Who Gets to Survive Trump's Move?

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
Trump or McConnell?
My personal opinion from a Canadian's and outsider's POV is that Trump comes out the winner on this one. Already most of Trump's supporters are declaring that Trump is NOT a Republican.

This leads to the conclusion that the Republican party is left holding the bag for Trump and has lost the needed support for fighting back against him.

There's a really big tusker elephant standing in the room already. The R party either gets support from the faithful or they decide to throw their support behind Trump.

And in the meantime, the D party can operate with impunity by considering that they have no opposition to their agenda.

Is that a correct analysis of the situation.

Fwiw, there is a general appearance of a breakdown of the US political system in progress. McConnell must be close to deciding just to end his misery by his own hand. (gun) That would be regrettable! The political right needs to be present after Trump is shown the door in January.
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You don't seem to get the political situation here in the US.
Trump's ego won't be missed by either party (or us)
Yet every so often Trump gets the policies right, and the "establishment" never gets the policies right
McConnell has an out to vote for the $2,000 payments, the dems already like that idea.
The GA election in January is very big. If the dems win we're screwed.
So the US political system works fine, its just a matter of who gets to make policy, pray for gridlock.
Trump or McConnell?
My personal opinion from a Canadian's and outsider's POV is that Trump comes out the winner on this one. Already most of Trump's supporters are declaring that Trump is NOT a Republican.

This leads to the conclusion that the Republican party is left holding the bag for Trump and has lost the needed support for fighting back against him.

There's a really big tusker elephant standing in the room already. The R party either gets support from the faithful or they decide to throw their support behind Trump.

And in the meantime, the D party can operate with impunity by considering that they have no opposition to their agenda.

Is that a correct analysis of the situation.

Fwiw, there is a general appearance of a breakdown of the US political system in progress. McConnell must be close to deciding just to end his misery by his own hand. (gun) That would be regrettable! The political right needs to be present after Trump is shown the door in January.

So in other words, you don't even live in the country and unlike shockedcanadian, you're more concerned with beer than you are the actual facts. The GOP can't be left "holding a bag" for Trump because without him, they'll have no bag to hold.

The DNC is already dead, taken over by radical anarchist globalists. The GOP is like the aging Steeler O-line: broken on arrival and not hardly working and Trump was pumping new life into them by reinventing them as a party of RELEVANCE..

Without Trump, the GOP is about as interesting as Mitch's brown sock drawer.
Ossof and Warnock are now campaigning on the $2,000 checks. The Democrats always wanted more stimulus not less and their efforts previously were held up by McConnell.

Trump vs. McConnell - The only difference this could make is in Georgia. Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again however the MAGAtards won't abandon him no matter what. McConnell was just reelected, he may lose control of the senate due to the Georgia elections but Kentucky likes it's turtle so he's not going anywhere. Probably won't run for reelection though, he'll be 84 by then.

For the record I think both Republicans will win in Georgia in spite of Trump, not because of him.

Republicans fear Donald J Trump
He has them by the balls

Until Republicans tell MAGA to fuk off...they are owned by Trump
Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.
For the record I think both Republicans will win in Georgia in spite of Trump, not because of him.

I agree

Both Republicans should win though Loughler may be close

Unless Trump gets involved and totally screws things up. Georgia has shown that it does not support Trump
Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.
Third party candidates always lose and swing the election to the opposing party
Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.

Trump will never see 80 million votes. I doubt he'll run again. In the next 4 years there is going to be a lot of bad news about him, from any potential legal issues to what we find out about him buried in the executive branch. Memos, behind the scenes comments. He's already toast, this won't help.

I'm also curious as to how Trump will fair in a mini-series on Netflix, Hulu and elsewhere. He is a gold mine. If J.R.R. Tolkien were alive today he would die of envy with the mythology invented around Trump, no matter how retarded it is. A real treasure trove of entertainment that will make All The Presidents Men look like a feel good story about Nixon.
For the record I think both Republicans will win in Georgia in spite of Trump, not because of him.

I agree

Both Republicans should win though Loughler may be close

Unless Trump gets involved and totally screws things up. Georgia has shown that it does not support Trump

Yep, I think people who may have normally voted for a Republican voted for someone other than Trump and now they will want to swing back and vote Republican.

If and big if Georgia elects one or both Democrats then that shows me Georgia is now officially purple and possibly leaning blue.
Trump will never see 80 million votes.
Of course he could. Rush gets up to 60 million listeners and every one of them would vote for Trump I guarantee you. He just got close to 75 million votes and that was with every crooked dirty ball, lying cheating trick they could pull against him. They stole millions of votes for him.

Trump will gain even more support as people see what a bad mistake Joe and Harry were. 1 in 4 already admitted they wouldn't have voted for Biden had they known more about him they know now.

Biden/Harris have nearly ZERO voter appeal from anyone looking for someone to vote FOR.

I doubt he'll run again.
Very possible because if he won in four years that would make him like 81 by the time he finished the term. But you never know, and Trump hasn't lost this race yet. He still has chances.

