White people shouldn't be allowed to vote

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
White people shouldn't be allowed to vote | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/26/2008

It's for the good of the country and for those who're bitter for a reason and armed because they're scared.

Jonathan Valania
is editor in chief of the blog Phawker.com

As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come to take the right to vote away from white people, at least until we come to our senses. Seriously, I just don't think we can be trusted to exercise it responsibly anymore.

I give you Exhibit A: The last eight years.

In 2000, Bush-Cheney stole the election, got us attacked, and then got us into two no-exit wars. Four years later, white people reelected them. Is not the repetition of the same behavior over and over again with the expectation of a different outcome the very definition of insanity? (It is, I looked it up.)

Exhibit B is any given Sarah Palin rally.

Exhibit C would be Ed Rendell and John Murtha, who in separate moments of on-the-record candor they would come to regret, pointing out that there are plenty of people in Pennsylvania who just cannot bring themselves to pull the lever for a black man - no matter what they tell pollsters.

These people are ruining things for the rest of us white people who are ready to move on. Sure, they have their reasons, chimerical though they may be: He's a Muslim. He's a terrorist. He's a Muslim terrorist. He's going to fire all the white people and give their jobs to blacks.

But those are just the little white lies these people allow themselves to be told, a self-induced cognitive dissonance that lets them avoid saying the unsayable: I cannot pull the lever for a black man..............
White people shouldn't be allowed to vote | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/26/2008

It's for the good of the country and for those who're bitter for a reason and armed because they're scared.

Jonathan Valania
is editor in chief of the blog Phawker.com

As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come to take the right to vote away from white people, at least until we come to our senses. Seriously, I just don't think we can be trusted to exercise it responsibly anymore.

I give you Exhibit A: The last eight years.

In 2000, Bush-Cheney stole the election, got us attacked, and then got us into two no-exit wars. Four years later, white people reelected them. Is not the repetition of the same behavior over and over again with the expectation of a different outcome the very definition of insanity? (It is, I looked it up.)

Exhibit B is any given Sarah Palin rally.

Exhibit C would be Ed Rendell and John Murtha, who in separate moments of on-the-record candor they would come to regret, pointing out that there are plenty of people in Pennsylvania who just cannot bring themselves to pull the lever for a black man - no matter what they tell pollsters.

These people are ruining things for the rest of us white people who are ready to move on. Sure, they have their reasons, chimerical though they may be: He's a Muslim. He's a terrorist. He's a Muslim terrorist. He's going to fire all the white people and give their jobs to blacks.

But those are just the little white lies these people allow themselves to be told, a self-induced cognitive dissonance that lets them avoid saying the unsayable: I cannot pull the lever for a black man..............

How many elections would whites have to sit out for you to feel compensated for past crimes committed against your race?
WE HAVE BEEN SERVANTS to the world, far to long!
We Need Healing, & You want to take more away ... "NO"
Well.....at least Chucking Ass has moved from homosexual hate to racism. Maybe there will be hope for him in around 100 years........

He may eventually become a real human.
so devoid of any intellectual honesty.

First of all, there is nothing from this jonathan " I hate myself for being white" Valania about the 93 percent of blacks who are voting for obama, guess whites are racist for not voting for the negro, but when the negro wont vote for white, he just supports the black man :lol:

second, he completely ignores black racism, and non-white peoples racism against whites and others

what a moron, I seriously hope this guy doesnt procreate

Maybe he would feel better if a black man beat him up, but i wouldnt

White people shouldn't be allowed to vote | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/26/2008

It's for the good of the country and for those who're bitter for a reason and armed because they're scared.

Jonathan Valania
is editor in chief of the blog Phawker.com

As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come to take the right to vote away from white people, at least until we come to our senses. Seriously, I just don't think we can be trusted to exercise it responsibly anymore.

I give you Exhibit A: The last eight years.

In 2000, Bush-Cheney stole the election, got us attacked, and then got us into two no-exit wars. Four years later, white people reelected them. Is not the repetition of the same behavior over and over again with the expectation of a different outcome the very definition of insanity? (It is, I looked it up.)

Exhibit B is any given Sarah Palin rally.

Exhibit C would be Ed Rendell and John Murtha, who in separate moments of on-the-record candor they would come to regret, pointing out that there are plenty of people in Pennsylvania who just cannot bring themselves to pull the lever for a black man - no matter what they tell pollsters.

These people are ruining things for the rest of us white people who are ready to move on. Sure, they have their reasons, chimerical though they may be: He's a Muslim. He's a terrorist. He's a Muslim terrorist. He's going to fire all the white people and give their jobs to blacks.

But those are just the little white lies these people allow themselves to be told, a self-induced cognitive dissonance that lets them avoid saying the unsayable: I cannot pull the lever for a black man..............
I think the Bass is simply showing us white liberal guilt; not his opinion. Charles?

He's not showing us white liberal guilt, nor is he showing us his opinion.

Chucking Ass is so full of vitriol for anyone who doesn't share his narrow view, he attacks anything that he thinks he can get away with.

Since he's failed at attacking homosexuals, I guess the next on his list is white people.
Pretty soon Bass will be posting about him not liking kittens, and puppies. I guess when you have hate running through your vein's it matters not who, what or where you hate, he spends all of his life looking for something controversal to hate. Sad, sad life he must lead.
in reference to hate.

I think its silly. I dont need to hate barrack obama, because i disagree with him. I need to hate him because he would give amnest to illegals :lol:
He's not showing us white liberal guilt, nor is he showing us his opinion.

Chucking Ass is so full of vitriol for anyone who doesn't share his narrow view, he attacks anything that he thinks he can get away with.

Since he's failed at attacking homosexuals, I guess the next on his list is white people.

Failed? Airmen never fail you lunatic, Mr. Bass' views on sodomites are still unrefuted, an this article was written by a white man, not a black racist, jackass!
Screw that.

The whole human race is clueless far as I'm concerned.

When it comes to having a clue who the good guys and bad guys are, our dogs probably have better instincts than we do.

Of course, if we'd left it up to our dogs to select the POTUS in 2000 and 2004, our Oval Office might very well be inhabited by an overturned garbage can, but given the last eight years, that might have been okay, too.

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