Donald Trump Couldn't Get a Job at McDonald's. He's a Felon

I would not trust Donald with my credit card. The champion grifter is a Felon (34). He faked a couple hours at a closed McDonalds, but reality says when he fills out the application, he would have to say YES, I have been convicted of a Felony (34). He would not get a job with the federal government and he certainly would find it hard to get a job in the private sector. And yet, MAGA wants him to lead the country and put his LITTLE poootin loving hands on our national secrets. If he wins this election, he will have pulled off one of the greatest snow jobs in US History...getting his cult to believe his lies.
Trump has officially worked more at MacDonald's than lying Kamala. :cool:
This was an OPINION. The only thing I agree with is trump is a Felon and even the Impeachment articles state a president can be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanor." trump has committed more than a Misdemeanor. He has committed 34 FELONIES. HE IS A CRIMINAL. YOU WILL VOTE FOR A FELON WHO WILL TURN THE CDC OVER THE A MAN WITH A WORM IN HIS BRAIN. GROW A BRAIN. If he wins, I will see this as the greatest snow job in US History.
There goes that bulging blood vessel on jimboliar's giant forehead....
The more you keep ranting, the more votes he gets dummy.
But you stated succinctly write in your headline, I will quote it for you for accuracy: "Donald Trump Couldn't Get a Job at McDonald's. He's a Felon". These are generally jobs are entry level, right?

So I ask again, first, if it is in fact the case where a felon cannot work anywhere, even if they have paid their debt to society. Secondly, if true, do you agree with this?
jim has no idea what he is talking about....when i worked at the PO we had a guy who was a clerk who was a depends on what you did ....
Even sadder, the morons that would vote for the serial grifter.............

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How about a steak? Or maybe you need a degree from a University.....a pair of cheap sneakers? How about a Bible autographed by trump? You name it, he will sell it to you...and swear it is made in the US. If trump's lips are moving, he is lying.

The man is beyond desperate. He knows if he does not have the presidency to hide behind, he will be back in court and possibly be charged with more crimes. He is a walking, talking Crime Spree.
How about a steak? Or maybe you need a degree from a University.....a pair of cheap sneakers? How about a Bible autographed by trump? You name it, he will sell it to you...and swear it is made in the US. If trump's lips are moving, he is lying.

The man is beyond desperate. He knows if he does not have the presidency to hide behind, he will be back in court and possibly be charged with more crimes. He is a walking, talking Crime Spree.
Who is beyond desperate jimboliar? I would say between the two of you, it's.......

I would not trust Donald with my credit card. The champion grifter is a Felon (34). He faked a couple hours at a closed McDonalds, but reality says when he fills out the application, he would have to say YES, I have been convicted of a Felony (34). He would not get a job with the federal government and he certainly would find it hard to get a job in the private sector. And yet, MAGA wants him to lead the country and put his LITTLE poootin loving hands on our national secrets. If he wins this election, he will have pulled off one of the greatest snow jobs in US History...getting his cult to believe his lies.
He would not get a job with the federal government
yes he could....

I would not trust Donald with my credit card. The champion grifter is a Felon (34). He faked a couple hours at a closed McDonalds, but reality says when he fills out the application, he would have to say YES, I have been convicted of a Felony (34). He would not get a job with the federal government and he certainly would find it hard to get a job in the private sector. And yet, MAGA wants him to lead the country and put his LITTLE poootin loving hands on our national secrets. If he wins this election, he will have pulled off one of the greatest snow jobs in US History...getting his cult to believe his lies.
Everybody except you double digit dummies knows that Trump's trial was bogus and he will easily win on appeal, you TDS afflicted moron.

And actually Trump could easily get a job at McDonalds.

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.

I would not trust Donald with my credit card. The champion grifter is a Felon (34). He faked a couple hours at a closed McDonalds, but reality says when he fills out the application, he would have to say YES, I have been convicted of a Felony (34). He would not get a job with the federal government and he certainly would find it hard to get a job in the private sector. And yet, MAGA wants him to lead the country and put his LITTLE poootin loving hands on our national secrets. If he wins this election, he will have pulled off one of the greatest snow jobs in US History...getting his cult to believe his lies.
It's basic stuff like this. You shouldn't have to tell a grown ass person basic stuff like that. Trumplings are not serious people, they are clowns.
It's basic stuff like this. You shouldn't have to tell a grown ass person basic stuff like that. Trumplings are not serious people, they are clowns.
jim is wrong a felon can get a job with the US Govt....

I would not trust Donald with my credit card. The champion grifter is a Felon (34). He faked a couple hours at a closed McDonalds, but reality says when he fills out the application, he would have to say YES, I have been convicted of a Felony (34). He would not get a job with the federal government and he certainly would find it hard to get a job in the private sector. And yet, MAGA wants him to lead the country and put his LITTLE poootin loving hands on our national secrets. If he wins this election, he will have pulled off one of the greatest snow jobs in US History...getting his cult to believe his lies.
Trump would be an excellent promoter of McDonald's. He thoroughly believes in the product. Just look at his obese body!

"Hamburgers. I LOVE McDonald's hamburgers! They ate McDonald's hamburgers at Valley Forge. That's how they survived that bad winter. It was a cold winter, folks. Really cold. George Washington fed the soldiers McDonald's hamburgers before they seized the airports."
If trump had to apply for a job with the federal government, he would be turned down. He is a Felon (34) found guilty by his peers...many who said they got their news from FOX news. That is how much of a criminal he is. If you vote for the Felon (34), you are simple minded....period.

that kangaroo court case is up for appeal, there will be no conviction after the appeal overturns the fraudulent verdict. Trump is only guilty of getting under libs skin by telling the truth about them.
This was an OPINION. The only thing I agree with is trump is a Felon and even the Impeachment articles state a president can be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanor." trump has committed more than a Misdemeanor. He has committed 34 FELONIES. HE IS A CRIMINAL. YOU WILL VOTE FOR A FELON WHO WILL TURN THE CDC OVER THE A MAN WITH A WORM IN HIS BRAIN. GROW A BRAIN. If he wins, I will see this as the greatest snow job in US History.
50 years of Joe the impeccable professional politician as promoted. He has been around for the growing of the federal deficits and the loss of unalienable rights. That is because people like him caused it. Joe like Kamala is not Presidential material.
I've noticed that it has been awfully quiet from the media lately about the appeals court trial of those 34 felonies. I wonder if Trump wins will those felonies get reversed.

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