Who should have the greater burden?

Democrats remove my choice, I don't remove theirs. Who has a greater onus to justify what they want?

  • Kaz - democracy rules, you have no rights but what the majority gives you. Tom-ay-to, Tom-ah-to

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

That's the established standard established by SCOTUS, take it up with them, if you can afford it.

SCOTUS calls us bitch before they rule. You are delusional. They think 5/9 votes means they can change the Constitution at whim. When do they ever hold back to change it just because they can?
First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

You don't seem to care about having a point. What right are you referring to? Your posts seem intentionally, systematically and uselessly vague.

Seriously? Just pick option 2
If I get my way, leftists still have their own choices intact. If they get their way, my choice is eliminated, I am forced to their view. Should those who remove the rights of others have a greater onus to justify that removal of rights? Or do we just vote and that's it? You disagree, you're screwed?

Are you trying to claim that coconuts are migratory?
First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

You don't seem to care about having a point. What right are you referring to? Your posts seem intentionally, systematically and uselessly vague.

You are just missing his point. Kaz is way smarter than you are. Just ask him. He'll tell ya.
First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

You don't seem to care about having a point. What right are you referring to? Your posts seem intentionally, systematically and uselessly vague.

You are just missing his point. Kaz is way smarter than you are. Just ask him. He'll tell ya.

Must be true, the self proclaimed brain of the board says I'm smart, and I don't even need to ask you, you know it all. Including what everyone else thinks and how we feel.

Nate the Great Brain, you are brilliant
First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

You don't seem to care about having a point. What right are you referring to? Your posts seem intentionally, systematically and uselessly vague.

You are just missing his point. Kaz is way smarter than you are. Just ask him. He'll tell ya.

Yup...the rest of the world has a reading comprehension problem. It can't possibly be Kaz's fault nobody understands him.

First there must be a compelling governmental interest and then they have to meet the "strict scrutiny" hurdle, meaning there is no less intrusive alternative method to meet the compelling interest

First difference between us, you care about government's interest, I care about the people's. And what planet are you on that you think there is any scrutiny to remove our rights must less "strict" scrutiny?

You don't seem to care about having a point. What right are you referring to? Your posts seem intentionally, systematically and uselessly vague.

You are just missing his point. Kaz is way smarter than you are. Just ask him. He'll tell ya.

Yup...the rest of the world has a reading comprehension problem. It can't possibly be Kaz's fault nobody understands him.


Hey bimbo, nowhere in this quote did I say anyone had a reading comprehension problem, LOL.

Well, until now, you have a reading comprehension problem...

BTW, I've never said I'm smart, I do talk about what I do and my experiences. Sorry you're such a bunch of losers you consider that bragging.

Maybe if you worked harder, you wouldn't need to run to government so much to do your life for you
If I get my way, leftists still have their own choices intact. If they get their way, my choice is eliminated, I am forced to their view. Should those who remove the rights of others have a greater onus to justify that removal of rights? Or do we just vote and that's it? You disagree, you're screwed?

Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why? We don't get that information. Just take it at face value folks...the world would be perfect if Kaz were in charge of it all.
If I get my way, leftists still have their own choices intact. If they get their way, my choice is eliminated, I am forced to their view. Should those who remove the rights of others have a greater onus to justify that removal of rights? Or do we just vote and that's it? You disagree, you're screwed?

Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why? We don't get that information. Just take it at face value folks...the world would be perfect if Kaz were in charge of it all.

I don't think you understand how stuff is effected by the things being referenced by that guy about the subject that one time. Obviously.
Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why?

Because if I rule the world, you still have the ability to make your own choices. If you rule the world, you eliminate my right to make my own choices.

I should start a thread on that. Wait, I did, you are posting in it.

Any chance you're going to sign up for remedial reading or are you going to just roam from thread to thread endlessly not grasping the discussion? You can Pogo should start a club, you can call it, "I don't get it"

Daffuck are you on about now?

Seriously, the guy who likes to tell leftists they aren't liberals doesn't get it?

What is complicated about that? It must suck to have so much happen in the world around you and you understand so little of it

"Get" ---- what? Your OP has no subject. It floats like helium. So untethered is it that volunteers had to come in and steer it somewhere, which for whatever reason landed on gay marriage. You may as well have posted a blank OP.
Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why?

Because if I rule the world, you still have the ability to make your own choices. If you rule the world, you eliminate my right to make my own choices.

I should start a thread on that. Wait, I did, you are posting in it.

Any chance you're going to sign up for remedial reading or are you going to just roam from thread to thread endlessly not grasping the discussion? You can Pogo should start a club, you can call it, "I don't get it"

Couldn't possibly be that you fucked up and forgot to bring a topic.
It's the anti-paranoiac:"They're all out to not get me!"

If I get my way, leftists still have their own choices intact. If they get their way, my choice is eliminated, I am forced to their view. Should those who remove the rights of others have a greater onus to justify that removal of rights? Or do we just vote and that's it? You disagree, you're screwed?

Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why? We don't get that information. Just take it at face value folks...the world would be perfect if Kaz were in charge of it all.

I don't think you understand how stuff is effected by the things being referenced by that guy about the subject that one time. Obviously.

The poll would be clearer if it read:

What do you think of, you know, that time with the thing in that place?

a - Whatzisname shoulda been more, yanno, like whatever

b - Ain't nobody bidness if I do

c - 42​

I still woulda gone with "pineapple"
Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why?

Because if I rule the world, you still have the ability to make your own choices. If you rule the world, you eliminate my right to make my own choices.

I should start a thread on that. Wait, I did, you are posting in it.

Any chance you're going to sign up for remedial reading or are you going to just roam from thread to thread endlessly not grasping the discussion? You can Pogo should start a club, you can call it, "I don't get it"

Couldn't possibly be that you fucked up and forgot to bring a topic.
It's the anti-paranoiac:"They're all out to not get me!"


It's funny how you leftists are the only ones saying you don't know what I'm referring to
If I get my way, leftists still have their own choices intact. If they get their way, my choice is eliminated, I am forced to their view. Should those who remove the rights of others have a greater onus to justify that removal of rights? Or do we just vote and that's it? You disagree, you're screwed?

Your way on what? Way to be non specific. If Kaz rules the world it will be beautiful, but if Democrats rule the world Kaz is sad. Why? We don't get that information. Just take it at face value folks...the world would be perfect if Kaz were in charge of it all.

I don't think you understand how stuff is effected by the things being referenced by that guy about the subject that one time. Obviously.

The poll would be clearer if it read:

What do you think of, you know, that time with the thing in that place?

a - Whatzisname shoulda been more, yanno, like whatever

b - Ain't nobody bidness if I do

c - 42​

I still woulda gone with "pineapple"

Everything is complicated to you, you should just put that in your sig and post blank replies to everything. Wait, you already do...

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