CDZ Who believes the claims by mainstream media that dems are ahead in polls?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
"Crazy as a bedbug." Something only a person with zero stake in the future would say.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
Right, people go see him cause they don't like him right? LOL the polls were right in 2016 they just ignored all the undecideds and they mostly voted for Trump.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
It's the 'cold hard fact" part that is amusing, according to whom? The polls? This get's more amusing by the day. Can anyone say polls trying to lead? I've seen this movie before.
Right, people go see him cause they don't like him right? LOL the polls were right in 2016 they just ignored all the undecideds and they mostly voted for Trump.
No, the people go to see him because they really, really, really like him.

The fact that there are thousands of them, even tens of thousands of them that really really like him does not mean that a majority of the hundreds of millions in this nation that can vote do.

There is no getting around the fact that the die hard Trump supporters are certainly much more supportive and excited about Trump than the democrat supporters. There is no evidence that such translates into electoral victories though.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
It's the 'cold hard fact" part that is amusing, according to whom? The polls? This get's more amusing by the day. Can anyone say polls trying to lead? I've seen this movie before.
Because it is. All indications point to it. You can ignore what is going an and live in the belief that you just know because... well just because however that is plain silly and unproductive. Trump is going to have to fight to win a second term AND his supporters are going to have to fight as well.

The dems were positive Hillary would win as well. Hell, Hillary was positive she had it in the bag. That cultivated complacency. That complacency is one of the core reasons she lost.

You want a dem for president next cycle? The best way to get there is to be sure that Trump has this in the bag.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
It's the 'cold hard fact" part that is amusing, according to whom? The polls? This get's more amusing by the day. Can anyone say polls trying to lead? I've seen this movie before.
Because it is. All indications point to it. You can ignore what is going an and live in the belief that you just know because... well just because however that is plain silly and unproductive. Trump is going to have to fight to win a second term AND his supporters are going to have to fight as well.

The dems were positive Hillary would win as well. Hell, Hillary was positive she had it in the bag. That cultivated complacency. That complacency is one of the core reasons she lost.

You want a dem for president next cycle? The best way to get there is to be sure that Trump has this in the bag.
I tend to agree with you. I just find it amusing that we still believe the polls. I'm not a Trump fan, but those that are seem energized. The dems not so much. To me it's obvious the polls are trying to lead.The farther left they go the more of the middle they lose. I can look at my own family and most have plain given up on the dems. The most common thing I hear is "I just can't vote for a dem". At least not this crowd. I have 5 sisters, 4 voted for Hillary and Obama twice. All 5 have totally given up on the dems. They don't like Trump but the dems have gone off the rails. It's the same old story, the polls come from elitists on the coasts. They know nothing of the rest of this country.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
Like anything else, it depends who you ask.
The Democrat candidate (regardless of who it is) will be 95% certain to win in the polls up until the moment they lose.

Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

So even Rasumussen is lying when he says that the Dems are all leading Trump?
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
Their excuse may be that arithmetic is also a big joke. :rolleyes:
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

So even Rasumussen is lying when he says that the Dems are all leading Trump?
"Rasumussen" - is that short for the spirit of Rasputin? <giggle>
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

So even Rasumussen is lying when he says that the Dems are all leading Trump?
"Rasumussen" - is that short for the spirit of Rasputin? <giggle>
Basically, Yes
I believe nothing the media says. Not related to politics or entertainment.... nothing. They lie about EVERYTHING.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
It's the 'cold hard fact" part that is amusing, according to whom? The polls? This get's more amusing by the day. Can anyone say polls trying to lead? I've seen this movie before.
Because it is. All indications point to it. You can ignore what is going an and live in the belief that you just know because... well just because however that is plain silly and unproductive. Trump is going to have to fight to win a second term AND his supporters are going to have to fight as well.

The dems were positive Hillary would win as well. Hell, Hillary was positive she had it in the bag. That cultivated complacency. That complacency is one of the core reasons she lost.

You want a dem for president next cycle? The best way to get there is to be sure that Trump has this in the bag.
I tend to agree with you. I just find it amusing that we still believe the polls. I'm not a Trump fan, but those that are seem energized. The dems not so much. To me it's obvious the polls are trying to lead.The farther left they go the more of the middle they lose. I can look at my own family and most have plain given up on the dems. The most common thing I hear is "I just can't vote for a dem". At least not this crowd. I have 5 sisters, 4 voted for Hillary and Obama twice. All 5 have totally given up on the dems. They don't like Trump but the dems have gone off the rails. It's the same old story, the polls come from elitists on the coasts. They know nothing of the rest of this country.
Sure, and I am pretty positive that such will begin to reflect in the polls when the race actually starts. At the moment, most Americans are simply not tuned into politics at all let alone enough to see the crazy.

That will change as the election draws near and one of the reasons that the polls this far out really do not mean much. That does not mean they do not reflect at least a general idea of where things lay at this moment though.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.
It's the 'cold hard fact" part that is amusing, according to whom? The polls? This get's more amusing by the day. Can anyone say polls trying to lead? I've seen this movie before.
Because it is. All indications point to it. You can ignore what is going an and live in the belief that you just know because... well just because however that is plain silly and unproductive. Trump is going to have to fight to win a second term AND his supporters are going to have to fight as well.

The dems were positive Hillary would win as well. Hell, Hillary was positive she had it in the bag. That cultivated complacency. That complacency is one of the core reasons she lost.

You want a dem for president next cycle? The best way to get there is to be sure that Trump has this in the bag.
I tend to agree with you. I just find it amusing that we still believe the polls. I'm not a Trump fan, but those that are seem energized. The dems not so much. To me it's obvious the polls are trying to lead.The farther left they go the more of the middle they lose. I can look at my own family and most have plain given up on the dems. The most common thing I hear is "I just can't vote for a dem". At least not this crowd. I have 5 sisters, 4 voted for Hillary and Obama twice. All 5 have totally given up on the dems. They don't like Trump but the dems have gone off the rails. It's the same old story, the polls come from elitists on the coasts. They know nothing of the rest of this country.
Sure, and I am pretty positive that such will begin to reflect in the polls when the race actually starts. At the moment, most Americans are simply not tuned into politics at all let alone enough to see the crazy.

That will change as the election draws near and one of the reasons that the polls this far out really do not mean much. That does not mean they do not reflect at least a general idea of where things lay at this moment though.
Still, the allure of free stuff is a powerful narcotic to the ignorant.

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