Who are the Seniors backing, Trump or Clinton?

You have it ass backwards. Think about it.

No, I have it correct. Think about Winston Churchill, for example. He was conservative when young, liberal when old. I bring him up because he's the one that often gets the famous fake quote attributed to him concerning this issue, the one paraphrased in post 12.
Old people heavily back Trump.

Which is bad for the GOP in the long term, because their voters are kicking the bucket. And people tend to get more liberal as they age.

Actually more people become conservative as they age, that is why most old people are conservative. When you are young you don't have a lot of money for the state to take. As you work and become productive you see what the state is doing to your hard earned money. That turns most people conservative. The exceptions are the liberals who never really made much money working in welfare offices. They still need a handout.

don't know who said this, but I like it. I got my brain early :eusa_shifty:
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
What if you're a Conservative way before 25?
You are extra brainy and totally ruthless! (Joke) :)

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