White House to Jim Jordan, James Comer: Sorry, but you have to restart your oversight requests

Yep, soon. And wait until ol jim leaves the hearing room, and has to face the reporters in the hall. If which he has no control over.

The backlash on these Trumphumping fucks is going to be epic. Nothing they will be “overseeing” will ever be the story.
Congressional Republicans have worked for two years to block investigations of their own members' acts of support for the Jan. 6 attempted coup, but now that they'll have a slim House majority come January they're vowing to investigate the Biden administration, the Biden family, those nasty scientists who kept telling Americans to wear masks even though Republican Biffs find masks super uncomfortable, whatever anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia conspiracy theories Rudy Giuliani still has scribbled on gum wrappers, and take your pick.

But they'll have to wait until they actually have investigative powers in practice instead of just in theory. The subpoena-dodging Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. James Comer were eager to get the ball rolling with angry record requests to the Biden administration demanding documents they'll want if they succeed in getting the chair positions on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively. Now the Biden White House has responded to those requests by telling both seditionists to (temporarily!) pound sand.

"Congress has not delegated such [oversight] authority to individual members of Congress who are not committee chairmen, and the House has not done so under its current Rules," a White House oversight lawyer wrote to Jordan and Comer in letters obtained by Politico.

Jordan and Comer may be planning to become committee chairmen in the near future, but the House doesn't delegate oversight powers to "aspirational" committee chairs. This isn't a school yearbook, what you plan to be when you grow up doesn't have legally binding powers.

Anywho, all of this is just an idle moment of screw you from the Biden White House during this liminal tween-holiday week, Politico reports neither letter rules out cooperating with those records requests once, you know, the subpoena-ignoring coat-losing seditionist and his peer actually have the authority they currently don't.

We’ll let you know Jim when we’ve given your requests consideration.
I heard Jordan just painted his rock.
Congressional Republicans have worked for two years to block investigations of their own members' acts of support for the Jan. 6 attempted coup, but now that they'll have a slim House majority come January they're vowing to investigate the Biden administration, the Biden family, those nasty scientists who kept telling Americans to wear masks even though Republican Biffs find masks super uncomfortable, whatever anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia conspiracy theories Rudy Giuliani still has scribbled on gum wrappers, and take your pick.

But they'll have to wait until they actually have investigative powers in practice instead of just in theory. The subpoena-dodging Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. James Comer were eager to get the ball rolling with angry record requests to the Biden administration demanding documents they'll want if they succeed in getting the chair positions on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively. Now the Biden White House has responded to those requests by telling both seditionists to (temporarily!) pound sand.

"Congress has not delegated such [oversight] authority to individual members of Congress who are not committee chairmen, and the House has not done so under its current Rules," a White House oversight lawyer wrote to Jordan and Comer in letters obtained by Politico.

Jordan and Comer may be planning to become committee chairmen in the near future, but the House doesn't delegate oversight powers to "aspirational" committee chairs. This isn't a school yearbook, what you plan to be when you grow up doesn't have legally binding powers.

Anywho, all of this is just an idle moment of screw you from the Biden White House during this liminal tween-holiday week, Politico reports neither letter rules out cooperating with those records requests once, you know, the subpoena-ignoring coat-losing seditionist and his peer actually have the authority they currently don't.

We’ll let you know Jim when we’ve given your requests consideration.
Attempted coup BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yeah right, led by horns and fur guy, the 50 unarmed protesters were going to overthrow the government of the United States. FFS how can you people be so goddam stupid?

I wonder if Jim knows he’s not out of the woods on the investigation, and it didn’t end when the January 6th committee filed its final report?

Be careful Jim, there’s a new sheriff in town named Jack, and unlike you has real arrest powers. Even for sitting members of Congress.
Congressional Republicans have worked for two years to block investigations of their own members' acts of support for the Jan. 6 attempted coup, but now that they'll have a slim House majority come January they're vowing to investigate the Biden administration, the Biden family, those nasty scientists who kept telling Americans to wear masks even though Republican Biffs find masks super uncomfortable, whatever anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia conspiracy theories Rudy Giuliani still has scribbled on gum wrappers, and take your pick.

