Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It is odd that the "pally cause" is not something the Pal land squatters can even agree on. The idea of establishing a ''country of Pally'land'' when that country was, as we know, invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne, suggests some buffoonery on the part of the Pal squatters.

''Striving in the way of Muhammud'' as a reason to reconquer lands previously conquerd by the Arab invaders is a more realistic assessment of Pally goals but the Gulf Arab states have no reasonable expectation of that,

That leaves the Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist leadership to bend and scrape before their Shia masters to maintain some of the welfare money being pulled back by western enablers.

As reiterated time and again, it is the aim of establishing a sovereign state of Palestine on territory, attacked and occupied by Jordan and Egypt in 1948, that Israel overran during the Six Day War in June 1967. In other words, the two-state solution to the perennial Arab-Israeli dispute.

But within the Palestinian body politic, that is not the agreed definition of their cause. A large swath of Palestinian opinion shares the vision of Hamas and supporters of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, to say nothing of the Iran-supported jihadist groups within the Gaza Strip and beyond. Hamas, founded in 1987, initially took its lead from the pronouncement back in 1970 by Yasser Arafat, then chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization: “Our basic aim is to liberate the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.... The Palestinian revolution’s basic concern is the uprooting of the Zionist entity from our land and liberating it.”
It is odd that the "pally cause" is not something the Pal land squatters can even agree on. The idea of establishing a ''country of Pally'land'' when that country was, as we know, invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne, suggests some buffoonery on the part of the Pal squatters.

''Striving in the way of Muhammud'' as a reason to reconquer lands previously conquerd by the Arab invaders is a more realistic assessment of Pally goals but the Gulf Arab states have no reasonable expectation of that,

That leaves the Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist leadership to bend and scrape before their Shia masters to maintain some of the welfare money being pulled back by western enablers.

As reiterated time and again, it is the aim of establishing a sovereign state of Palestine on territory, attacked and occupied by Jordan and Egypt in 1948, that Israel overran during the Six Day War in June 1967. In other words, the two-state solution to the perennial Arab-Israeli dispute.

But within the Palestinian body politic, that is not the agreed definition of their cause. A large swath of Palestinian opinion shares the vision of Hamas and supporters of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, to say nothing of the Iran-supported jihadist groups within the Gaza Strip and beyond. Hamas, founded in 1987, initially took its lead from the pronouncement back in 1970 by Yasser Arafat, then chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization: “Our basic aim is to liberate the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.... The Palestinian revolution’s basic concern is the uprooting of the Zionist entity from our land and liberating it.”
The Palestinians are not talking about establishing a country.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Diminish Capacity
※→. P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: Derealization is characterized by persistent depersonalization (i.e., experiences of unreality or detachment from one's mind, self, or body) and/or derealization (i.e., experiences of unreality or detachment from one's surroundings).

The Palestinians are not talking about establishing a country.
Not really. Palestine is already there. All they need is more recognition.

The inability to recognize the national development of a country and its people is a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD), in which individuals are born with an inability to develop face recognition skills despite having unimpaired vision and memory. This is especially true when the community segment has a social disorder that presents as an obstacle in environments with multiple stimuli. We can see this when a person's attention is disrupted that they cannot function until something breaks the connection. People that just have to look at the flashing lights of a police car or fire vehicle have a mild form of NCD. It is almost as if they are mentally captured. The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are captured in the conflict. Like the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle, they turn their head and cannot help but watch it as it passes by. The Political Neurocognitive Disorder variant (Pol-NCD) does the same thing. The idea captures them and they cannot unlock their view and make a distinction between the reality around them and the item of attention that has captured them.

The HoAP's attention is profoundly locked onto the idea that they have a country (from the river to the sea) and that the Jewish Immigrants were foreign settlers. And the effectiveness of this mental lock is so strong that the mental lock has practically consumed them intellectually. In the case of the HoAP, they cannot distinguish between a political entity and self-government.

United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations said:

Palestine is today a legal entity but it is not a sovereign state. Palestine is a territory administered under mandate by His Majesty (in respect of the United Kingdom), who is entirely responsible both for its internal administration and for its foreign affairs.

