White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
This is not a racist country. Garbage.
Happy to get my vaccine shots, but asshole liberals in my state say it's not my turn yet I have to wait another month. Liberals picking who lives and who dies there's a scary thought. F'ing illegals will get theirs before I get mine.
Despite all of your moaning and bitching, I am glad you are getting the vaccine.
Wow. That is friggin sad. Even trump himself, jumped at the opportunity to avail himself of modern science when he caught it. He apparently believe his doctors when they told him he could possibly get it again, as the antibodies decline in a few months, just as mine told me, and he jumped at the chance to get the vaccine as early as possible, though he didn't tell anybody, including his supporters. The virus does not appear attuned to political party of the individual. It is not a partisan disease. He is out of office, so it does not support him to refuse it. I guess this means once you go that way, stupid is to the bone, just out of habit.
Seems to me, when Trump contracted covid, he was treated with a hydroxychloroquine cocktail that was effective, contrary to CDC/WHO directives at the time. Strangely those orgs changed their tune shortly after his success until it faded from the news cycle--then the treatment was bad again. Kind of like masking, Mask/No Mask/Mask/Two Masks. Now we have unintended consequences of the AstraZeneca vaccine causing thrombosis/blood clots. Gee, that sounds similar to symptoms of Agent Orange exposure--You know another case of better living through chemicals courtesy of your nanny government.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Its killing you that you can't force people to take the vaccine isn't freedom hating leftist?

Liberals are control freaks to the nth degree.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
This is not a racist country. Garbage.
White republicans are fearful of people who are not racist.
Without racism what would white Republicans do? The truth is white republicans are scared to take the vaccine because they feel the vaccine will turn them brown.
Happy to get my vaccine shots, but asshole liberals in my state say it's not my turn yet I have to wait another month. Liberals picking who lives and who dies there's a scary thought. F'ing illegals will get theirs before I get mine.
Despite all of your moaning and bitching, I am glad you are getting the vaccine.

That I wouldn't is fake news propagated by the asshole liberal news media.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
This is not a racist country. Garbage.
White republicans are fearful of people who are not racist.
Without racism what would white Republicans do? The truth is white republicans are scared to take the vaccine because they feel the vaccine will turn them brown.
There goes your fall guy if that happens.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well we will be alive to watch your dicks fall off.....from the vaccine....
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well we will be alive to watch your dicks fall off.....from the vaccine....

If mine falls off, you're gonna hear a crash!
...You forget the Obama cult of which you are still a member. You know the people that had the children sing about Obama? Some children were told to pray to him. Goldfish are goldfish.
Still a member? Hardly. Never was.

Voted for the guy twice. Lesser of two evils on both occasions. Obumble did OK on the domestic front. He was a train-wreck on foreign policy.
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Why would I get it? I already have the antibodies against the virus. I don't need more from a rushed vaccine that's never been tried before.

If Ebola gets here, and they make a vaccine for it... I'm game, I'll take that given I KNOW that shit is deadly. I haven't had it once, and I know I don't want that at all. I've had Covid. It's... The flu.

Getting covid again...? I would rather have the flu again over programming my cells to do something other than what they are supposed to do. Is it safe? I don't know... Likely... But.. You go first. I'm good with that.

This is a blog, but it explains exactly what mRNA does. You are welcome to find the same information I'm sure you've already looked up wherever you trust your information to come from. This was just the first on a google search.


The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do the same job: They teach your body to recognize a virus and protect you from getting sick. But mRNA vaccines work differently. They do not contain dead or inactive virus parts. Instead, they contain small molecules called mRNA — instructions for making a harmless part of the coronavirus inside your own cells. This does not give you the coronavirus.

When you are vaccinated, mRNA is injected into your body and enters your cells. Your cells use the mRNA to make the part of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Just like with other vaccines, your immune system responds by making antibodies. These antibodies will help to protect you if you are exposed to the real virus that causes COVID-19.
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White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I don't see a problem. You're vaccinated, I am not--I don't pose a threat to you, but you may pose a threat (as an asymptomatic carrier) to me. Yet, you want me to get vaccinated. I am trying to understand. Are you seeking validation for your sheepish actions? Do you have a need to exert control over someone else? If white republicans are the only ones not vaxxing, you should be happy because according to your thought processes, we will all die--should be taken as victory for you. Or, is it that you, somewhere in your subconscious, may think that the democrats/Chinese really do have some nefarious scheme going on and you don't want to be made out to be the only one foolish enough to not recognize a scam when it is perpetrated on you.
I do not understand people who are so driven by fear.
Without 80% of the population vaccinated, the chance of the virus continuing and variating and we will never get rid of it.
That is more dangerous than anything that could happen from taking the vaccine.
Sounds kind of like what happens with the flu--you remember that terrible killer don't you? The one that killed 30K-40K Americans every year until 2020 when it was eradicated by covid. Look out for that piece of sky--typical democrat, confusing independent thought with fear. I've had covid--survived nicely, thank you very much. Just another cold.
Don't wear a mask, don't get a shot, but Please stay six feet away from Every one except those who think just like you. is that amount of politeness to much to ask?

6 feet? Hahahaha you're flip flopping failure covid god just agreed 3 feet is ok. Do you think the 6 feet thingy was some great scientific discovery? Hahaha.
Unlike many lefties, we don’t allow strangers to squirt their fluid into our bodies.

I’m certainly not going to start by allowing a Big Pharma multinational corporation to do so.
LOL, Big pharma is the only reason so many boomers are still around to bitch about big pharma.
You're so cool not trusting big pharma while they prolong your life.
If someday I were to get ill, perhaps.

But don’t you find it odd that all the socialists who hate capitalism are demanding we all trust Big Pharma right now?

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