Whoa: Lefty The Atlantic Says Every American Should Want Trump to Prevail Against China

China didn't nuke anybody, China isn't bombing Iraq, China isn't bombing Afghanistan. Who could that be?
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.
Ah yes, it’s a lie China slaughters 115 million of its own people and Tienimen square never happened.

What a hilarious troll.
Trump thought Tianamen square was power of strength.
Trump said China showed 'the power of strength' when talking about the Tiananmen Square massacre in a 1990 Playboy interview
What happened at Tianamen square?

I’ll wait here in anxious anticipation.
What about American war crimes? United States war crimes - Wikipedia
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.
Ah yes, it’s a lie China slaughters 115 million of its own people and Tienimen square never happened.

What a hilarious troll.
Trump thought Tianamen square was power of strength.
Trump said China showed 'the power of strength' when talking about the Tiananmen Square massacre in a 1990 Playboy interview
What happened at Tianamen square?

I’ll wait here in anxious anticipation.
What about American war crimes? United States war crimes - Wikipedia
Stop dancing.

What happened at Tianamen square?
Estimates of up to 45 million people were killed in China because of the communist party's agenda...not because of a famine brought on naturally! Think about that before you post any more inane comments on how wonderful the Chinese are!
China in 1960 had 1/3rd the per capita income GDP as Haiti. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. By 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

What part of them killing 45 MILLION people to get that GDP don't you grasp, you buffoon! That's the people that you find so "admirable"...which says a lot about your values!

We do the same thing. You can argue over numbers but we do the exact same thing.
That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.
Ah yes, it’s a lie China slaughters 115 million of its own people and Tienimen square never happened.

What a hilarious troll.
Trump thought Tianamen square was power of strength.
Trump said China showed 'the power of strength' when talking about the Tiananmen Square massacre in a 1990 Playboy interview
What happened at Tianamen square?

I’ll wait here in anxious anticipation.
What about American war crimes? United States war crimes - Wikipedia
Stop dancing.

What happened at Tianamen square?
The United states war in Iraq were a picnic?
Haditha massacre - Wikipedia
Mahmudiyah rape and killings - Wikipedia
Ah yes, it’s a lie China slaughters 115 million of its own people and Tienimen square never happened.

What a hilarious troll.
Trump thought Tianamen square was power of strength.
Trump said China showed 'the power of strength' when talking about the Tiananmen Square massacre in a 1990 Playboy interview
What happened at Tianamen square?

I’ll wait here in anxious anticipation.
What about American war crimes? United States war crimes - Wikipedia
Stop dancing.

What happened at Tianamen square?
The United states war in Iraq were a picnic?
Haditha massacre - Wikipedia
Mahmudiyah rape and killings - Wikipedia
I love trolls. I just had one for breakfast. You were fun.
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China
i agree to disagree. the right wing does't care about democracy or the law.
Stop dancing.

What happened at Tianamen square?
The United states war in Iraq were a picnic?
Haditha massacre - Wikipedia
Mahmudiyah rape and killings - Wikipedia
I love trolls. I just had one for breakfast. You were fun.
Are you a troll? You seem to think the United States is so innocent.
I don't know if you're being serious and I disagree with much of it, however it did make me laugh at it's offensiveness.
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

When is the last time our government kidnapped/slaughtered a bunch of Americans in broad daylight? Power is more centralized in China. They're dangerous for that reason.
China didn't nuke anybody, China isn't bombing Iraq, China isn't bombing Afghanistan. Who could that be?
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.

So let me get this straight...you're just fine and dandy with killing off millions of your citizens if it makes you a "superpower"? It isn't communism that's turned China into a superpower. They were a superpower LONG before communism even existed. Where they could be now if they had stayed away from communism?
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

When is the last time our government kidnapped/slaughtered a bunch of Americans in broad daylight? Power is more centralized in China. They're dangerous for that reason.
China didn't nuke anybody, China isn't bombing Iraq, China isn't bombing Afghanistan. Who could that be?
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.

So let me get this straight...you're just fine and dandy with killing off millions of your citizens if it makes you a "superpower"? It isn't communism that's turned China into a superpower. They were a superpower LONG before communism even existed. Where they could be now if they had stayed away from communism?
China was very poor, and illiterate before communism. Now it is perhaps the most educated nation on the planet. It is also not so poor anymore. Certainly far from all the capitalist shitholes that used to be richer than China in the third world countries.
What part of them killing 45 MILLION people to get that GDP don't you grasp, you buffoon! That's the people that you find so "admirable"...which says a lot about your values!
Many famines killed many millions before China ever became communist.
List of famines in China - Wikipedia

You really can't differentiate between famines caused by natural causes or external forces...and one caused on purpose by the leaders of China...can you? You frighten me, Ed...people like you...people who are willing to excuse the murders of millions of people for a political agenda...those are the people who enabled the Adolf Hitler's and Pol Pot's of the world! You're dangerous...
821 million do not have enough food. Most of them live in capitalist countries.

What a crock! Capitalism has created more wealth and raised the standard of living for more people than any other economic system in the history of the world! It's not even debatable! You're one of the more clueless people on this board, Ed!
Nonsense. Capitalism leads to poverty. the third world nations are so capitalist they are libertarian.

