Who was the moron President who appointed this Christopher Wray witch hunter as FBI director?

They would...they would.....they would...they would...

Thow the fuck do you know what "they would" have done?
It is a tried and true method of high level decision making process with the greatest probability of hearing and selecting the correct course of action. Not asking political hacks recommend political hacks. Donny's method or lack thereof is probably how is probably how he got so many crooks, tax cheats, actors for foreign government, or just lying cocksucker etc, that confessed or were found guilty during his regime.
It is a tried and true method of high level decision making process with the greatest probability of hearing and selecting the correct course of action. Not asking political hacks recommend political hacks. Donny's method or lack thereof is probably how is probably how he got so many crooks, tax cheats, actors for foreign government, or just lying cocksucker etc, that confessed or were found guilty during his regime.
Yes....let's all blame Trump because everyone in Washington is a treasonous bastard.
Again, he was only there for 4 years, and you fuckers want to blame him despite people who've been there for 40 years that are screwing everything up.
And the players on your team don't lie to your face?

How about you swallow the "medicine" before you expect anyone else to do o?
'You can keep your doctor' - bullshit
'Mission Accomplished' - bullshit
'We'll be the most transparent administration' - bullshit, but which party?
'Just stay calm. It will go away' - bullshit
'We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas' - bullshit
'We do not know whether [Iraq] has a nuclear weapon' - bullshit
'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' - bullshit
'My healthcare plan is coming in two weeks' - bullshit

'"I started thinking as I was coming over here, Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university?" - plagiarism

Any questions?
5th post
Yes....let's all blame Trump because everyone in Washington is a treasonous bastard.
Again, he was only there for 4 years, and you fuckers want to blame him despite people who've been there for 40 years that are screwing everything up.
Look over there. Just not here.
Yes....let's all blame Trump because everyone in Washington is a treasonous bastard.
Again, he was only there for 4 years, and you fuckers want to blame him despite people who've been there for 40 years that are screwing everything up.
Think of it like a commander taking over a defensive position. Once he accepts the battle hand-off, it is his, whether he is up to it or totally clueless, and it doesn't matter how long anybody has served anywhere. The buck stops at the commander's desk, he is to be held totally responsible for his actions, as far as those above him are concerned, and make no mistake, the American People are above him and booted his ass in 2020.
Think of it like a commander taking over a defensive position. Once he accepts the battle hand-off, it is his, whether he is up to it or totally clueless, and it doesn't matter how long anybody has served anywhere. The buck stops at the commander's desk, he is to be held totally responsible for his actions, as far as those above him are concerned, and make no mistake, the American People are above him and booted his ass in 2020.
What kind of a government is this that doesn't cooperate with it's new president when he's just trying to make life better for all Americans?
You assume that every president is crooked or should have to be suspicious of the people that work around him.
Yes the buck stops at the president's desk when he's a Republican, but when he's a Democrat it's always the Republican's fault.
When has Biden or Obama ever taken the blame for a mistake?

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10th post
What kind of a government is this that doesn't cooperate with it's new president when he's just trying to make life better for all Americans?
You assume that every president is crooked or should have to be suspicious of the people that work around him.
Yes the buck stops at the president's desk when he's a Republican, and when he's a Democrat it's always the Republican's fault.
When has Biden or Obama ever taken the blame for a mistake?

He brought in crooks. Why wouldn't he think everybody was a crook if crooks is all he ran with himself? It is not like he came in, known for good character or even good business practice and we have seen the charity fundraising of his family people that associated with him. Everybody knew his character was sh#t. He was never known to listen to anybody that disagreed with him, so it was no surprise if he did bring in a General from the military, he'd fire him or run him off if the guy told him the truth.
I have told you what I disagree with in regards to Biden and Obama. I have also told you I did ok over all under both. Heck the only president that left office with me worse off than when they came in was Son-of-A-Bush, I even had it better than man under Jimmy Carter. In a pinch vote your bank account, especially if butthurt over it. I did when I voted for Obama the first time and it worked out fine.
He brought in crooks. Why wouldn't he think everybody was a crook if crooks is all he ran with himself? It is not like he came in, known for good character or even good business practice and we have seen the charity fundraising of his family people that associated with him. Everybody knew his character was sh#t. He was never known to listen to anybody that disagreed with him, so it was no surprise if he did bring in a General from the military, he'd fire him or run him off if the guy told him the truth.
I have told you what I disagree with in regards to Biden and Obama. I have also told you I did ok over all under both. Heck the only president that left office with me worse off than when they came in was Son-of-A-Bush, I even had it better than man under Jimmy Carter. In a pinch vote your bank account, especially if butthurt over it. I did when I voted for Obama the first time and it worked out fine.
I think we've firmly established that after two fake impeachments, a fake insurrection, and a fake Russian Collusion scandal that it really doesn't matter what anyone does working for Trump, the Deep State will find a way prosecute them for something. The FBI specializes in creating crimes instead of investigating crimes.

The only reason you're buying into every hoax is either because you're gullible as shit, or unwilling to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
If you prefer a traitor like Obama to Trump it really says something about you.
When I held a security clearance fuckers like Obama would throw up red-flags like you wouldn't believe.
But now it seems our government is about as anti-American as you can get, mostly because half of them visited Epstein's Island and likes fucking children.
Nope! Not at all. All presidents have advisors to choose cabinet and other officials. They vet em all. Wray was just a bad seed as well as double cross Chris Christie.
And Barr who didn't lock Hillary up was a good seed. Therefore you admit you got nothing on her. Thanks.
15th post
And WHAT A FUCKING MORON to have Christie as an "advisor."

Maybe as a JANITOR, not an ADVISOR...

Trump FUCKED UP. Sessions was another complete disaster Zionist Fascist W 911 "Biden Republican"

Admit it.
No excuses this time if elected.
I think we've firmly established that after two fake impeachments, a fake insurrection, and a fake Russian Collusion scandal that it really doesn't matter what anyone does working for Trump, the Deep State will find a way prosecute them for something. The FBI specializes in creating crimes instead of investigating crimes.

The only reason you're buying into every hoax is either because you're gullible as shit, or unwilling to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
If you prefer a traitor like Obama to Trump it really says something about you.
When I held a security clearance fuckers like Obama would throw up red-flags like you wouldn't believe.
But now it seems our government is about as anti-American as you can get, mostly because half of them visited Epstein's Island and likes fucking children.
I'll take "unwilling to give Trump the benefit of the doubt" for 200, Alex.
To you, everybody that is not trump and doesn't approve of him is a traitor. You are stuck on stupid.
Sorry, you are having such a bad time in Clarksville. I don't know if they closed down the strip joints just off post or not. You sound like you really need a hobby to get you out of the internet more often.

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