Who would be against this law being passed???

We do not allow sitting presidents to be indicted because partisan assholes would gin up charges every time the other party won a presidential election. Besides there is a process in place to impeach and remove a POTUS if need be.
And what is the remedy if a partisan Congress refuses to impeach?

Are Presidents above the law?

And what is the remedy if a partisan Congress refuses to impeach?

Like Clinton, they stay in office
We do not allow sitting presidents to be indicted because partisan assholes would gin up charges every time the other party won a presidential election. Besides there is a process in place to impeach and remove a POTUS if need be.
And what is the remedy if a partisan Congress refuses to impeach?

You sit on your thumb and squeeze. It may help.
Like Clinton, they stay in office

Are nitwits like you REALLY comparing lying to a grand jury about a BJ to

1. Obstruction of justice (could you let Flynn off the hook)
2. Trump Foundation scams
3. Tax evasion
4. Collusion with an enemy of the state
5. Emolument clause breaches
6. etc., etc. etc........LOL???
You see how liberal politicians use the “law” to legislate froom the bench. The opposition party would use the courts to tie up a President with frivolous lawsuits and nothing would get done. Prosecute the President after he leaves office or impeacs and remove him from office to prosecute in order to prosecute.
Mindful that the Constitution is not clear on the issue, and that we only have a DOJ "opinion" on the directive that a sitting president cannot be indicted, should an actual, CLEAR and definitive law be enacted that states that NO ONE......not even a president....is above the law and can certainly be indicted in a court of jurisdiction and NOT just the political recourse of impeachment?

After all, the breaking of laws is NOT a political issue but strictly a legal process that requires evidence, unquestionable proof, witnesses, indictments, trials and punishment.

NO ONE should be above the law....NO ONE !!!

Happy 2019!
That's right, NONE. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Move along now with your fantasy.

Then how the fuck do you know that he will NOT be proven guilty???

Go to bed you're a waste of space......LOL
We do not allow sitting presidents to be indicted because partisan assholes would gin up charges every time the other party won a presidential election. Besides there is a process in place to impeach and remove a POTUS if need be.
And what is the remedy if a partisan Congress refuses to impeach?

Are Presidents above the law?

There are congressional elections every 2 years. You leftist scum are just mad because you can't muster the votes in congress to impeach Trump.
Notice how many of the usual Trump ass lickers are AVOIDING answering the original question???

Can;t really blame the morons.....LOL
Were you as firmly behind this idea, when it was possible the Clintons might leave the WH in orange jumpsuits?

Yes, nitwit........IF the Clintons had been investigated and found guilty....

NO ONE should be above the law.......
If anything, Hillary should be in jail for destroying evidence. You go ahead and try to do that.
Mindful that the Constitution is not clear on the issue, and that we only have a DOJ "opinion" on the directive that a sitting president cannot be indicted, should an actual, CLEAR and definitive law be enacted that states that NO ONE......not even a president....is above the law and can certainly be indicted in a court of jurisdiction and NOT just the political recourse of impeachment?

After all, the breaking of laws is NOT a political issue but strictly a legal process that requires evidence, unquestionable proof, witnesses, indictments, trials and punishment.

NO ONE should be above the law....NO ONE !!!
I'm all for it. No one should be above the law.
Your original question is born of partisan stupidity.

Mr. fuckhead....WHERE did I state that the law should be only partisan???

Answer the damn question.....Yes or No?

(or go hide under your Blue Bed.....LOL)
If anything, Hillary should be in jail for destroying evidence. You go ahead and try to do that.

When morons CANNOT address the question about Trump and future presidents.....THEN, it's always best to bring up Hillary....

That is what Trump ass lickers MUST do.....(as instructed by Hannity)...LOL
If anything, Hillary should be in jail for destroying evidence. You go ahead and try to do that.

When morons CANNOT address the question about Trump and future presidents.....THEN, it's always best to bring up Hillary....

That is what Trump ass lickers MUST do.....(as instructed by Hannity)...LOL
No, now Trump is president all a sudden your worried. You didn't care at all when Hillary broke many laws. Even Comey said so, but he didn't want to prosecute. Can't wait till 2020!




(depending on the letter behind their name)

Nitwit.....just answer the original question.....Here, I'll make more direct for your half brain....

Would you be against such a law....A simple fucking Yes or No will do....LOL

I'm all for it. I don't care what party a person is in. If the person is a criminal that person must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws.

But then I've been a registered Independent since 1978 so party affiliation really doesn't matter to me.

It does with republicans though. As long as that law is only applied to democrats they're all for it but once it's applies equally to everyone they very against it but won't admit it.
I'm all for it. I don't care what party a person is in. If the person is a criminal that person must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws.

See, my friend, you are MUCH better in fairness than the Trump ass lickers who CANNOT simply address the question with a simple yes or no.......

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