White Replacement Theory

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You are free to have babies even if you are not well-to-do.
It's not that Africans couldn't travel to other lands. They just didn't want or need to travel. Unlike the Europeans, Africans had everything they needed at home. They were happy. Europe was a poor continent as far as natural resources were concerned.
So, the Europeans went looking for other people's stuff to steal.
Actually, it is the Left who have been attacking traditional families for a long time now.
It can be observed in entertainment, education and the media.
Feminists ridicule motherhood.
Nobody on "the Left" would be able to stop you from having children if you wanted to.
Feminists don't control anyone's life.
Nobody on "the Left" would be able to stop you from having children if you wanted to.
Feminists don't control anyone's life.

We count children by births per woman...

So uhhhh

Yea feminism is a problem if you care about birth rates. Which everyone sane should. Irrelevant of color a society that has no babies is a dying society.

Whites are clearly being replaced. That's just a mathematical fact considering they're a shrinking population with below replacement rate births. But you have to put that blame somewhere. And the answer is not POC or the Jews. It's white women no longer wanting to birth enough babies to replace their own generation, much less grow the population.

You can't just deny this obvious reality. It's either a plot against the whites or a reality of the wants of their women, blaming the women won't cause a war, and is a lot more credible. So we should stick with that explanation.

Just trying to deny everything is a recipe for this sort of violence.

The problem isn't "replacement theory" when the replacement is obviously happening. You need to point out the real problem, birth rates. Normally I explain this to white nationalists but it's been real eye opening to see how the feminists totally disregard demography. It is a pre eminent foundation for national power and growth.
Drop the per capita bullshit white boy.

Here is the truth.

Any time you are so desperate to deny a problem that you have to divide 2 numbers to get a fraction, then multiply that by a number you cherry pick instead of using the actual total, then you choose to live in a lie. Now it's time to show an inconvenient truth for you.

According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. Clearly, the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites were offenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent. In any circumstance, 51 percent is a majority. Instead of facing the problem of crime among whites, this is the answer:

3,642,932 #white offenders / 235,400,000 #American white population(2020) = 0.0154754970263381 x 100,000= 1,548 white offenders per capita.

2,122,038 #black violent offenders /46,900,000 #American black population(2020) = 0.045246012793177 x 100,000= 4,524 black offenders per capita.

Poof! As if by magic, a group that had 1.5 million more offenders suddenly now has less of a crime problem because instead of looking at the total number of crimes, crime is broken down into units of 100,000. If this is being done to guess the probability of the commission of a crime, logic shows us that if there are 5 times more whites than blacks, the probability of a crime committed by someone white is greater than it being done by someone black.

In 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. The numbers here show that 13 percent of the American people are not committing 50 percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population is 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

Whites have historically been the most violent and criminal group in this country. According to Planned Parenthood blacks were 13 percent of the abortions. Do not argue using information from a Georgia white supremacist about black abortions. As far as white on white crime is concerned 80 percent of crimes committed by whites are done by another white person. As it pertains to whites murders, whites are 5-6 times more likely to be killed by another white. More whites killed themselves or died from overdoses exponentially than blacks who killed blacks, or in interracial murders.

So if whites are being replaced, they are replacing themselves. It's time you racists shut up about us and clean up your own filthy ass house.
LIES. And all stupid ones.
Thanks for proving my point whatever color you be. Plus, you need to learn fractions better.
Even in your own stats you show blacks making up a higher proportion of crimes per capita.
There are approx 4-5X's as many whites so of course there are more offenses but black offenders are much higher per capita.
This shows that while blacks only make up 13% of the population, they commit about 30% of the crimes. Over 2x's the rate per capita.
Conversely, while whites make up over 60% of the population, they commit about 50% of the crime. Only .83 rate per capita.
How does this help your argument against my belief it's not a race but a culture thing for blacks & others following this culture?
IM2 will repeat his ridiculous lies until the day he dies. He's an incurable white-hater racist.
It is NOT anyone else's fault if Whites aren't having more babies.
No, one person is not like any other. The Black peoples of Africa never left their continent looking for other lands and people to rob, rape and pillage. Can you say the same of White people?
YES> of course I can say it of White people. In ANY racial group, there will always be some bad people who do bad things, but overwhelmingly, whites in America, have been decent, law-abiding people, and to say otherwise is just a sick, racist smear.
Peyton Gendron, is an 18 year old White Supremacist. On Saturday, May 14 2022, he drove 200 miles from his home, to a predominantly African-American neighborhood in Buffalo, New York. There he murdered 10 people and wounded 3 others at a grocery store. (11 of them were African-American).
News reports say he did it because he is afraid Whites in the USA are being replaced by African-Americans and other people of color.
Does anyone here believe Whites are being replaced?
OF COURSE Whites are being replaced.

Racial replacement is not a theory, it is a FACT. Here's 3 examples >>

1. In 1973, the James A Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, with thousands of employees, was 90% white. Employee racial % is now about 95% NON-white. Anybody doubting that is free to stroll through the miles of corridors, and see for yourself.

2. Hillsborough County transit same thing. I've been riding the county buses and the HART Plus buses for 2 years now. I've ridden over 100 times. I have yet to see a white person driving one of these buses, and 90% of the drivers are black females.