Do you even know what capitalism is? It is without question that capitalism has created more wealth for more people than all other economic systems combined! It's also without question that communism has created more misery for more people than any system ever invented. Communist countries build walls to keep their people from escaping. Capitalist countries need walls to keep people from getting in! Why do you think that is...oh, clueless one! Duh????
When is the last time our government kidnapped/slaughtered a bunch of Americans in broad daylight? Power is more centralized in China. They're dangerous for that reason.
China didn't nuke anybody, China isn't bombing Iraq, China isn't bombing Afghanistan. Who could that be?
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.

So let me get this straight...you're just fine and dandy with killing off millions of your citizens if it makes you a "superpower"? It isn't communism that's turned China into a superpower. They were a superpower LONG before communism even existed. Where they could be now if they had stayed away from communism?
China was very poor, and illiterate before communism. Now it is perhaps the most educated nation on the planet. It is also not so poor anymore. Certainly far from all the capitalist shitholes that used to be richer than China in the third world countries.

You know nothing about Chinese history. It was one of the richest nations in the world and one of the most advanced long before communism reared it's ugly head.
Many famines killed many millions before China ever became communist.
List of famines in China - Wikipedia

You really can't differentiate between famines caused by natural causes or external forces...and one caused on purpose by the leaders of China...can you? You frighten me, Ed...people like you...people who are willing to excuse the murders of millions of people for a political agenda...those are the people who enabled the Adolf Hitler's and Pol Pot's of the world! You're dangerous...
821 million do not have enough food. Most of them live in capitalist countries.

What a crock! Capitalism has created more wealth and raised the standard of living for more people than any other economic system in the history of the world! It's not even debatable! You're one of the more clueless people on this board, Ed!
Nonsense. Capitalism leads to poverty. the third world nations are so capitalist they are libertarian.

Do you even know what capitalism is? It is without question that capitalism has created more wealth for more people than all other economic systems combined! It's also without question that communism has created more misery for more people than any system ever invented. Communist countries build walls to keep their people from escaping. Capitalist countries need walls to keep people from getting in! Why do you think that is...oh, clueless one! Duh????
Yeah Capitalism has done a good job of ending hunger.Over 820 million people suffering from hunger; new UN report reveals stubborn realities of ‘immense’ global challenge
As for Chinese "education"? The Chinese have been sending their kids to US colleges for decades now. Why? Because that's where you go if you REALLY want to be educated! Congrats...your posts today are almost as moronic as your posts yesterday!
China didn't nuke anybody, China isn't bombing Iraq, China isn't bombing Afghanistan. Who could that be?
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.

So let me get this straight...you're just fine and dandy with killing off millions of your citizens if it makes you a "superpower"? It isn't communism that's turned China into a superpower. They were a superpower LONG before communism even existed. Where they could be now if they had stayed away from communism?
China was very poor, and illiterate before communism. Now it is perhaps the most educated nation on the planet. It is also not so poor anymore. Certainly far from all the capitalist shitholes that used to be richer than China in the third world countries.

You know nothing about Chinese history. It was one of the richest nations in the world and one of the most advanced long before communism reared it's ugly head.
The data says China was extremely poor. List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China

We think Trump's tactics are stupid.

China has been an issue under 6 Presidents adf their teams of economists & foreign policy experts..

We know that tariffs were likely discussed by all.

Is it odd that all the other Presidents & their teams rejected a tariff war.

Only the "stable Genius" opted to engage in a tariff war with china & many of our allies.

Only a "stable Genius" would be surprised by retaliatory tariffs.

Only a "Stable Genius" would allow family farms to go into bankruptcy because he didn't even consider the pain of the US people.

Only a "stable Genius" would think increasing the cost of US goods would lead to more exports.

Only a stable genius would harm the economies of potential customers.

If Trump would prevail, any agreement with China will be short lived. When you bully people into agreements, they will just start looking fr loopholes from day one. Maybe China will import to the US through another country.
As for Chinese "education"? The Chinese have been sending their kids to US colleges for decades now. Why? Because that's where you go if you REALLY want to be educated! Congrats...your posts today are almost as moronic as your posts yesterday!
I find it odd that you anti-education assfucks now say we have a great system of colleges & universities.

I thought they were all evil dens run by liberals.
China murdered 115 million of its own citizens in the past century.

Explains a lot about why you worship them.

That is a lie. China had a famine like it did long before communism. Now communism has turned China into a educated superpower.

So let me get this straight...you're just fine and dandy with killing off millions of your citizens if it makes you a "superpower"? It isn't communism that's turned China into a superpower. They were a superpower LONG before communism even existed. Where they could be now if they had stayed away from communism?
China was very poor, and illiterate before communism. Now it is perhaps the most educated nation on the planet. It is also not so poor anymore. Certainly far from all the capitalist shitholes that used to be richer than China in the third world countries.

You know nothing about Chinese history. It was one of the richest nations in the world and one of the most advanced long before communism reared it's ugly head.
The data says China was extremely poor. List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Does your "data" tell you about the plight of the rural Chinese? GDP has increased by leaps and bounds for China but there is a massive gap between well being in rural areas and in urban areas. Oh, wait...you'd have to actually KNOW something about China to grasp that...you're more of a "China For Idiots" kind of guy...aren't you!
As for Chinese "education"? The Chinese have been sending their kids to US colleges for decades now. Why? Because that's where you go if you REALLY want to be educated! Congrats...your posts today are almost as moronic as your posts yesterday!
I find it odd that you anti-education assfucks now say we have a great system of colleges & universities.

I thought they were all evil dens run by liberals.

Just between you and me, Dave? The Chinese aren't sending their kids here to take Political Science and Black Studies. They're over here going to schools like MIT taking engineering and sciences...not getting liberal arts degrees that are next to useless!

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