White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

I think he needs to clairify that a little.

Yes, there are some crazy nut jobs that are white supremacists. And yes those few crazy people are dangerous, like any other group of angry stupid people.

But he's right that there is no significant white supremacist movement taking over the country. That's all left-wing myth making to justify their own violent Antifa groups.
The very idea that white supremacy is prevalent in this country is beyond laughable. I say that as a half Hispanic who saw a lot of racism in the 70's growing up. This country is 100 times better than it used to be and it's moving in the right direction. I'm proud to be an American who voted for President Trump! I'm sure that's a scary thought for people who make a living and try to win elections playing the race card. Two years of Russian collusion was proven to be false so the next BS move by Liberals is "white supremacy". smh
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

Dear White_MAGA_Man
What white privilege refers to is the greater authority
that people or classes have by invoking both
* Scriptural Authority through CHURCH institutions
* Constitutional Authority through the STATE
which are both ATTRIBUTED to "European" culture, leadership,
historic tradition and class.

The CENTRAL authority of both Church and State has been historically
established through European/American leadership and culture.

So that's taken to be the DEFAULT representation of AUTHORITY, and this lineage
and LANGUAGE is historically EUROCENTRIC and established in ENGLISH.

The rebellion against this class monopoly has been expressed
through the SECULAR media and liberal parties competing to have
equal authority. But if they don't rely on SCRIPTURAL or CONSTITUTIONAL
authority, then they have to rely on PARTY POLITICS and MEDIA BULLYING
to try to invoke the same power as Traditional Conservative and Christian
institutions have established by enforcing CONSTITUTIONAL and SCRIPTURAL
laws and authority.

This is actually a SPIRITUAL process, and is really UNIVERSAL to ALL humanity.

But until all people are equally educated and empowered to invoke laws and authority as equal under law,
then just the people who ARE educated and empowered appear to have privilege
and power as a class based monopoly.

So that's why this is BLAMED on EUROCENTRIC culture/class
That's how the people have been represented who have the knowledge
of the laws, experience and heritage of invoking authority of law
through BOTH the CHURCH and the STATE.

The predominant class and culture is referred to as WHITE.
Like Christianity, ANYONE can adopt and invoke AUTHORITY OF LAW
by committing to follow and live by the same laws. But since these systems
were established primarily by EUROCENTRIC traditions and history,
then this is SEEN as a WHITE dominant system, when it's actually spiritually
universal and applies to ALL HUMANITY. That's not how it's taught,
but has become monopolized where people don't have equal access
or knowledge of the laws, so they can be exploited and oppressed by others.
It mostly limits to watching one Richard Spencer larp while being way out of his league. It is amusing to watch, but no concerning like the watching the left who are determined to destroy America.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

Dear White_MAGA_Man
What white privilege refers to is the greater authority
that people or classes have by invoking both
* Scriptural Authority through CHURCH institutions
* Constitutional Authority through the STATE
which are both ATTRIBUTED to "European" culture, leadership,
historic tradition and class.

The CENTRAL authority of both Church and State has been historically
established through European/American leadership and culture.

So that's taken to be the DEFAULT representation of AUTHORITY, and this lineage
and LANGUAGE is historically EUROCENTRIC and established in ENGLISH.

The rebellion against this class monopoly has been expressed
through the SECULAR media and liberal parties competing to have
equal authority. But if they don't rely on SCRIPTURAL or CONSTITUTIONAL
authority, then they have to rely on PARTY POLITICS and MEDIA BULLYING
to try to invoke the same power as Traditional Conservative and Christian
institutions have established by enforcing CONSTITUTIONAL and SCRIPTURAL
laws and authority.

This is actually a SPIRITUAL process, and is really UNIVERSAL to ALL humanity.

But until all people are equally educated and empowered to invoke laws and authority as equal under law,
then just the people who ARE educated and empowered appear to have privilege
and power as a class based monopoly.

So that's why this is BLAMED on EUROCENTRIC culture/class
That's how the people have been represented who have the knowledge
of the laws, experience and heritage of invoking authority of law
through BOTH the CHURCH and the STATE.

The predominant class and culture is referred to as WHITE.
Like Christianity, ANYONE can adopt and invoke AUTHORITY OF LAW
by committing to follow and live by the same laws. But since these systems
were established primarily by EUROCENTRIC traditions and history,
then this is SEEN as a WHITE dominant system, when it's actually spiritually
universal and applies to ALL HUMANITY. That's not how it's taught,
but has become monopolized where people don't have equal access
or knowledge of the laws, so they can be exploited and oppressed by others.
Where the fuck did you find that "Eurocentric" diatribe? I hope you didn't write it.
Its reads like a shithole explanation of why they live in a shithole.
The Regressive Left spins and deflects and attacks for Islam at every opportunity, enabling its worst behaviors.

The Talk Radio Right spins and deflects and attacks for White Nationalists at every opportunity, enabling its worst behaviors.

As usual, peas in a pod. When wingers refuse to hold their constituent groups accountable, they become just this side of complicit.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

He's a fucking idiot.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

He's a fucking idiot.

No no it's true, well except maybe in Hockey......still supreme there.
Carlson is desperately trying to convince FOX news cult watchers that the white supremacist movement is not real. It IS real and it is GROWING...but with a twist.

White Nationalist

their attempt to reorient and rebrand after the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally, white nationalist hate groups have largely retreated from public activism. Amid infighting following the rally, many groups splintered, accounting for some of the increase in white nationalist hate groups in 2018. Some leaders have urged followers to focus their energy on private meetups and internet recruiting.

The name white supremacist is being replaced with white nationalist. The latter gives cover for those Republicans that want to hide their racist tendencies. The latter also is hard for the FBI to track due to the hesitance of the organization to monitor a politically affiliated group.

The shooting with continue. trump's hate and vile words will continue. Can you imagine Ronald Reagan or John Kennedy speaking some of the classless words that this person is speaking? I cannot.

He thrives on division and strife.....Putin knew what he would do to the fabric of America when he helped elected him in 2016.....Putin smiles.....
public killings and attacks may be minimal, but to say the MOVEMENT doesnt exist is pure bullshit.

Carlson, and any other braindead asshat like him contribute to the MOVEMENT.

The White Men on Rampage myth is something else for the emotionally disabled left to cling to because they had to let go of Mueller.

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