White South African farmers to be removed from their land | Daily Mail Online

Ah well, live by the sword and all that.

They stole all that land so why should they keep it ?

There is huge inequality in SA and something needs to be done to rectify that.

What needs to be done is the SA government needs to be smart about it and not do what everyone wants to make themselves feel good. They tried that In Zimbabwe.
If you watched the video and listened to the Farmer, he actually is telling you the same thing but in different words. Saying the government is giving them land but not the resources to take care of it.... even when they are asking for help. You see this type of thing happen all the time in Africa. Sorry but taking the land away from white farmers so that it can turn into a dust bowl is not rectifying anything.

The government should make deals with the white farmers where they help the other Africans there to come up to speed on taking care of a modern money making commercial farm from A- Z..... and in return the government
compensates the white farmers in either money or land.. or use your imagination.
In the end having a good life for its people should be the ultimate goal of any legitimate governemnt but I'm afraid what youll see here is more of...... OH no... fuck the white farmers, they get no compensation, take the land. This will ensure everybody loses and nobody wins.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.

Starving is the national past time in Africa.
Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision
Ah well, live by the sword and all that.

They stole all that land so why should they keep it ?

There is huge inequality in SA and something needs to be done to rectify that.
Careful or you'll be giving the crazies here all sorts of ideas, as if they don't already have them already... How many times have we heard liberals/lefties use the ole go to argument that the white man stole the land from the Mexicans, the Indians, and who ever else that the left can conjure up in that sort of thinking these days ?? What people fail to realize is that forward thinking and progress took a back seat to no one coming foward in our history. If we would have waited on people to catch up, this nation would have been no where near where we needed to be come Hitler and his wants to dominate the world someday. No apologies looking back, and all we can do is go forward, but if anyone has ideas to slow us down again, then they (once again) will be left behind.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

I think the issue is not really knowing how to farm in the traditional sense, but running a commercial farm. They are smart enough but were not trained to run the business model, plus there are issues with equipment hardware and special fertilizers etc.. the government there Im sure would not take any of this into consideration... so we will have what we had in Zimbabwe. This is what you get when people dont believe in working together
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.

Starving is the national past time in Africa.
Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision

Ive been to east Africa, Ive seen many many family farms not far from the border of Uganda... inside of Kenya. Those people are actually very good at farming of course there irrigation is not such an issue because they get enough rain. They grow a pretty wide variety of crops. If there is anything that is holding them back, i would say its their own government. They pocket money which could be used for infrastructure
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

I think the issue is not really knowing how to farm in the traditional sense, but running a commercial farm. They are smart enough but were not trained to run the business model, plus there are issues with equipment hardware and special fertilizers etc.. the government there Im sure would not take any of this into consideration... so we will have what we had in Zimbabwe. This is what you get when people dont believe in working together

They are only good at subsistence farming. Which of course means everyone would have to have their own plot to feed themselves.
A country can not succeed that way. You need to be able to free up other people to do other tasks which means large scale farming,which they should know how to do after seeing the whites do it for all these years.
For easiness of NATO to bomb Russia?Right?

It wouldn't make it any easier.

NATO was armed with nukes when President Reagan stuck Pershing missiles all over Europe and shot the USSR the big cowboy finger.
You might remember that ... The USSR fell shortly afterwards.

I have no affinity to racist trash.
That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.

Starving is the national past time in Africa.
Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision

Ive been to east Africa, Ive seen many many family farms not far from the border of Uganda... inside of Kenya. Those people are actually very good at farming of course there irrigation is not such an issue because they get enough rain. They grow a pretty wide variety of crops. If there is anything that is holding them back, i would say its their own government. They pocket money which could be used for infrastructure

They should have been able to farm on a large scale by now.
It's not exactly new tech.
Crooked gov is definitely to blame in a lot of cases but all that means is they aren't capable of self governance.
It's all endemic,to have a successful society everyone needs to work together and they just aren't capable of doing so.
They should have been able to farm on a large scale by now.
It's not exactly new tech.
Crooked gov is definitely to blame in a lot of cases but all that means is they aren't capable of self governance.
It's all endemic,to have a successful society everyone needs to work together and they just aren't capable of doing so.

