Which party is the Fascist Authoritarian Party? Is it the one that tells you what/how to think...or else? Is it the one that tells you what to say?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
Be a whole different story had Comey, Clapper & Brennan been tried for sedition and treason
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
“Which party is the Fascist Authoritarian Party?”

That would be the Republican party.

Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
View attachment 436923
Yes the two party system is a failure. My friend says canada doesn't have this shit. We need change.
The Proud Boys plan to attend the January‭ ‬6th rallies to‭ “‬Save their Nazi leader’s second term‭” ‬incognito.

D.C.‭ ‬officials have not commented on what the city proposes to address the threat of violence around next week’s rallies.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬earlier this month,‭ ‬city leaders expressed concerns about the continued presence of Proud Boys at D.C.‭ ‬demonstrations. ‭“‬These Proud Boys are avowed white nationalists and have been called to stand up against a fair and legal election,‭” ‬D.C.‭ ‬Mayor Muriel E.‭ ‬Bowser said.‭ ‬D.C.‭ ‬Council Chairman Phil Mendelson also voiced concerns about the white supremacists‭’ ‬plan to come to the city seeking violence.

Whatever the white supremacists are planning,‭ ‬it’s a safe bet there will be plenty of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs present to cheer their Nazi heroes on.

The plans of the anti-fascist groups haven’t been announced.‭ ‬As defenders of Democracy,‭ ‬anti-fascist groups could decide to protect the safety of innocent bystanders,‭ ‬and avoid any public show of force.‭ ‬Just give the impeached president trump and his Nazi militias their final day,‭ ‬so they can crawl back into the sewers and fade from the nation’s memory.

Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?

Republicans on nearly every count. Especially for vilifying people on the basis of skin color.

Trump wants the ability to sue people for slander based on what they post on social media. He tried and failed to block people who criticized him from his Twitter feed.

Republicans refuse to condemn FOX News or the other billionaire right wing media and adamantly refused to call out their bias and lies. Your problem with social media isn't that it's biased against the right. It's biased against posting lies and things which are verifiably false. Republicans are so consistently censored because they so consistently lie.

Republicans lie because their policies have failed utterly, and have created a semi-authoritarian system where a minority Republican Party clings to white power via voter suppression and gerrymandering. They can't run on their record, so they run by smearing their opponents with increasingly outrageous lies about Democrats.

Republicans have created a police state with the highest number of people incarcerated in the world - more than China or Russia. The vast majority of those incarcerated are brown and black men.
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?

Republicans on nearly every count. Especially for vilifying people on the basis of skin color.

Trump wants the ability to sue people for slander based on what they post on social media. He tried and failed to block people who criticized him from his Twitter feed.

Republicans refuse to condemn FOX News or the other billionaire right wing media and adamantly refused to call out their bias and lies. Your problem with social media isn't that it's biased against the right. It's biased against posting lies and things which are verifiably false. Republicans are so consistently censored because they so consistently lie.

Republicans lie because their policies have failed utterly, and have created a semi-authoritarian system where a minority Republican Party clings to white power via voter suppression and gerrymandering. They can't run on their record, so they run by smearing their opponents with increasingly outrageous lies about Democrats.

Republicans have created a police state with the highest number of people incarcerated in the world - more than China or Russia. The vast majority of those incarcerated are brown and black men.
The RWNJs hate it when you slap them down with facts. They never hear such information from FOX Noise and the like. From these come only GOP sound bites and the standard right-wing bullsh!t.

Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?

Republicans on nearly every count. Especially for vilifying people on the basis of skin color.

Trump wants the ability to sue people for slander based on what they post on social media. He tried and failed to block people who criticized him from his Twitter feed.

Republicans refuse to condemn FOX News or the other billionaire right wing media and adamantly refused to call out their bias and lies. Your problem with social media isn't that it's biased against the right. It's biased against posting lies and things which are verifiably false. Republicans are so consistently censored because they so consistently lie.

Republicans lie because their policies have failed utterly, and have created a semi-authoritarian system where a minority Republican Party clings to white power via voter suppression and gerrymandering. They can't run on their record, so they run by smearing their opponents with increasingly outrageous lies about Democrats.

Republicans have created a police state with the highest number of people incarcerated in the world - more than China or Russia. The vast majority of those incarcerated are brown and black men.
The RWNJs hate it when you slap them down with facts. They never hear such information from FOX Noise and the like. From these come only GOP sound bites and the standard right-wing bullsh!t.

Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?

Republicans on nearly every count. Especially for vilifying people on the basis of skin color.

Trump wants the ability to sue people for slander based on what they post on social media. He tried and failed to block people who criticized him from his Twitter feed.

Republicans refuse to condemn FOX News or the other billionaire right wing media and adamantly refused to call out their bias and lies. Your problem with social media isn't that it's biased against the right. It's biased against posting lies and things which are verifiably false. Republicans are so consistently censored because they so consistently lie.

Republicans lie because their policies have failed utterly, and have created a semi-authoritarian system where a minority Republican Party clings to white power via voter suppression and gerrymandering. They can't run on their record, so they run by smearing their opponents with increasingly outrageous lies about Democrats.

Republicans have created a police state with the highest number of people incarcerated in the world - more than China or Russia. The vast majority of those incarcerated are brown and black men.
The RWNJs hate it when you slap them down with facts. They never hear such information from FOX Noise and the like. From these come only GOP sound bites and the standard right-wing bullsh!t.

View attachment 437445
That's about all a RWNJ can add to any conversation. But, it tells everyone how he spends his days.

Are you sure you know what fascism is?

We could go down the positions that define fascism, but it's kind of given that that you'd embrace most of them. Almost all Trump cultists do.

Fortunately, recent events make it so only a single question is required now.

Do you condemn today's fascist coup attempt by the Trump cult, with no mealymouthed excuses or justifications added?

If you can't answer with a simple "yes", then you're a fascist.
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
Leftist have always supported more government and less liberty.
Which Party seems supportive of cancel culture...of ruining peoples lives for practicing free speech?
Which Party pushes legislation that favors people for their skin color?
In an attempt to oppress; which Party openly vilifies more than 60% of the nation for their skin color?
Which Party is supportive of censorship in social media?
Which Party refuses to condemn bias media for abandoning honest journalism?
Which Party is supportive of depriving people of pursuing life, liberty and happiness?

Are you Democrats sure you know what fascism and authoritarianism is?
Leftist have always supported more government and less liberty.

As usual, you regurgitate right wing talking points without every checking on the veracity of such "general accepted" right wing notions. Everything you've been taught to believe about the left is false, but like the good little sheep you are, you come here daily and spew out a series of lies about the left, which allow you to sleep at night and continue to hate on non-whites, women, and leftists.

If your talking point is true, then why did the size of the federal government shrink under Obama and Clinton, and grow much larger under Reagan and both Bush 41 and Bush 43? Also, why has the size of the federal government, as a percentage of the size of the American population, continued to decline?


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