3. Regarding Joe Biden) trying to replace Americans, with obedient people from the Third World, there is absolutely no question about it. Since he took office, Biden has caused one catastrophe after another. His rating has dropped like a lead ball.

Biden knows that he cannot depend on the American people (who generally hate his guts) to vote for him. Consequently, power-mad Biden has thrown open the Mexican border, and has allowed millions of third world migrants into the US, whom he knows are dependent on him, for them to be able to remain in the US. Biden stocking up, replacing American votes with foreigner votes. Not rocket science.
OF COURSE Whites are being replaced.

Racial replacement is not a theory, it is a FACT. Here's 3 examples >>

1. In 1973, the James A Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, with thousands of employees, was 90% white. Employee racial % is now about 95% NON-white. Anybody doubting that is free to stroll through the miles of corridors, and see for yourself.

2. Hillsborough County transit same thing. I've been riding the county buses and the HART Plus buses for 2 years now. I've ridden over 100 times. I have yet to see a white person driving one of these buses, and 90% of the drivers are black females.

3. Regarding Joe Biden) trying to replace Americans, with obedient people from the Third World, there is absolutely no question about it. Since he took office, Biden has caused one catastrophe after another. His rating has dropped like a lead ball.

Biden knows that he cannot depend on the American people (who generally hate his guts) to vote for him. Consequently, power-mad Biden has thrown open the Mexican border, and has allowed millions of third world migrants into the US, whom he knows are dependent on him, for them to be able to remain in the US. Biden stocking up, replacing American votes with foreigner votes. Not rocket science.

These are anecdote

And have nothing to do with the actual problem. Low white birth rates

Shut the fuck up old man

Talking about a VA hospital.....It's almost like the VA doesn't pay enough for whites? The fuck? You think white doctors are eager to serve veterans for pennies on the dollar they could earn elsewhere? lol

Our medical profession has shipped in doctors by the boatload since you were born. And we didn't need as many back then, less old people per capita.

You keep naming things people don't want to do. Bus drivers, really? Do you think their pay is high? Do you think black women don't qualify to drive a fucking bus?

Next we're going to hear about how all the mcdonalds workers are Latinos. Affirmative action exists old man. That is not proof of replacement theory. Actual demographic replacement is.
OF COURSE Whites are being replaced.

Racial replacement is not a theory, it is a FACT. Here's 3 examples >>

1. In 1973, the James A Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, with thousands of employees, was 90% white. Employee racial % is now about 95% NON-white. Anybody doubting that is free to stroll through the miles of corridors, and see for yourself.

2. Hillsborough County transit same thing. I've been riding the county buses and the HART Plus buses for 2 years now. I've ridden over 100 times. I have yet to see a white person driving one of these buses, and 90% of the drivers are black females.

3. Regarding Joe Biden) trying to replace Americans, with obedient people from the Third World, there is absolutely no question about it. Since he took office, Biden has caused one catastrophe after another. His rating has dropped like a lead ball.

Biden knows that he cannot depend on the American people (who generally hate his guts) to vote for him. Consequently, power-mad Biden has thrown open the Mexican border, and has allowed millions of third world migrants into the US, whom he knows are dependent on him, for them to be able to remain in the US. Biden stocking up, replacing American votes with foreigner votes. Not rocket science.
I can blow out your first one easily. Even without knowing a thing about the place you are referring to.

In Detroit, around the same time, it was all white. Now it's 100% black. Did whites go extinct or move?

2. Whites don't drive or take the bus. It's a low paying job.

3. Why would we want immigrants? It's your corporations who want to hire them for the low pay. And it turns out, they are very conservative. Muslims, conservative. Hispanics, conservative. So stfu idiot.
You are free to have babies even if you are not well-to-do.
Free to have babies you cannot afford and put them on the backs of taxpayers? Lemme guess: you must be a welfare recipient!

It's not that Africans couldn't travel to other lands.
Did they have mighty sailing ships able to sail between the continents? No. They were too busy fighting among the tribes enslaving their own captives to ever notice the Portuguese pulling up on their shore.

They just didn't want or need to travel.
Like I said. They were lucky to build river canoes. The Africans of the 17th-18th centuries were living a neolithic existence.

Unlike the Europeans, Africans had everything they needed at home.
They why do so many Africans want to leave there? Europeans had all that and success too, because of that, they were expanding, growing, and needing more, new land to occupy and the labor to help them build it. To the victor go the spoils. That is the law of NATURE. That is the law of HISTORY. Had the shoe been on the other foot, just as now, they (Africans) would have done all the same things.
Free to have babies you cannot afford and put them on the backs of taxpayers? Lemme guess: you must be a welfare recipient!

Did they have mighty sailing ships able to sail between the continents? No. They were too busy fighting among the tribes enslaving their own captives to ever notice the Portuguese pulling up on their shore.

Like I said. They were lucky to build river canoes. The Africans of the 17th-18th centuries were living a neolithic existence.

They why do so many Africans want to leave there? Europeans had all that and success too, because of that, they were expanding, growing, and needing more, new land to occupy and the labor to help them build it. To the victor go the spoils. That is the law of NATURE. That is the law of HISTORY. Had the shoe been on the other foot, just as now, they (Africans) would have done all the same things.
Even if they aren't all dying to come here. How come black Americans aren't dying to go there and live? Sounds like a utopia.

You want to see what "on the back of taxpayers" looks like wait till abortion is illegal.
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