White House attacks 'false' Atlantic story about Trump insulting dead soldiers: 'What a disgrace!'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Honestly, if there was ever a time to sue a media outlet for slander this would be it. Politicians can't be thrown through the MSM media loop and all networks carry it without a shred of evidence in order to harm peoples campaigns. Media outlets should be forced to defend slander like this in court.

I find it odd how generally cautious networks like CBC just run with any news from any two bit source as long as it fits the narrative. This attack seems quite coordinated. Trying to swing support back to the Dems?

The White House is describing an anonymously sourced article from The Atlantic as "a disgrace," claiming that it falsely accuses President Trump of insulting dead soldiers and being ignorant of who fought in World War I.

"Not a soul brave enough to put their name on any of these accusations. That's because they are false," White House spokesman Judd Deere tweeted on Thursday.

"Just another anonymously sourced story meant to tear down a Commander-in-Chief who loves our military and has delivered on the promises he's made. What a disgrace!"

The Atlantic's article, written by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, cites four unnamed sources in saying that Trump claimed the Aisne-Marne American cemetery near Paris was "filled with losers." Trump had canceled a visit to the cemetery in 2018, prompting widespread criticism in the media at the time. The president claimed his helicopter couldn't fly in the rain and that the Secret Service would drive him there -- claims that Goldberg says are false.
Now let's get an earful of what Trump considers credible information and how he describes thugs on a plane:

But when asked about the story by reporters on Tuesday morning, the president said his story was based on "a firsthand account of a plane going from Washington to wherever" -- changing the direction the plane was flying, compared to what he claimed the day before.
He said he would see whether "the person" who he said told him the information would speak to reporters."""

So he deals in bullshit conspiracies and then offers no proof.
Sort of what the idiots on this board do all the fucking time.
Honestly, if there was ever a time to sue a media outlet for slander this would be it. Politicians can't be thrown through the MSM media loop and all networks carry it without a shred of evidence in order to harm peoples campaigns. Media outlets should be forced to defend slander like this in court.

I find it odd how generally cautious networks like CBC just run with any news from any two bit source as long as it fits the narrative. This attack seems quite coordinated. Trying to swing support back to the Dems?

The White House is describing an anonymously sourced article from The Atlantic as "a disgrace," claiming that it falsely accuses President Trump of insulting dead soldiers and being ignorant of who fought in World War I.

"Not a soul brave enough to put their name on any of these accusations. That's because they are false," White House spokesman Judd Deere tweeted on Thursday.

"Just another anonymously sourced story meant to tear down a Commander-in-Chief who loves our military and has delivered on the promises he's made. What a disgrace!"

The Atlantic's article, written by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, cites four unnamed sources in saying that Trump claimed the Aisne-Marne American cemetery near Paris was "filled with losers." Trump had canceled a visit to the cemetery in 2018, prompting widespread criticism in the media at the time. The president claimed his helicopter couldn't fly in the rain and that the Secret Service would drive him there -- claims that Goldberg says are false.

Don't hold your breath waiting for a slander/libel lawsuit to land on The Atlantic's door.
If you don't think this article wasn't vetted by their lawyers, then you're even dumber than I thought.
And Trump knows if he files a lawsuit those 4 sources will have to testify, and I bet one of them is John Kelly.
I believe the article,

I wonder if he was molested in the military school he went to, I find it strange that a Potus would call the military who died in a war, losers and suckers, I have never heard of such a thing, my God calling the dead servicemen loser and suckers. really!!
Sure, and he really didn't call McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured while he weaseled out of service.

It never happened.

Now if you understand it did happen this falls right in line with that.

Well, I didn't like when Trump made that comment. I will say though, McCain seemed to become quite wealthy in life for a lifetime of political service. Why did so many of his colleagues fear him? Why did Rand Paul hate the guy with a passion?

I'd love to know his secret to such great wealth. Even being a POW or former war hero doesn't give you a permanent pass on pushing for war everywhere you can. I also recall reading that he was behind pushing for the IRS to investigate the Tea Party.

If all of this is true, he is hardly a "hero". Where I'm from we call him a snake. As much as some might fear a guy like this for all his political connections, people with real courage call him out. Why didn't he push Meagan to join the military if he believed in the causes he pushed?

I stood up for McCain as I heard of him being a POW. I didn't dislike him, though, I hardly felt he would make a good president from what I hear Once Canadian media were feigning sorrow over McCains passing, I knew this guy probably wasn't someone I would trust if I knew him.
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From Twitter.

"I never called John a loser," Trump wrote on Twitter,......

There is something seriously wrong with Trump.
The marxist shitstains always overshoot the runway and end up with shit dripping off their face.... to our delight, I might add. Trump is notoriously supportive of cops and soldiers. They could have picked something that was more believable to lie about.... but that would have taken some creativity. And creativity is kryptonite to these filthy fucks.

Continue to laugh at them. And never forget how superior you are to these animals.
The Atlantic story fits perfectly into how and what Trump has said and done:

That and his scurrilous attacks on John McCain make the story in the Atlantic credible, more so than anything which emanates out of the White House, for sure.
The marxist shitstains always overshoot the runway and end up with shit dripping off their face.... to our delight, I might add. Trump is notoriously supportive of cops and soldiers. They could have picked something that was more believable to lie about.... but that would have taken some creativity. And creativity is kryptonite to these filthy fucks.

Continue to laugh at them. And never forget how superior you are to these animals.

Notwithstanding your lack of credibility and vular style which has become the genre of your set, the facts are Trump has attacked Prosecutors, the FBI and our Intelligence agency along with the two military members, making the article in the Atlantic credible; unlike the Press Secretary, other lap dogs appointed with the same lack of veracity as AG Barr, the Postmaster General, Sect. of Home Security, et al.
The marxist shitstains always overshoot the runway and end up with shit dripping off their face.... to our delight, I might add. Trump is notoriously supportive of cops and soldiers. They could have picked something that was more believable to lie about.... but that would have taken some creativity. And creativity is kryptonite to these filthy fucks.

Continue to laugh at them. And never forget how superior you are to these animals.

You trampers are the animals and shitstains.
Sure, and he really didn't call McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured while he weaseled out of service.

It never happened.

Now if you understand it did happen this falls right in line with that.
Whatever he said and did not say, there are plenty of Progs who did not serve for many reasons. And they have shown a willingness to make cuts deep enough where it hurts the soldiers first as the military/industrial complex must live on with their hardware toys with some do not even work well.
Trump on live TV now denying that he said this shit and said that there are many people who have come forward to say the story is false.
BUT OF COURSE his sources are NOT named!
Yeah, it's not like Trump has ever shit on veterans before.

Of course, members of his cult will deny this.

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