'White Lives Matter' Rallies Flop As Hardly Anyone Shows Up

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Quite a few on the left
some have even suggested America will be a better place when white people are dead

If whites continue to do nothing, that's exactly what will happen
Whites are on their knees BEGGING to be eliminated with their passive timid non response.
Want to end up like the Jews in Nazi Germany ?

Maybe a rally isn't needed for such a thing to be a fact when there will always be this thing called shutting up and getting on with life as best as anyone can.

God bless you always!!!

The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
You do understand that you've completely missed the point, right?

No that person has no idea of that.
They're all cowards who were afraid to show up.

This is why you democrats had to take the Nazi flag to Charlottesville, (proven fact) the damned Americans will never go along with the bigoted stereotype you assign to them...

Next time thousands of ANTIFA goons will need to go to give the Baghdad Bob's some film for PROPOS.
There were HUNDREDS just in Huntington Beach.

You sure do lie a lot.

{ Hundreds of people arrived to counter-protest what was promoted as a "White Lives Matter" rally, but the counter-protesters appeared to make up the majority of demonstrators, the local ABC 7 station reported. }
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

WTF is wrong with you wench?? Take your meds

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