In helping developing countries come to grips with the means necessary to achieve certain goals, it is often a slow process.

Simply granting people resources doesn't make them productive.
They have to learn (be taught) how to co-op or make the appropriate decisions, especially in agriculture.

Agriculture succeeds the best in mass production.
If you cannot coordinate efforts, equipment, labor and the other logistics ... Then you won't provide sufficient incentive for the commodities traders.
If what you have to offer is inconsistent ... You will be tended to further down their chain ... And won't receive the best price for your goods.

Right now ... Attempting to be productive in South Africa is questionable ... It's more like trying to herd cats.
They should have been able to farm on a large scale by now.
It's not exactly new tech.
Crooked gov is definitely to blame in a lot of cases but all that means is they aren't capable of self governance.
It's all endemic,to have a successful society everyone needs to work together and they just aren't capable of doing so.

In helping developing countries come to grips with the means necessary to achieve certain goals, it is often a slow process.

Simply granting people resources doesn't make them productive.
They have to learn (be taught) how to co-op or make the appropriate decisions, especially in agriculture.

Agriculture succeeds the best in mass production.
If you cannot coordinate efforts, equipment, labor and the other logistics ... Then you won't provide sufficient incentive for the commodities traders.
If what you have to offer is inconsistent ... You will be tended to further down their chain ... And won't receive the best price for your goods.

Right now ... Attempting to be productive in South Africa is questionable ... It's more like trying to herd cats.

S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.
S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.
S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.

It's a mess no doubt.
But the fact that they cant seem to grasp why it worked in the past and or they cant get past their prejudice of the system doesnt bode well for their future.
It seems that all African nations revert to "what do I get out of it now" versus what we as a country get out of it.
The sad thing is? If they thought of country first they would benefit far more in the long run personally.
S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.

It's a mess no doubt.
But the fact that they cant seem to grasp why it worked in the past and or they cant get past their prejudice of the system doesnt bode well for their future.
It seems that all African nations revert to "what do I get out of it now" versus what we as a country get out of it.
The sad thing is? If they thought of country first they would benefit far more in the long run personally.
Cultures are only as strong as the ability of their people to make them so. The reasons for Africa's continual failure is really that simple.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.


Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.
The truth is...much of Africa relies on international food aid. Much of Africa is deeply in debt to entities like the World Bank. Africa fails consistently despite being rich in many resources.
S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.

It's a mess no doubt.
But the fact that they cant seem to grasp why it worked in the past and or they cant get past their prejudice of the system doesnt bode well for their future.
It seems that all African nations revert to "what do I get out of it now" versus what we as a country get out of it.
The sad thing is? If they thought of country first they would benefit far more in the long run personally.
Cultures are only as strong as the ability of their people to make them so. The reasons for Africa's continual failure is really that simple.
.Corrupt governments are the biggest culprits in these situations. If a government had the best interest of their citizens in mind always, then these crap holes around the world wouldn't exist. It's just that simple really. Now how the international community sits back and watches the bullcrap for ever and ever just baffles the mind really.
Corrupt governments are the biggest culprits in these situations. If a government had the best interest of their citizens in mind always, then these crap holes around the world wouldn't exist. It's just that simple really. Now how the international community sits back and watches the bullcrap for ever and ever just baffles the mind really.

The international community is as corrupt as the governments it is servicing.

I have watched money go into a developing country via the IMF.
It goes towards reestablishing the same corruption the country is trying to escape/replace ... Just under new management.

That's not what it is intended to do ... But oversight is more of a shell game.

The only time it makes a difference is when a "player" in the game decides to actually do something that benefits the community/region.
The rest of the time it is an endless cycle of nefarious favoritism ... And half assed effort to look like they are doing something while stealing the money.

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