2. After the 15th May, 1948, Palestine will continue to be a legal entity but it will still not be a sovereign state because it will not be immediately self-governing. The authority responsible for its administration will, however, have changed.

3. Where the sovereignty of Palestine lies at the present time in a disputed and perhaps academic legal question about which writers have expressed a number of different conclusions. Where the sovereignty of Palestine will lie after the 15th May, 1948; is perhaps also a question on which different views will be held but so far as His Majesty’s Government are aware, it is a question which it is unnecessary to answer in connection with any practical issues.

4. After the 15th May, 1948, the United Nations Commission will be the Government of Palestine. It does not seem very material whether it is considered to be the de facto or the de jure Government. In any case, its title to be the Government of Palestine will rest on the resolution of the General Assembly.

5. His Majesty’s Government will recognize the United Nations Commission as the authority with which to make an agreement regarding the transfer of the assets of the Government of Palestine.
SOURCE: A/AC.21/UK/42. 25 February 1948

The development of the Pol-NCD is so involved that it acts like stage-four cancer. And they cannot break away from the attraction of armed struggle. This armed struggle comes with the unwavering belief that there is no other compelling solution. The HoAP find this pathogen so strong that a form of face blindness develops and they cannot recognize any other political pathway to take than the unproductive and destructive one they are on.

And while the entire rest of the cognitive world can see and identify, the National Council for the Jewish State evolved into a self-governing nation (through self-determination); the Arab State envisioned by the UN descended and imploded into chaos. A century later, the lack of cooperation by the HoAP through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government is the foundation for what the world sees today.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Diminish Capacity
※→. P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: Derealization is characterized by persistent depersonalization (i.e., experiences of unreality or detachment from one's mind, self, or body) and/or derealization (i.e., experiences of unreality or detachment from one's surroundings).


The inability to recognize the national development of a country and its people is a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD), in which individuals are born with an inability to develop face recognition skills despite having unimpaired vision and memory. This is especially true when the community segment has a social disorder that presents as an obstacle in environments with multiple stimuli. We can see this when a person's attention is disrupted that they cannot function until something breaks the connection. People that just have to look at the flashing lights of a police car or fire vehicle have a mild form of NCD. It is almost as if they are mentally captured. The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are captured in the conflict. Like the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle, they turn their head and cannot help but watch it as it passes by. The Political Neurocognitive Disorder variant (Pol-NCD) does the same thing. The idea captures them and they cannot unlock their view and make a distinction between the reality around them and the item of attention that has captured them.

The HoAP's attention is profoundly locked onto the idea that they have a country (from the river to the sea) and that the Jewish Immigrants were foreign settlers. And the effectiveness of this mental lock is so strong that the mental lock has practically consumed them intellectually. In the case of the HoAP, they cannot distinguish between a political entity and self-government.

The development of the Pol-NCD is so involved that it acts like stage-four cancer. And they cannot break away from the attraction of armed struggle. This armed struggle comes with the unwavering belief that there is no other compelling solution. The HoAP find this pathogen so strong that a form of face blindness develops and they cannot recognize any other political pathway to take than the unproductive and destructive one they are on.

And while the entire rest of the cognitive world can see and identify, the National Council for the Jewish State evolved into a self-governing nation (through self-determination); the Arab State envisioned by the UN descended and imploded into chaos. A century later, the lack of cooperation by the HoAP through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government is the foundation for what the world sees today.


Most Respectfully,
WOW!!!!! You missed the point of my post.

The Palestinians are not seeking to create a state that conforms to what Israel wants. They want to free the state they already have.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Diminish Capacity
※→. P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: No, I did not miss your point at all.

WOW!!!!! You missed the point of my post.

The Palestinians are not seeking to create a state that conforms to what Israel wants. They want to free the state they already have.

I said that the Arab Palestinians who believe they already have the state (from the river to the sea) are suffering from a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD). They cannot comprehend the simple truth, no matter what evidence and logic have been presented.

There is a reality that they are NOT grasping.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Diminish Capacity
※→. P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: No, I did not miss your point at all.


I said that the Arab Palestinians who believe they already have the state (from the river to the sea) are suffering from a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD). They cannot comprehend the simple truth, no matter what evidence and logic have been presented.

