Who will win the democrat race?

Who will win the democratic race?

  • Biden

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Warren

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Across the board the democrats have exceptionally bad candidates. The question of who will win is not certain although Biden has been painted as the front-runner. What are your thoughts?
Everyone of the democratic candidates are better than Trump.
The Democrat field is composed of a gaggle of losers all fighting to see which one will have the honor of being crowned the biggest loser after the 2020 election. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

That's a good summary.

But who will get the loser crown?
The Democrats and the MSM will pimp Biden into winning the nomination then he will lose to Trump. They haven't learned anything from the Hillary debacle.

They would rather lose with Biden than to win with Bernie.
Who cares was not an option.

I would like to hear what the democrats of the forum think, and above all how they justify supporting these lackluster candidates. Why do they not have anyone normal or pro-America on their catalog?
The Democrats and the MSM will pimp Biden into winning the nomination then he will lose to Trump. They haven't learned anything from the Hillary debacle.

They would rather lose with Biden than to win with Bernie.

It's Hillary Clinton all over again. Closest thing to just having her run.
If Biden wins, they're stupid. If Liz wins, they're phonies. If Pete wins, they're liars living in a fantasy world. If Bernie wins, they're looking to kill this country. If one of the millionaires win, it's rigged. It's embarrassing to watch these jerks try to paint themselves as Presidential. It's like a serial murderer claiming to be a gentle, harmless friend of everyone. All it takes is a little common sense to realize their socialist-communist philosophy will destroy this country in less than a year.
Across the board the democrats have exceptionally bad candidates. The question of who will win is not certain although Biden has been painted as the front-runner. What are your thoughts?

I would put money on Biden for a number of reasons

First, as a matter of history, ever since Nixon, whenever a Vice President has sought the nomination of his party, he usually gets it. He's vetted, he's a known quantity, he's a credible alternative.

Second, most of the Democratic Party isn't really as far left as Sanders and Warren.

Third, the far left vote is split between Bernie and Warren. As more moderates drop out before they do, that will just strengthen Biden's position.

Fourth- Superdelegates... Biden's Ace in the Hole.
Across the board the democrats have exceptionally bad candidates. The question of who will win is not certain although Biden has been painted as the front-runner. What are your thoughts?

I would put money on Biden for a number of reasons

First, as a matter of history, ever since Nixon, whenever a Vice President has sought the nomination of his party, he usually gets it. He's vetted, he's a known quantity, he's a credible alternative.

Second, most of the Democratic Party isn't really as far left as Sanders and Warren.

Third, the far left vote is split between Bernie and Warren. As more moderates drop out before they do, that will just strengthen Biden's position.

Fourth- Superdelegates... Biden's Ace in the Hole.

Thanks Joe, worthwhile opinion. I am tempted to agree for now at least.
It seems to be a matter of who can give away the most money.
Biden will probably forget why he has to wear pants or will get knocked on his ass by an angry parent for feeling up a child by the time the nomination actually comes around.
Warren knows that the left can't do math so her whole give away plans sound good and she has convinced many that her financial math adds up. Her problem is she has three strikes against her as far as democrats are concerned. Old, white and a woman.
Bernie can still remember his name and even though his financial math doesn't add up his is a little easier to believe. He is willing to giveaway whatever it takes to win. He has two things going for him as far a democrats are concerned. He is old and white.
The rest are really of no concern.
So going of what excites the left I would guess that Bernie will win only to lose the election. Of course you have to understand I do not hate the U.S. and everything it stands for nor am I a mental patient so my understanding of the left maybe wrong.
If Democrats are so against the electoral college, why do they even have delegates in their nominating process? And superdelegates are totally corrupt. Consistency demands that Democrats nominate their candidates via popular vote.
If Democrats are so against the electoral college, why do they even have delegates in their nominating process? And superdelegates are totally corrupt. Consistency demands that Democrats nominate their candidates via popular vote.

They tried that.

They got McGovern, who lost 49 votes to Tricky Dick, of all people.

The problem with relying on primary voters is that only 25% of voters show up to primaries... usually the issue is settled in the first couple. After Iowa and New Hampshire, it will probably be down to Bernie, Warren and Biden.

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