Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Something of a different tune being sung by Emperor Erdogan. There are conflicting signals but Erdogan may be souring on his relationship with Hamas.

Can someone cue up B B King's ''The Thrill is Gone''?

Erdogan is a devout Sunni so any appearance of accommodation to Israel is noteworthy. I wouldn't be surprised if two elements are causing a shift in tactics. 1) Arab states are onboard with the economic opportunities available with Israel and Erdogan may be seeing lost opportunities. 2). As a devout Sunni, the relationship Hamas has with Shia Iran may be an unforgivable sin.

The latest Ankara “reconciliation” narrative has been fed to Israeli media over the last few weeks. Israel’s Channel 12 reported the news that Turkey might reduce the Hamas presence. But there is no evidence that it has actually reduced the role of Hamas terrorists who receive red carpet treatment from Ankara.

TURKEY ANNOUNCED on January 18 that Israel’s president would visit without corresponding coordination or a similar announcement from the Israeli side.
The Gulf Arab states must he asking themselves ''if we make a list of pro / con arguments about where our priorities lie in 2022 and beyond..... lets see.... cooperation with Israel provides economic, socio-political, strategic and military benefits with Shia Iran as an antagonistic player.

On the other hand, cooperation with Hamas and other Pally terrorist groups provides a financial drain as an endless money pit, socio-political isolation from the west, and the Pal terrorist groups humiliating the Sunni Arab states by aligning with the Shia heretics.

Decisions, decisions.

Public marches recently held in Gaza and statements made by senior Hamas figures, all in favor of the Houthis, have provoked a great deal of anger in the Gulf, as well as in moderate Arab states.

The Ramallah-based leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA), however, publicly condemned the Houthis — but has not had control over Gaza since June 2007, when Hamas enacted a military coup and seized control over the enclave.
The Pal terrorists have launched into some real islamo-melodrama.

The corrected slogan should be modified as such:

''we will declare war and a revolution will ignite.... and we have lots of our throw-away children we can ignite''.​

Fatah threatens "we will declare war and a revolution will ignite" if Palestinian terrorist with cancer dies in prison​

Awdah TV, Fatah-run | Fatah's Information and Culture Commission‎, Facebook | Jan 18, 2022
Video posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture
More of the international islamic terrorism that involves the Pals.

Canadian academic accused of a 1980 bombing outside a Paris synagogue will face trial in 2023, five years after he was freed due to lack of evidence.

France says Lebanese-born sociology professor Hassan Diab was a member of a Palestinian militant group and planted a bomb that killed four and wounded 40.
The Pallys celebrate the death of their children as much as they celebrate the deaths of their victims killed as a part of the islamist gee-had.

Palestinian terror groups were quick to praise a shooting attack that fatally wounded an Israeli man in the northern West Bank on Thursday night, although none claimed responsibility for it.
I suppose Hamas was running its international gee-had program on behalf of Iran from the relative safety of Turkey.

Hamas’s headquarters in Istanbul has directed hundreds of terrorist attacks against Israelis and laundered millions of dollars, a recent report by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has said.

The report noted that “a decade has passed since the official opening of Hamas’s offices in Istanbul, and Turkey is courting Israel anew. Turkey collaborates with terror organizations on both the ideological and operational levels. Terrorists working on Turkish soil establish infrastructures and plan terror attacks against Israel.”
Those Pals are so ungrateful. The Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist syndicates have spent decades developing their wealth and luxury living from exploiting the ''poor, oppressed Islamic terrorist'' meme.

Islam means submission Sinwar needs a Mercedes.

Palestinians have launched a new social media campaign in protest of Hamas’ rule of the Gaza Strip, holding the Islamist movement responsible for poverty, unemployment, and harsh economic and humanitarian conditions.

 A boy holds a toy weapon as Palestinians take part in a rally marking the 34th anniversary of Hamas
© (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/REUTERS)A boy holds a toy weapon as Palestinians take part in a rally marking the 34th anniversary of Hamas
Hamas supporters claimed that the Palestinian Authority and Israel were behind the new campaign.
Islamic terrorism is what defines the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

The total number of Palestinian terror attacks in 2021 reached 54, according to a report published on Wednesday by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

It said that despite incidents related to Israel’s 11-day conflict last May with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the scope of terrorism in the West Bank and Jerusalem remained similar to that of past years going back to 2017.

By comparison, 40 attacks were carried out in 2020, while 34 were recorded in 2019 and 55 in 2018.
Islamic terrorism is what defines the territories occupied by Hamas and Fatah.

The total number of Palestinian terror attacks in 2021 reached 54, according to a report published on Wednesday by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

It said that despite incidents related to Israel’s 11-day conflict last May with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the scope of terrorism in the West Bank and Jerusalem remained similar to that of past years going back to 2017.

By comparison, 40 attacks were carried out in 2020, while 34 were recorded in 2019 and 55 in 2018.
Drop on the bucket compared to Israel's terrorism.
Hasn't anyone told the Pal Authority of Dysfunction that the "country of Pal'istan'' was invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne and the ''country of Gaza'istan'' was invented as a ''new state''.?

The Palestinian Authority has condemned Prime Minister Naftali Bennett for opposing the establishment of a Palestinian state, saying his remarks expose his “extremist and anti-peace ideology.”
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