But they'll have to wait until they actually have investigative powers in practice instead of just in theory. The subpoena-dodging Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. James Comer were eager to get the ball rolling with angry record requests to the Biden administration demanding documents they'll want if they succeed in getting the chair positions on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively. Now the Biden White House has responded to those requests by telling both seditionists to (temporarily!) pound sand.

"Congress has not delegated such [oversight] authority to individual members of Congress who are not committee chairmen, and the House has not done so under its current Rules," a White House oversight lawyer wrote to Jordan and Comer in letters obtained by Politico.

Jordan and Comer may be planning to become committee chairmen in the near future, but the House doesn't delegate oversight powers to "aspirational" committee chairs. This isn't a school yearbook, what you plan to be when you grow up doesn't have legally binding powers.

Anywho, all of this is just an idle moment of screw you from the Biden White House during this liminal tween-holiday week, Politico reports neither letter rules out cooperating with those records requests once, you know, the subpoena-ignoring coat-losing seditionist and his peer actually have the authority they currently don't.

We’ll let you know Jim when we’ve given your requests consideration.
Are you still wearing a mask?
Nothing they will be “overseeing” will ever be the story.
So, finally getting around to admitting how corrupt the media is? That's nice. The thing you refuse to acknowledge is that legacy media is no longer the only source for news and information to be disseminated. There are lots of independent media sources online and their number is growing.

So, the facts that you will never believe cannot be stopped from being presented to millions of others who disagree with you. I think most on the Right have seen enough of this clown show in DC to know that Biden's DOJ won't try to investigate and certainly won't prosecute anyone that is tied to these scandals but the truth needs to be told. It's a funny thing... when people are suffering because of horrible economic problems, crime, and a wave of social degeneracy, they tend to get angry when at the same time they see what their corrupt pols are up to.

The fact that you celebrate the media censorship confirms what a low life shill you actually are.
Didn’t see it. Hey mods put this n basques thread.

If you scroll to the bottom of your thread you'll notice a "Similar Threads" feed. Look at what's right on top.

And there is no evidence that Trump incited goons to attack outnumbered police...unless, of course, you are one of those that believe the words "peacefully let your voices be heard on the steps of the Capitol" as code for "kill those mother fuckers".
You gotta be kidding me. Please..sit down before you fall down. :auiqs.jpg:

'"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
And there is no evidence that Trump incited goons to attack outnumbered police...unless, of course, you are one of those that believe the words "peacefully let your voices be heard on the steps of the Capitol" as code for "kill those mother fuckers".
Dee de dee.jpg
You gotta be kidding me. Please..sit down before you fall down. :auiqs.jpg:

'"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Well, based on your definition of evidence, I assume you agree that the house majority leader, Schumer, incited the guy who admitted to wanting to kill Cavanaugh....after all, whereas Trump used the word "peacefully" Schumer used the word "whirlwind".

And we all know the word "peacefully" is code for "storm the capitol building."....just ask Rachel Maddow.

So lets see what your true colors are. Was Schumer responsible for inciting the sentiments of the admitted potential "assassin" of a supreme court justice?

Or was "whirlwind" code for "be angry but dont hurt him."

Go ahead. Would love to see how you respond to this post
Well, based on your definition of evidence, I assume you agree that the house majority leader, Schumer, incited the guy who admitted to wanting to kill Cavanaugh....after all, whereas Trump used the word "peacefully" Schumer used the word "whirlwind".

And we all know the word "peacefully" is code for "storm the capitol building."....just ask Rachel Maddow.

So lets see what your true colors are. Was Schumer responsible for inciting the sentiments of the admitted potential "assassin" of a supreme court justice?

Or was "whirlwind" code for "be angry but dont hurt him."

Go ahead. Would love to see how you respond to this post
Schumer is Senate majority leader. And he said nothing of the sort.
But sure, 1/6/2021 was "peaceful". Just of bunch of angry tourists. :)

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