Who is Human?


VIP Member
May 6, 2014
Maisam Abumorr is a graduate of English Literature, a current student of Translation (high diploma) and Political Science and Media (BA) in the Islamic University of Gaza, a blogger and a body language trainer.


I remember when I attended a three-day workshop on international law and human rights by the ICRC in Gaza, one of the attendees asked the trainer: "What do I do to be qualified to obtain those human rights?" The trainer replied without much thought: "Nothing. You should be a human, that's all".

The question now is, what am I supposed to do/be to be qualified as a human? As far as I can tell, I live like normal humans do. I love, I hate, I cry, I laugh, I make mistakes, I learn, I dream, I hurt, I get hurt, I love pizza, I watched Titanic 6 times, I have a crush on Bradly Cooper, I get sick, I sometimes tell lame jokes to which only I laugh and last time I checked myself in the mirror I very much looked human.

The only difference is that an occupying nation came from nowhere to claim exclusive ownership of my land on which an endless chain of my ancestors lived, and they started to ethnically cleanse my people.

My only sin is that I stood up and fought for my lost land and for everything that is dear to me.

The world accused me of terrorism just because I refused to be killed like an animal. But, even an animal will fight for its life.

I obeyed the US and went to elections; I voted for a party which met my expectations. But then I was punished for practicing the very democracy they taught me. I didn't realize that the modern definition of democracy is to elect a party approved by the US, not a party that the majority of voters want.

As a result, I was put under severe blockade and was subject to systematic starvation, locked in a tiny patch of land isolated from the rest of the world for years.

I finished my university degree in that period, studying for my finals by candle light and writing entire research papers by hand. I often spent the long school days without having enough money to buy food because my father, an engineer, had nothing to build with.

Within four strenuous years I graduated with big dreams. Unfortunately, they were bigger than my reality.

I remained jobless despite the huge potential I have.

I stood up and fought for what I perceived as my basic rights but what the whole world calls terrorism. My Gaza that has been exhausted by poverty and isolation was also subject to three deadly wars within less than a decade by the Israeli occupation whose forces are armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, paid for by US tax payers.

And the world again blames me for fighting back with my very humble and often-laughed-at, hand-made weapons.

Tens of my people are being killed on a daily basis and I'm watching my childhood and youth wasted in pain and utter misery and the world is still labeling me a terrorist.

I am a terrorist because I fight for my basic rights which everyone else is taking for granted without shedding a single drop of blood and without being dehumanised

Twenty-seven days of my short life were robbed from what are supposed to be the most beautiful years of my life. I spent them watching my loved ones getting killed because they were not human enough in the eyes of the world and I will spend many more years recovering from the war trauma instead of building my career.

If I don't survive this war, I would like the world to know that I have never seen a rocket nor stored any in my house.

Rest assured that I was not used as a human shield!

As I am writing this article, my mother told my father that we are out of cooking gas, knowing that we have been out of water and power for days now.

I still have not figured out what crime I have committed to endure this kind of wretchedness. I wonder what being human feels like.

A question from Gaza: Am I not human enough? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Its very poetic, like a prison poem.
Including that genius from the Islamic University, the fact she is educated and still agree with the most primitive terrorist in Gaza thinking they can achieve something with violence or decorating TERRORISTS with pretty words is DISGUSTING.
Seriously prisons are made for BAD people, every passing day I realize how they truly deserve it by the noisy silence to Hamas, and I do believe there are good people in there Hamas haven't killed already, but they suffer collateral damage by their own family and friends, not us.
this is so horrid, I need to go line by line

The only difference is that an occupying nation came from nowhere to claim exclusive ownership of my land on which an endless chain of my ancestors lived, and they started to ethnically cleanse my people. starting off with lies is never good. jews after WW2 were given that land by the League of Nations (UN) the pals tried to leave but Jordan and every other country refused to allow them in. when israel was formed there was 1.2 million Pals now there's 6 million, so, cleansing, is bullsit.

My only sin is that I stood up and fought for my lost land and for everything that is dear to me. no sharing with the jews, must kill them for creating a wonderful country to live in.

The world accused me of terrorism just because I refused to be killed like an animal. But, even an animal will fight for its life. non-sense, you go after kids and bystanders, then your a fucking animal

I obeyed the US and went to elections; I voted for a party which met my expectations. she voted for hamas, a terror group But then I was punished for practicing the very democracy they taught me. I didn't realize that the modern definition of democracy is to elect a party approved by the US, not a party that the majority of voters want. vote for hamas or we will kill you and then we will kill jews and get you killed later. yea, free election

As a result, I was put under severe blockade and was subject to systematic starvation, locked in a tiny patch of land isolated from the rest of the world for years. then learn to be good neighbors and stop being assholes.

I finished my university degree in that period,cut off she gets a degree? :lol: can't make that up studying for my finals by candle light and writing entire research papers by hand. oh noze, the horror!! complete lie, but wutevs I often spent the long school days without having enough money to buy food because my father, an engineer, had nothing to build with. :lol: no food, no light, but still had enough for a girl to go to college, hmmm :bsflag:

Within four strenuous years I graduated with big dreams. Unfortunately, they were bigger than my reality.

I remained jobless despite the huge potential I have. join the club

I stood up and fought for what I perceived as my basic rights but what the whole world calls terrorism. My Gaza that has been exhausted by poverty and isolation was also subject to three deadly wars within less than a decade by the Israeli occupation whose forces are armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, paid for by US tax payers. stop launching missiles at them and you wouldn't get wars. really, how hard a concept is this?

And the world again blames me for fighting back with my very humble and often-laughed-at, hand-made weapons.

Tens of my people are being killed on a daily basis and I'm watching my childhood and youth wasted in pain and utter misery and the world is still labeling me a terrorist.