There is a reality that they are NOT grasping.


Most Respectfully,
I said that the Arab Palestinians who believe they already have the state (from the river to the sea) are suffering from a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD).
Why? That is the unceded territory of Palestine.
Why? That is the unceded territory of Palestine.
Your quaint notion that the ''country of Pal'istan'' (the ''country'' you falsely claim was invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne), is definitely a cognitive disorder.

There was no ''country of Pal'istan'' held as sovereign territory by ''Pal'istanians'', therefore no ''unceded territory of Pal'istan''.

The first principle of a valid argument is that following a logical progression of facts means the conclusion will be true when a valid premise is true.

^^^^ This is the inverse of your argument which is absent facts.
Your quaint notion that the ''country of Pal'istan'' (the ''country'' you falsely claim was invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne), is definitely a cognitive disorder.

There was no ''country of Pal'istan'' held as sovereign territory by ''Pal'istanians'', therefore no ''unceded territory of Pal'istan''.

The first principle of a valid argument is that following a logical progression of facts means the conclusion will be true when a valid premise is true.

^^^^ This is the inverse of your argument which is absent facts.
There was no ''country of Pal'istan'' held as sovereign territory by ''Pal'istanians'', therefore no ''unceded territory of Pal'istan''.

Of course not.

Of course not.
I previously gave you links to the Treaty of Lausanne so you could point to the exact citation wherein that document invented your imagined ''country of Pal'ustan.


Of course not.

What are those ''new states'' you insist were invented but never identified?

''The always unanswered question''


''Of course not''.
In the event you weren't aware of the Pally history that dates back to their invention in the late 1960's by an Egyptian terrorist thousands of years ago, the squatters with an invented national identity have now invented a history dating back thousands of years.

They even invented an entire history of invented Pals who defeated Romans, Greeks, Persians, etc., during invented invasions by those invented invading armies.


Miraculous Palestinian history: “We [Palestinians] defeated the Hyksos, the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Tatars, and the Pharaohs,” and will defeat Israel as well​

Itamar Marcus | Jan 30, 2022
  • PA PM’s lies used as basis for hate ideology: “We defeated the Hyksos, the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Tatars, and the Pharaohs. We have defeated all the invaders who passed through the land of Palestine. On behalf of the Martyrs we will defeat this hated occupation [Israel] that will leave our land.”​

The Palestinian Authority has written a fictitious history for itself that is both comical and dangerous. The PA claims Palestinians to be distinct in the annals of history, being the only people to have defeated many of the greatest empires. Incredibly, the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Pharaohs, Hyksos and Tatars, all were defeated by the Palestinians, according to Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh speaking in the name of Mahmoud Abbas, at the Palestinian Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Ramallah.

Given that only last century after the creation of the State of Israel did some Arabs of the land of Israel adopt a Palestinian identity, the PA’s Prime Minister’s fantasy could be dismissed as laughable and irrelevant. However, the continuation of the PM’s words, using this fantasy history to justify his call to fight to destroy Israel, shows how dangerous even a lie can be:
“We have defeated all the invaders who passed through the land of Palestine. On behalf of the Martyrs we will defeat this hated occupation [Israel] that will leave our land.”
[Official PA TV Live, Jan. 9, 2022]
Pallys seethe.

Aside from stating the usual Pally behavior, there is some world class seething taking place at the Yasser Arafat shrine, sometimes called the Pally museum, sometimes called ''the place where an invented people with an invented national identity have now invented a history of Pally'dom dating back thousands of years when they repelled invented armies''.

It's really just so horrible that a Cult like this, a Cult with a shared, all-consuming mental disorder still receives welfare money from the international community.

