Who will ever trust America again?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Republicans complained about Obama’s “Apology Tour”. No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.

But fixing America's foreign policy will require much more than simply erasing bad memories of Donald Trump and reverting to the technocratic competence of the Obama administration. In fact, righting our course may demand greater skill and influence than it's reasonable to assume Biden or any other president could possess.

That's because Trump's distinctive ineptitude and incoherence on the world stage is only a symptom of a much bigger and more systemic problem.

America's inconsistency
I don't care if they trust us, as long as they stop ripping us off with unfair trade deals.
Trump is saying that the US is no longer the "world's chump", where pols sell the workers out and make buckets of K-Street cash.
Populism means pols take care of US families first.
We know the Bidens love that foreign cash.
No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.
As we withdraw from our allies, we abdicate our title of "Leader of the Free World". Maybe it's Germany now.

If Trump is re-elected, it'll take quite a bit longer for the world to trust us, even after he's gone. If he isn't, they'll see we're not as he portrays us. In that case, I think things could get back to normal fairly soon.
The article dismisses partisanship being the issue and identifies not having a clear strategy as being the issue. I'd submit that with the republican party's goal of dysfunction in the world, partisanship is the issue. Warmongering irrationality of a party hell bent on being the American version of the a middle eastern religious state IS the problem. "American First" means everyone, including America loses. Nov 3rd, elect an adult.
From the link:

We aren't careening wildly from one president to another because of our partisanship. Our drastic partisan shifts on foreign policy are a function of our underlying cluelessness about what we want to do in the world, a fantastical overestimation of our capabilities, and a resolute inability to think seriously about trade-offs.

Until all of this begins to change, the U.S. will be incapable of exercising anything approaching global leadership — and increasingly likely to stumble into military conflict with a competing major power uncertain about our priorities and capacities. That is the unhappy and dangerous situation Biden will inherit if he wins the presidency in November.

Well said.
No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.
As we withdraw from our allies, we abdicate our title of "Leader of the Free World". Maybe it's Germany now.

If Trump is re-elected, it'll take quite a bit longer for the world to trust us, even after he's gone. If he isn't, they'll see we're not as he portrays us. In that case, I think things could get back to normal fairly soon.
Germany is up to its ass in muslim migrants. Think Germany can take on China and Russia?
1. How are we "withdrawing" from allies? Be specific.
2. Why do we need anyone to "trust us"? Trust us for what? That's what contracts and treaties are for.
Republicans complained about Obama’s “Apology Tour”. No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.

But fixing America's foreign policy will require much more than simply erasing bad memories of Donald Trump and reverting to the technocratic competence of the Obama administration. In fact, righting our course may demand greater skill and influence than it's reasonable to assume Biden or any other president could possess.

That's because Trump's distinctive ineptitude and incoherence on the world stage is only a symptom of a much bigger and more systemic problem.

America's inconsistency
/----/ Trump has nothing to apologize for, you stooge.
As Trump said accurately, "we don't need to buy friends". That is all the world cares about when dealing with America, "how much will you capitalists pay us to pretend we care about you, even as we stab you in the back privately". It's why they hit you with tariffs knowing no politician will return the favor, until now.

Look at the Paris Accord as a prime example. What a racket that was. Look how hard the global socialist patsy Macron lobbied for Trump to join. Why would he care if America joined or didn't? They all want U.S dollars that's why. As a bonus, they get to handcuff America (and Trumps economy, re-election chances) and take your wealth (for their socialist donors of course). There is a reason Americas economy was dominating, you were allowing capitalism to reign while punishing those who have taken advantage of American businesses.

Trusting America must coincide with believing in American Values, your constitution and capitalism. Those who don't "trust" America, are only there to exploit you. They are socialist nations who oppress their own citizens and spit on American Values. The list is very long, including many so-called allies...
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No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.
As we withdraw from our allies, we abdicate our title of "Leader of the Free World". Maybe it's Germany now.

If Trump is re-elected, it'll take quite a bit longer for the world to trust us, even after he's gone. If he isn't, they'll see we're not as he portrays us. In that case, I think things could get back to normal fairly soon.

Horseshit, trust and respect go hand in hand, until Trump started playing hardball, we were not respected, now we are. When you back up what you say, people trust you. Remember Obozo and his red line in the sand with Syria? no back up, no trust. Thats the way the world works.
Republicans complained about Obama’s “Apology Tour”. No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.

But fixing America's foreign policy will require much more than simply erasing bad memories of Donald Trump and reverting to the technocratic competence of the Obama administration. In fact, righting our course may demand greater skill and influence than it's reasonable to assume Biden or any other president could possess.

That's because Trump's distinctive ineptitude and incoherence on the world stage is only a symptom of a much bigger and more systemic problem.

America's inconsistency
I'd worry less about the trust of foreign countries and worry more that our government is so corrupt and out of touch that it has lost the trust of the people it is supposed to serve
From the link:

We aren't careening wildly from one president to another because of our partisanship. Our drastic partisan shifts on foreign policy are a function of our underlying cluelessness about what we want to do in the world, a fantastical overestimation of our capabilities, and a resolute inability to think seriously about trade-offs.

Until all of this begins to change, the U.S. will be incapable of exercising anything approaching global leadership — and increasingly likely to stumble into military conflict with a competing major power uncertain about our priorities and capacities. That is the unhappy and dangerous situation Biden will inherit if he wins the presidency in November.

Well said.
1. Foreign policy "cluelessness"? The coxuckers only want more US "foreign aid", or "military aid". Nope. That's done.
2. "Trade-offs"? Nope, fair trade deals.
3. Global leadership? No such thing.
4. Military conflict? Uh-huh.
5. Biden? Uh-huh.
Republicans complained about Obama’s “Apology Tour”. No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.

But fixing America's foreign policy will require much more than simply erasing bad memories of Donald Trump and reverting to the technocratic competence of the Obama administration. In fact, righting our course may demand greater skill and influence than it's reasonable to assume Biden or any other president could possess.

That's because Trump's distinctive ineptitude and incoherence on the world stage is only a symptom of a much bigger and more systemic problem.

America's inconsistency

Damon Linker?????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans complained about Obama’s “Apology Tour”. No amount of apology will make up for the damage Trump has done to our global reputation.

But fixing America's foreign policy will require much more than simply erasing bad memories of Donald Trump and reverting to the technocratic competence of the Obama administration. In fact, righting our course may demand greater skill and influence than it's reasonable to assume Biden or any other president could possess.

That's because Trump's distinctive ineptitude and incoherence on the world stage is only a symptom of a much bigger and more systemic problem.

America's inconsistency

Certainly Americans should not follow the dictates of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats that have infiltrated our political system.....
Why do we need anyone to "trust us"? Trust us for what? That's what contracts and treaties are for.
Hilarity. Really? The contracts and treaties from which you have been busy unilaterally withdrawing?

withdrawing from bad deals is smart business and smart foreign relations. Being the world's patsy is stupid and dangerous. Until Trump arrived we had justly earned the title of patsy.

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