I am a terrorist because I fight for my basic rights which everyone else is taking for granted without shedding a single drop of blood and without being dehumanised

Twenty-seven days of my short life were robbed from what are supposed to be the most beautiful years of my life. I spent them watching my loved ones getting killed because they were not human enough in the eyes of the world and I will spend many more years recovering from the war trauma instead of building my career.

If I don't survive this war, I would like the world to know that I have never seen a rocket nor stored any in my house.

Rest assured that I was not used as a human shield!

As I am writing this article, my mother told my father that we are out of cooking gas, knowing that we have been out of water and power for days now.

I still have not figured out what crime I have committed to endure this kind of wretchedness. I wonder what being human feels like.

the rest of that crybaby shit was just to fucking much to take. the Pals bring this shit upon themselves b/c they can't leave the jews alone and live in peace
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Wow TT.

You are clearly quite quite mad.
Being in the company of equally mad people makes you no less so. :)

I will just throw in, that The UN / LoN had the power to allocate land, but no right to do so.
And Israel was taken before it was bestowed by anyone. Taken by lethal force. Like a robber entering your home, killing half your family, throwing others out and confining the survivors to live in prison in the bathroom for 70 years.

Israel was set up on evil principles, expanded by evil and lives by use of evil.
And the US carries much of the blame.
Choose more human leaders?

That's correct!

To choose a terrorist organization as your leader...well...right then and there you know what the Arab "palestinians" are all about!

And they chose that filth with their eyes open...and having chosen them they allow them to go on with their murderous terrorist depravity!

Next time think with your head not with your ass when you vote...that's my advise to the Arab palestinians.
Wow TT.

You are clearly quite quite mad.
Being in the company of equally mad people makes you no less so. :)

I will just throw in, that The UN / LoN had the power to allocate land, but no right to do so.
And Israel was taken before it was bestowed by anyone. Taken by lethal force. Like a robber entering your home, killing half your family, throwing others out and confining the survivors to live in prison in the bathroom for 70 years.

Israel was set up on evil principles, expanded by evil and lives by use of evil.
And the US carries much of the blame.

Yeah go ahead filth, sue the US, or just fire a single rocket to Washington DC direction..but hold on I'm getting some popcorn! :lol:
I think you really are Pally because you are used to Israel's mercy..
UN/LoN/ICI/CAIR/GC/AC/DC I don't give a care, threat Israel and you'll pay the price.
So you say you want a world consensus in reaching a peace with safety & justice for all Dan.

That is very enlightened of you. :)
Wow TT.

You are clearly quite quite mad.
Being in the company of equally mad people makes you no less so. :)

I will just throw in, that The UN / LoN had the power to allocate land, but no right to do so.
And Israel was taken before it was bestowed by anyone. Taken by lethal force. Like a robber entering your home, killing half your family, throwing others out and confining the survivors to live in prison in the bathroom for 70 years.

Israel was set up on evil principles, expanded by evil and lives by use of evil.
And the US carries much of the blame.

Please explain in detail how Israel was taken by lethal force...
Wow TT.

You are clearly quite quite mad.
Being in the company of equally mad people makes you no less so. :)

I will just throw in, that The UN / LoN had the power to allocate land, but no right to do so.
And Israel was taken before it was bestowed by anyone. Taken by lethal force. Like a robber entering your home, killing half your family, throwing others out and confining the survivors to live in prison in the bathroom for 70 years.

Israel was set up on evil principles, expanded by evil and lives by use of evil.
And the US carries much of the blame.

just annoyed, crybaby liars annoy me, so...

please link up the rest of you story, then link a people that didn't take anything from anyone ever.

seriously, your comparisons show a lack of thinking b/c we've seen the same bullshit for years and years.
Who is human?

This man says it better than I do, and he's 100% correct. The moment you dehumanise your "enemy", you leave the door open for mass murder.
Jews were the Nazi's targets, but Zionists have their own "Jews".
It's rather sad, but stupidity remains king.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrtFuxUzZE]Stephen Fry - The power of words in Nazi Germany - YouTube[/ame]
Well, he's certainly no "small" Fry.
Perhaps he can share some of his French Fries with the Azans.
So you say you want a world consensus in reaching a peace with safety & justice for all Dan.

That is very enlightened of you. :)

Maybe its something with your sight..

threat Israel and you'll pay the price.

OK, I want the IDF and Israeli government dead, executed for war crimes.

How much per word, and can I pay by credit card?
"We measure the success of a mission by two things: was it successful and how few civilians did we hurt. They measure success by how many. . . . You're talking to me about international laws. The laws of nature don't even apply here!"
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Percy Fitzwallace, "The West Wing: We Killed Yamamoto"
Wow TT.

You are clearly quite quite mad.
Being in the company of equally mad people makes you no less so. :)

I will just throw in, that The UN / LoN had the power to allocate land, but no right to do so.
And Israel was taken before it was bestowed by anyone. Taken by lethal force. Like a robber entering your home, killing half your family, throwing others out and confining the survivors to live in prison in the bathroom for 70 years.

Israel was set up on evil principles, expanded by evil and lives by use of evil.
And the US carries much of the blame.

That's hilarious! The area as a UN Mandate was given to the British, not the US. If the US carries any 'blame': the UK carries about ten times MORE.
So you say you want a world consensus in reaching a peace with safety & justice for all Dan.

That is very enlightened of you. :)

Maybe its something with your sight..

threat Israel and you'll pay the price.

OK, I want the IDF and Israeli government dead, executed for war crimes.

How much per word, and can I pay by credit card?
just remember @Indofred and the other non jews , there are plenty of us Jews who would like to see justice for the Palestinian people and peace in the region.

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