Who is Michael Robinson?

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I wouldn't condemn B. Hussein O for his choices. A lot of fellows prefer she-males aka chicks with dicks.

You'll see that advertised all the time in these "entertainment weekly" newspapers.
We had a Michael Robinson at quarterback at Penn State in the early 2000's who then played a few years in the NFL?
Define a lot.

Not a majority by any means, but enough to justify its own category in the classified section, "Chick with Dicks".

And considering Obama's documented dalliances with Homosexual Activist Larry Sinclair, he's definitely part of that group.

Experts have estimated the percentage of she-males as about 10%.
You mean the undercover FBI provocateurs?
No, I mean the one that's currently on trial that is transgender. I believe she goes by Stephanie Watkins, Watson or something like that. You better check with your oathkeeper brother's on that one.
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