Who supports Trump ban from Twitter?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It used to be that the only way Trump could reach people was through Twitter, due to the fact that the media refused to get out his message, and they lied continually about him, with such things as Trump never condemned white Supremacists, something you can see him do repeadely if you go to YouTube, or that he tried to ban all Muslims when the travel ban allowed over 90% of Muslims to continue to travel to the US, etc.

However, now Twitter has banned to Trump account and won't let him speak

So who here supports it and way?


If republicans are still dumb enough to depend on those platforms with all the warnings they;ve had over the last years.....screw em

They should completely block and censor ALL on the Right.

Maybe then they'd finally understand? Doubt it
Stupid people deserve no voice...it goes for the left....it goes for the Right

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

If republicans are still dumb enough to depend on those platforms with all the warnings they;ve had over the last years.....screw em

They should completely block and censor ALL on the Right.

Maybe then they'd finally understand? Doubt it
Stupid people deserve no voice...it goes for the left....it goes for the Right

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
So those on the "right" should have their books burned?


Because that is essentially what is happening here.
I don't support a ban on Trump or biden (or macanany).

People have the right to free speech...nobody has any obligation to listen. If you don't want to hear it...don't read it...but they have no right to block anybody from speaking (unless there is an actual violation of the rules and the rules are applied equally)!
It used to be that the only way Trump could reach people was through Twitter, due to the fact that the media refused to get out his message, and they lied continually about him, with such things as Trump never condemned white Supremacists, something you can see him do repeadely if you go to YouTube, or that he tried to ban all Muslims when the travel ban allowed over 90% of Muslims to continue to travel to the US, etc.

However, now Twitter has banned to Trump account and won't let him speak

So who here supports it and way?

Twitter is not a public utility. They have every right to stop Trump from using their platform to spread dangerous information. Trump has encouraged right wing extremists. That is no lie. You are the liar.

If republicans are still dumb enough to depend on those platforms with all the warnings they;ve had over the last years.....screw em

They should completely block and censor ALL on the Right.

Maybe then they'd finally understand? Doubt it
Stupid people deserve no voice...it goes for the left....it goes for the Right

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
So those on the "right" should have their books burned?

View attachment 401966

Because that is essentially what is happening here.

Nah...we have our guns, God and Trump....we're invincible
It used to be that the only way Trump could reach people was through Twitter, due to the fact that the media refused to get out his message, and they lied continually about him, with such things as Trump never condemned white Supremacists, something you can see him do repeadely if you go to YouTube, or that he tried to ban all Muslims when the travel ban allowed over 90% of Muslims to continue to travel to the US, etc.

However, now Twitter has banned to Trump account and won't let him speak

So who here supports it and way?

Twitter is not a public utility. They have every right to stop Trump from using their platform to spread dangerous information. Trump has encouraged right wing extremists. That is no lie. You are the liar.


it's a private platform.

They have no obligation to allow anyone they don't want to.
They should immediately block ALL accounts not in agreement with their philosophies.

That's free market capitalism.
I don't support a ban on Trump or biden (or macanany).

People have the right to free speech...nobody has any obligation to listen. If you don't want to hear it...don't read it...but they have no right to block anybody from speaking (unless there is an actual violation of the rules and the rules are applied equally)!

I don’t have Twitter. I don’t have Facebook. I refuse to support companies that actively work against my interests. I also don’t feel the need to let everyone n ow all about me and what I do, not do I give a shit what others are doing.

That aside, I don’t believe anyone should be banned. I don’t support banning leftists, communists, black power dipshits, skinheads, etc.
The only thing I would be for banning is actual terrorists who are recruiting or planning attacks.
I think this act of cowardice by Twatter and Fakebook could be the straw the breaks the camels back.

I expect after Trump wins reelection, he will push legislation to revoke Section 230 protections for all of these tech giants.

He said as much at his N. Carolina rally today.
It used to be that the only way Trump could reach people was through Twitter, due to the fact that the media refused to get out his message, and they lied continually about him, with such things as Trump never condemned white Supremacists, something you can see him do repeadely if you go to YouTube, or that he tried to ban all Muslims when the travel ban allowed over 90% of Muslims to continue to travel to the US, etc.

However, now Twitter has banned to Trump account and won't let him speak

So who here supports it and way?

Twitter is not a public utility. They have every right to stop Trump from using their platform to spread dangerous information. Trump has encouraged right wing extremists. That is no lie. You are the liar.


it's a private platform.

They have no obligation to allow anyone they don't want to.
They should immediately block ALL accounts not in agreement with their philosophies.

That's free market capitalism.
If that’s the route they want to take, then they are a publisher, and should legally be held to the same standard as such, and be liable for false claims and anything else said on their platform.

As it is now, they act like a publisher, banning and shadow banning people, yet are afforded the legal protections of a public forum.

That needs to stop
When Trump had the house and Senate the first 2 years of his Presidency, they should have come up with something to reel in these tech giants.

Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and it aint going back in without tremendous effort.

Feckless Republicans dropped the ball on this.
When Trump had the house and Senate the first 2 years of his Presidency, they should have come up with something to reel in these tech giants.

Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and it aint going back in without tremendous effort.

Feckless Republicans dropped the ball on this.

He's getting 4 more years.
It ain't over til it's over.
At least now, Big Tech censorship IS in full view for everyone to see!
It used to be that the only way Trump could reach people was through Twitter, due to the fact that the media refused to get out his message, and they lied continually about him, with such things as Trump never condemned white Supremacists, something you can see him do repeadely if you go to YouTube, or that he tried to ban all Muslims when the travel ban allowed over 90% of Muslims to continue to travel to the US, etc.

However, now Twitter has banned to Trump account and won't let him speak

So who here supports it and way?

I support dj pussygrabber being banned for USA....

When Trump had the house and Senate the first 2 years of his Presidency, they should have come up with something to reel in these tech giants.

Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and it aint going back in without tremendous effort.

Feckless Republicans dropped the ball on this.

He's getting 4 more years.
It ain't over til it's over.
At least now, Big Tech censorship IS in full view for everyone to see!
It isn't "censorship"...really. They have an agreement you must agree with to post there. Like US message board does.

If republicans are still dumb enough to depend on those platforms with all the warnings they;ve had over the last years.....screw em

They should completely block and censor ALL on the Right.

Maybe then they'd finally understand? Doubt it
Stupid people deserve no voice...it goes for the left....it goes for the Right

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
So those on the "right" should have their books burned?

View attachment 401966

Because that is essentially what is happening here.
No, it's not even close.

from now until the election Trump and nearly every other Republican candidate is going to be censored and blocked from having any voice.
You'll not hear anything but persecution from their opponents.
Good! Live with it !

I FULLY support Twitter AND Facebook's censoring of Republicans.

They knew better than to place their reputations in the hands of Commuists....but they flat refused to leave.

Good luck

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