White supremacists acting as agents provocateurs (again)

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

your comment, tainted, and the title of YOUR thread----not only TENDS TO but INDICATES that you know nothing about the USA and its populations. Here in the USA we have "white supremacists" and we have
"black racists" BOTH----neither REQUIRE provocation and neither are mediated by President Trump. We had them here before he was born and they will ---unfortunately---be here AFTER HIM

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

I condemn this individual whomever he is, although my suspicions are he's a liberal.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

I condemn this individual whomever he is, although my suspicions are he's a liberal.

He's not even American and has no play in the game

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
All of my life my parents told me I was 3/4 Scotch/Irish...only to discover that I'm Welsh and Danish.
Maybe that's why I don't buy into your form of misleading politics.
Oh......and try to learn how to spell the Queen's English before you start sticking your overly large nose into our politics, Limey.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

your comment, tainted, and the title of YOUR thread----not only TENDS TO but INDICATES that you know nothing about the USA and its populations. Here in the USA we have "white supremacists" and we have
"black racists" BOTH----neither REQUIRE provocation and neither are mediated by President Trump. We had them here before he was born and they will ---unfortunately---be here AFTER HIM
This thread is about Umbrella Man. You said nothing about Umbrella Man.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

your comment, tainted, and the title of YOUR thread----not only TENDS TO but INDICATES that you know nothing about the USA and its populations. Here in the USA we have "white supremacists" and we have
"black racists" BOTH----neither REQUIRE provocation and neither are mediated by President Trump. We had them here before he was born and they will ---unfortunately---be here AFTER HIM
This thread is about Umbrella Man. You said nothing about Umbrella Man.

I commented on the POST -------I have not had a chance to examine Mr. Umbrella and make no remote
Fake BBC news.
The Minneapolis Police is lying?
No, the BBC is lying. The guy is an ex-con and not classified as a "white supremacist" by the police, but is called one by CNN and the BBC. I call that "fake news". He was just ONE criminal out stealing during a riot. Yet he makes the "news" as a "white supremacist" one fucking guy out of thousands of rioters. FAKE NEWS.
The warrant does not label them as a White supremacist group, but describes them as a "known prison gang out of Minnesota and Kentucky."
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As an old and active organizer of demonstrations against the Vietnam War, a “Security Marshall“ at quite a few of them, a participant in picket lines and strikes and many other protests over the years, a photographer at protests that sometimes ended in violence with cops, I can testify that provocateurs are ALWAYS a threat. They can be simple criminal elements or FBI or local cop “Confidential Informers.” They come in all shapes and sizes and races. Some groups are thoroughly infiltrated by them, even in leadership positions. Most BLM movement protests are not organized (like union picket lineS), are fully open to the public, and are integrated. REAL hardcore “race war” advocates — not like the big mouths here on USMB who just talk up civil war — easily infiltrate these integrated protests, and when the night falls and most peaceful protests go home, they remain along with simple criminal element. This is absolutely to be expected. Like the simple looters, these are basically criminal elements, but ALSO white race war advocates as well. Only naive fools still doubt their existence.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

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