Who would the left's version of Donald Trump be?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?
It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?
It's impossible to directly compare Trump to anyone on either end, because his behaviors and temperament are unique and overshadow & influence any individual issue.

I don't know any adult who behaves like he does, period. Not even close. This is a degree of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that is not usually in our collective faces on a day-to-day level. And part of his temperament is that you can never really know what he'll say next, so trying to analyze and nail down his positions is next to impossible. So in his case, his behaviors and temperament are essentially the same as his actions.

This was a one-off. An ugly stain. I just hope we've hit rock bottom.
It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?
It's impossible to directly compare Trump to anyone on either end, because his behaviors and temperament are unique and overshadow & influence any individual issue.

I don't know any adult who behaves like he does, period. Not even close. And part of his temperament is that you can never really know what he'll say next, so trying to analyze and nail down his positions is next to impossible. So in his case, his behaviors and temperament are essentially the same as his actions.

This was a one-off. An ugly stain. I just hope we've hit rock bottom.

The American voter will dig deeper and find someone that make you wish Trump was President again...

You say no now but you know very well you can never hit rock bottom in the stupidity the voting base has because it is bottomless as can be!
I just hope we've hit rock bottom.
You better buckle up pal.
Since the day Trump was elected, my concern has been that the response from the hardcore Left would be so severe that we'd up with a massive whiplash in THAT direction.

We have in some ways, but Biden's win and the fact that the Democrats under-performed across the country give me some relief. This country is mostly in the middle, regardless of what the narcissistic wingers on both ends have convinced themselves.
I just hope we've hit rock bottom.
You better buckle up pal.
Since the day Trump was elected, my concern has been that the response from the hardcore Left would be so severe that we'd up with a massive whiplash in THAT direction.

We have in some ways, but Biden's win and the fact that the Democrats under-performed across the country give me some relief. This country is mostly in the middle, regardless of what the narcissistic wingers on both ends have convinced themselves.

You have Harris a heartbeat from being President and if something happen to Joe Biden then you will know that your illusion of the middle was just that a illusion...

Harris is fringe left with Cortez, so you better hope Biden last the four years...
Stewart is NOT a pathological liar like Tramp, the only pathological liar close to Tramp is Russia LimpBoi, and he is no Liberal!

I like Jon Stewart. It doesn't make sense to pick somebody that we hate. I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. Trump does an excellent job of representing the views of everyday conservatives. That's why they love him.
donny is in a filthy class of his own.
nobody 'on the left ' ( & many have faults & defects ) can be compared to him, since malignant narcissism & sociopathy are not qualities that ' the left '
( who - by nature - range from run of the mill liberal to
extreme bleeding hearts ) possess.
donny is in a filthy class of his own.
nobody 'on the left ' ( & many have faults & defects ) can be compared to him, since malignant narcissism & sociopathy are not qualities that ' the left '
( who - by nature - range from run of the mill liberal to
extreme bleeding hearts ) possess.

God you people can be so boring sometimes. Go away then.
I don't know any adult who behaves like he does, period. Not even close. This is a degree of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that is not usually in our collective faces on a day-to-day level. And part of his temperament is that you can never really know what he'll say next, so trying to analyze and nail down his positions is next to impossible. So in his case, his behaviors and temperament are essentially the same as his actions.

Wow, Mitlaufer Mac is turning on Trump big time... haven't seen this big a turnaround since Sgt. Schultz.

It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?
It's impossible to directly compare Trump to anyone on either end, because his behaviors and temperament are unique and overshadow & influence any individual issue.
I don't know any adult who behaves like he does, period. Not even close. This is a degree of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that is not usually in our collective faces on a day-to-day level. And part of his temperament is that you can never really know what he'll say next, so trying to analyze and nail down his positions is next to impossible. So in his case, his behaviors and temperament are essentially the same as his actions.
This was a one-off. An ugly stain. I just hope we've hit rock bottom.
I think most Americans realize Trump is insane, the problem is the 74M that love him for it.

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