In the next 4 years there is going to be a lot of bad news about him
There was a TON of bad press on him these past four years and he GAINED support.
Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.

When neither party can swallow their pride and get along with you...

Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.
Third party candidates always lose and swing the election to the opposing party

You're obviously thinking about those weak, ineffectual "third party" candidates of the past. The GOP would never sit on its thumbs and watch Donald Trump run away with a huge chunk of their votership. No way, no how. That would be political suicide.
Trump will never see 80 million votes.
Of course he could. Rush gets up to 60 million listeners and every one of them would vote for Trump I guarantee you. He just got close to 75 million votes and that was with every crooked dirty ball, lying cheating trick they could pull against him. They stole millions of votes for him.

Trump will gain even more support as people see what a bad mistake Joe and Harry were. 1 in 4 already admitted they wouldn't have voted for Biden had they known more about him they know now.

Biden/Harris have nearly ZERO voter appeal from anyone looking for someone to vote FOR.

I doubt he'll run again.
Very possible because if he won in four years that would make him like 81 by the time he finished the term. But you never know, and Trump hasn't lost this race yet. He still has chances.

In the next 4 years there is going to be a lot of bad news about him
There was a TON of bad press on him these past four years and he GAINED support.

Rush gets 60 million listeners? Doubtful.
I've listened to Rush on the radio, am I one of them?
No matter how many listeners Rush has Trump lost. So, your point is...not great.

1 in 4 voters wouldn't vote for Biden again? If you say so, seems you're missing a few credible sources.
Again you say Biden/Harris have zero voter appeal. Ignore the fact that by far they've received more votes than anyone in history and against a sitting president.

Trump won't run again and it's pretty clear he lost this by over 7 million.
There was a ton of bad press about Trump and he lost Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a district in Nebraska.

If Trump were to run as a third party, he'd split the vote and lose.
If Trump were to run as a Republican he won't get through the primary.
He'll probably be dead by then anyway.
Trump or McConnell?
My personal opinion from a Canadian's and outsider's POV is that Trump comes out the winner on this one. Already most of Trump's supporters are declaring that Trump is NOT a Republican.

This leads to the conclusion that the Republican party is left holding the bag for Trump and has lost the needed support for fighting back against him.

There's a really big tusker elephant standing in the room already. The R party either gets support from the faithful or they decide to throw their support behind Trump.

And in the meantime, the D party can operate with impunity by considering that they have no opposition to their agenda.

Is that a correct analysis of the situation.

Fwiw, there is a general appearance of a breakdown of the US political system in progress. McConnell must be close to deciding just to end his misery by his own hand. (gun) That would be regrettable! The political right needs to be present after Trump is shown the door in January.

So in other words, you don't even live in the country and unlike shockedcanadian, you're more concerned with beer than you are the actual facts. The GOP can't be left "holding a bag" for Trump because without him, they'll have no bag to hold.

The DNC is already dead, taken over by radical anarchist globalists. The GOP is like the aging Steeler O-line: broken on arrival and not hardly working and Trump was pumping new life into them by reinventing them as a party of RELEVANCE..

Without Trump, the GOP is about as interesting as Mitch's brown sock drawer.

That is full batshit crazy....

This is what happens if you just read crazy shit for years...

I am sick trying to explain this but Trump made very pro China moves... I mean real stupid stuff... Look today, China has announced the largest Trading group in the world and US is out in the cold... This is economic stupidity, even Trump knows it...

Trump was played, he was the one that handed TPP to China with a bow on top... He never understood it and I don't know if he ever will..
Trump is out, he'll never be elected president again

Poor soul, all Trump has to do if he wants to be president is run again AS HIS OWN THIRD PARTY and so many fucking democrats and republicans sick and tired of BAU under Biden and Mitch will jump ship to his party of freshness and ingenuity with its message of positiveness and hope for Americans at last that the DNC and GOP won't fucking know what hit them.

Trump will get his honest 80 million voters and the other two parties can each share the other 70.
Third party candidates always lose and swing the election to the opposing party

You're obviously thinking about those weak, ineffectual "third party" candidates of the past. The GOP would never sit on its thumbs and watch Donald Trump run away with a huge chunk of their votership. No way, no how. That would be political suicide.

Never been a stronger and more popular third party candidate than Teddy Roosevelt and his Bull Moose Party.

He split the Republican vote and got Woodrow Wilson elected
Trump will never see 80 million votes. I doubt he'll run again. In the next 4 years there is going to be a lot of bad news about him, from any potential legal issues to what we find out about him buried in the executive branch. Memos, behind the scenes comments. He's already toast, this won't help.

Doubtful, real bad news about President Trump has already expired. The Democrats started trying to impeach Trump before he even took office. It has been proven that the whole Russian Collusion scam was just that, a demonstrable, Democrat paid for scam.

Now the doo-doo is hitting the fan with the Biden Crime Family being led down the drain by Hunter.

I'm curious, do you believe that Joe will still be in office in January 2022?

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