White man shoots very drunk black woman breaking into his house. Charged w murder


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The court is claiming she just had a car crash and was disoriented but how is this guy supposed to know that?

Theodore Wafer WILL stand trial for murder as judge rejects self-defense | Mail Online

19 December 2013
A Detroit-area man who fatally shot a drunk, unarmed woman on his porch will stand trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter, a judge ruled Thursday, rejecting a self-defense argument for the killer's 'bad choice.'

There is no dispute that Theodore Wafer shot Renisha McBride, 19, through the screen of his front door in the early hours of November 2. His attorneys said he feared for his life, but Dearborn Heights Judge David Turfe said Wafer had other options.

An autopsy found McBride had a blood-alcohol level of about 0.22, more than twice the legal limit for driving. She also had been smoking marijuana.
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Again we see that if you're white, you have no rights in america. If the races were reversed, the govt would call the shooter a hero.
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The article quotes people as saying he should have called the police!!! HAHAHA. This is detroit! Cops might show up a week later.
The article quotes people as saying he should have called the police!!! HAHAHA. This is detroit! Cops might show up a week later.

He should make as many calls now as he can. I don't know how phone privileges work in prison.

They allow then to make calls, but it has to be collect, in Ark the collect fee for calling from jail is about 25 bucks. I had several people that worked for me call me, but I refused to accept a collect call.
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That's a tough call. Police don't always come, do they? Or if they do come, it may be a long time. I can see the jury, if there is one, using jury nullification on this case.

What if it was a armed burglary and the man was in real danger?
That's a tough call. Police don't always come, do they? Or if they do come, it may be a long time. I can see the jury, if there is one, using jury nullification on this case.

What if it was a armed burglary and the man was in real danger?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the killer walks. It's a fucked up world we live in.

If the shooter walks, it not necessarily blind justice. Too many variables here to make a determination.
That's a tough call. Police don't always come, do they? Or if they do come, it may be a long time. I can see the jury, if there is one, using jury nullification on this case.

What if it was a armed burglary and the man was in real danger?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the killer walks. It's a fucked up world we live in.

If the shooter walks, it not necessarily blind justice. Too many variables here to make a determination.

Well America is all about actions having no consequences lately so...
Everyone knows you wait for the intruder to come inside the house. No one opens the door and shoots through the screen door. Not that it's a great loss to waste a pothead. For that alone she had it coming.
There's a lot for a good defense lawyer to work with, starting with the crime riddled city, the lack of police presence, and the state of mind of a man living among such conditions when startled out of bed at 3am to a dark figure trying to break in.

State of mind can get this guy off. A good attorney can make the case.
That's a tough call. Police don't always come, do they? Or if they do come, it may be a long time. I can see the jury, if there is one, using jury nullification on this case.

What if it was a armed burglary and the man was in real danger?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the killer walks. It's a fucked up world we live in.
That's good b/c he will 'walk'.
What was the man supposed to be a mind reader? Some aggressive Black woman is trying to break down his door. It's EFFFFFFING Detroit!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder when Rev. Al and AC and Bernie will offer their 'expertise?
Call the cops? Ya right. You have to make an appointment a week ahead of time! The police chief is busy selling the patrol cars out the back door to line his pockets.
Anyway, another piece of trash can join 'T'.
"Hey dude! Did you 'axe' me if you could eat that drumstick".
She was going to end up dead sooner than later anyway the way she was living.
Social Darwinism.
Everyone knows you wait for the intruder to come inside the house. No one opens the door and shoots through the screen door. Not that it's a great loss to waste a pothead. For that alone she had it coming.

She deserved to die because she smoked pot? You're a peach.
He didn't need to open the door. He opened the door and then shot her through the screen door. He should have first and foremost, before he did anything, called 911 and said he was in imminent danger, that someone one was trying to get into his house. The cops, thinking a break-in is in progress, will come as soon as possible. I think it is a lame excuse that it is Detroit and they will take hours to come when they are told someone is in the process of breaking into a home and the home owner is there frightened. Also, the home owner could say he has a gun and if the cops don't get there soon, there might be a tragedy. That will get them there. Telling the cops he's got a gun and if they don't get there pronto he might have to shoot someone will light a fire under them. The guy with the gun needs to use his head first and the gun last. He did just the opposite.

After calling 911 and making sure they knew it was necessary to come immediately, he should have stayed inside, prepared, and only shot if the person actually did try to break in. Because she wasn't breaking in, she would be alive and he'd wouldn't be on trial for murder, if he had only used his head and not a gun.
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