is going to be able to show you anything. your mind is made up.. so vote for obummer and just stfu about it.

especially if no one bothers trying.

I think it has been tried. actually.

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