White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Yeaaaaah, the Washington Compost.....the beacon of truthful journalism!

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Yeaaaaah, the Washington Compost.....the beacon of truthful journalism!

Denial is not just a river.
White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

As long as people like you are around to make sure they don’t white people don’t have much to worry about

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

The study asked their opinion on what they thought was going on with blacks.

And you are attacking them for taking part in an academic study.

As to how you speak as to how things are for other people, it is called observation and empathy.

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

You mean black parent singular. And that is the problem.

No way a single parent can meet all the demands of raising a child, as well as two parents can.

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know
White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

As long as people like you are around to make sure they don’t white people don’t have much to worry about

Don't fool yourself asian.

Asian Americans Facing High Poverty Rates
Grace Zhao

It is often assumed that Asian Americans are one of the minority groups in the United States that is doing well economically. However, this statement too broadly categorizes all Asian subgroups. According to the official poverty rate from the U.S. Census in 2011, the Asian American poverty rate was actually 2.5% higher than that of Caucasians.

In fact, amongst poor Asian Americans, Southeast Asians face some of the highest poverty rates in the whole country. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study on income sources, home foreclosures and housing burden. The study indicated that Southeast Asians in the United States have consistently relied on food stamps for many decades. Moreover, language barriers are still major roadblocks that prevent Southeast Asian Americans from entering new labor markets.

The poverty rate for Asian Americans is highest amongst Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese. Hmong Americans have a startlingly high poverty rate at 37.8%, followed closely by Cambodian Americans at 29.3% and Laotian Americans at 18.5%.

According to a study by UCLA scholars on Asian Americans in eight different states, 23% of Hmong Americans in Fresno, California relied on cash public assistance for income. This is comparably higher than the 10% of Asian Americans that also did so. It is also significantly higher than the 3% of Caucasians who used public cash assistance. Hmong Americans were also amongst the least likely to receive social security benefits or retirement income.

Additionally, Southeast Asians have especially high rates of depression and suffer higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder compared to the rest of the general Asian American population. These facts definitely counter the model minority stereotype that all Asian Americans belong to one monolithic group.

A study on social trends by Pew Research has found that with a population exceeding 18.2 million – or 6% of the U.S. population – Asian Americans have become one of the fastest growing minority groups in the U.S. Moreover, Asian Americans have become the nation’s best-educated and highest-paid racial or ethnic group. Yet these findings run the risk of perpetuating the stereotype of Asians as high achieving.

Additionally, such facts tend to hide the growing poverty amongst Southeast Asian Americans.

The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans has stated that the media has narrowed in on “one-dimensional narratives of exceptionalism,” of successful Asian American families, usually eastern Asians such as Chinese or Japanese.

Due to popular perception of Asian Americans in general, poverty amongst sub-groups is not well known. Thus in order to truly fight poverty in the United States a more inclusive examination of poverty trends is vital.

Truth Behind the Poverty Rate for Asian Americans - The Borgen Project

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know
FYI Here is some info on your source. Also your post seems contradictory. The "Institute" claims things have progressed little in the last 50 years for Blacks and then you go on to cite examples where things have progressed significantly for Blacks.
The Economic Policy Institute (EcPI) calls itself a “nonprofit, nonpartisan” think tank. But behind its façade of political balance lays an agenda-driven organization. EcPI has roots in radical leftist politics, and it receives a large portion of its funding from organized labor. >>>>>>

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know
FYI Here is some info on your source. Also your post seems contradictory. The "Institute" claims things have progressed little in the last 50 years for Blacks and then you go on to cite examples where things have progressed significantly for Blacks.
The Economic Policy Institute (EcPI) calls itself a “nonprofit, nonpartisan” think tank. But behind its façade of political balance lays an agenda-driven organization. EcPI has roots in radical leftist politics, and it receives a large portion of its funding from organized labor. >>>>>>

FYI, I know what I am doing and what sources I have used. I know these issues far better than you ever will.

50 years after the Kerner Commission
African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The year 1968 was a watershed in American history and black America’s ongoing fight for equality. In April of that year, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis and riots broke out in cities around the country. Rising against this tragedy, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 outlawing housing discrimination was signed into law. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a black power salute as they received their medals at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. Arthur Ashe became the first African American to win the U.S. Open singles title, and Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman elected to the House of Representatives.

The same year, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, better known as the Kerner Commission, delivered a report to President Johnson examining the causes of civil unrest in African American communities. The report named “white racism”—leading to “pervasive discrimination in employment, education and housing”—as the culprit, and the report’s authors called for a commitment to “the realization of common opportunities for all within a single [racially undivided] society.”1 The Kerner Commission report pulled together a comprehensive array of data to assess the specific economic and social inequities confronting African Americans in 1968.

Where do we stand as a society today?

In this brief report, we compare the state of black workers and their families in 1968 with the circumstances of their descendants today, 50 years after the Kerner report was released. We find both good news and bad news. While African Americans are in many ways better off in absolute terms than they were in 1968, they are still disadvantaged in important ways relative to whites. In several important respects, African Americans have actually lost ground relative to whites, and, in a few cases, even relative to African Americans in 1968.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...
Last edited:

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
Yeah, black culture sucks and produces a lot of losers as a result. Tell us something we DONT know.
If we could time travel 500 years into the future would the Democrats still be complaining about the same crap?
Lol i like how that wasnt even written by a black.
I couldnt even make it past that. lol Its probably a bunch of cliche bullshit.
What a loser thread

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
Yeah, black culture sucks and produces a lot of losers as a result. Tell us something we DONT know.

White culture produces racists and racism. You're losers.

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

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