PA death worship: "Terrorists' "souls hover in Paradise... adorned with a crown of honor," says PA Prime Minister​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 31, 2022
  • PA PM on terrorists killed during attacks: “The Martyrs are heroes... Their blood is perfume, and their souls hover in Paradise together with the righteous and the prophets. They are adorned with a crown of honor, and their blood waters the anemones that bloom in all of Palestine. ”

  • PA PM stresses: Paying families of dead terrorist “Martyrs” is “a moral commitment” for the PA

  • PA PM: Goal is to destroy Israel - “We’ve defeated all the invaders… we’ll defeat this hated occupation that will leave our land”

Speaking on behalf of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the Palestinian Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Ramallah, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh stressed certain key issues in PA ideology that Palestinian Media Watch has continuously exposed:
  • Terrorists – be they imprisoned, released, or dead as “Martyrs” – are “heroes” and role models for PA society
  • Therefore the PA sees it as its duty and “moral commitment” to pay them salaries
  • The ultimate goal for the PA is Israel's destruction – “to defeat the invader”
The following are excerpts of Shtayyeh’s speech emphasizing these ideologies:
Terrorists killed during attacks - “Martyrs” in PA terminology - are “heroes… Their blood is perfume… They are adorned with a crown of honor”:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Terrorism and the Religious Struggle
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

PREFACE: You have made - just an enormous number of contributions to the discussion. This one is really interesting.

Ongoing War (Blogspot) 1338 29 JAN 2022.png
"Why kill religious Jewish children?


16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion.

I've heard this claim several times. But I am not sure what the true position is. The Palestinians do not speak with one voice. Furthermore, the Arab Palestinians do not have the proper representation necessary in the Israeli Legal System would demonstrate that Israeli Law is not bound to support a one-sided Jewish system, that it is not prone to support any action brought against the Israeli Governmental agencies, but rather the courts sit and rule on the higher order of fairness and justice in what should be done outside and beyond the political environment.

While I generally write in support of the Israeli side of the conflict, the law must always discard the standing of the Hostile Arab Palestinian and approach the development of each judgment in a blind manner.

Extracted From

At the same time, religious conflict may be used as a front for a hidden political agenda.
The violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians today is an example of religious and political conflict. Several wars have been fought between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Israeli military superiority resulted in the capture of land from its Arab neighbors. Because the PLO saw that Arab allies were unable to drive Israeli armed forces from occupied lands, the PLO began a campaign of terrorism, as did other groups. The goals are to destroy Israel and form an Arab state in Palestine. Today, a political solution is slowly developing as Israeli forces continue to withdraw from occupied lands, although the withdrawals are marred by violence from both sides.
SOURCE: Terrorism and Homeland Security, Author: Philip P. Purpura, formerly the Coordinator of the Security for Houses of Worship Project in South Carolina,
As I have said before, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict evolves over time. Each of the many facets begins to take a new shape with some shrinking in emphasis and others taking on a larger portion of the political center. Although the Palestinians have long claimed that the focus is on the persistent legal battles encompassing property ownership. The Palestinians have been (for more than two decades) trying to get the Israeli courts to give the attention they believe this issue deserves and put an end to the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their homes everywhere in the disputed territories. However, this would pry open the flood gates for a string of cases involving the equitable settlement for personal holding losses, compensation for real property incurred, and reasonable penalties for the suffering imposed upon non-Jewish families.

This poses a real dilemma for the Jewish legal system on the burden it levies on the true ethics it must apply in District Court (
Beit Mishpat Mehozi) on this immense legal problem the Israeli judiciary will deal with in both aspects of common and civil law.

I am quite sure that no one in the Israeli Justice system will read this, I am 100% sure that independently, the mover and shakers in the Israeli system of justice are already looking at the ways in which they might approach this issue from on high.

Just My Thoughts, 10 agorot worth,

Most Respectfully,

Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) issued a scathing report about routine torture by multiple Palestinian Authority security services of critics of the regime.
They admit that they are probably underreporting the problem.

They investigated 250 out of more than 2600 arbitrary arrests of Palestinians between 2015 and mid-2021. They were all for either political activity, criticism of the Abbas regime or participation in protests.

61% of the detainees were tortured, including beatings, deprivation of food, deprivation of toilets, and sleep deprivation.

One victim said, "I was subjected to falanga; they whipped my feet with a plastic tube or hose. This happened four times. After the beating, the interrogator would force me to walk in the corridor in front of the investigation office and run barefoot for ten minutes. They tied my hands in the back and threw the rope over the iron door and pulled hard until my body arched forward. The rope was tied to the iron door from behind, and they covered my head with a hood."

The report exposes cases where detainees are kept in prison even after posting bail, sometimes for months and with multiple payments.

(full article online )

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