Which is the case, are all white women racist or do all black men disrespect women?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.
"In seven years of living and walking here, I’ve found that most people walk courteously — but that white women, at least when I’m in their path, do not," Howard writes.
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks

Some points of comment.
A) The thread title I wrote was provocative, partially true and definitely written to get your attention as was the story's HEADLINE! I wanted to show how in this 5 second attention span age the biased MSM does present the headlines with most emphasis on the hot words..."racism".etc. hot words to get your eyeballs.

B) Note NO MENTION of black women in the article. Why? is it because:

  1. He doesn't pay any attention to black women?
  2. Black women are deferential to black men?
  3. Black women are more afraid of black men?

C) Are most black men not gentlemen, i.e. if you see a black man walking toward you you should step aside if you are a woman, especially a white woman?

D) Finally just what are the rules i.e. should I as a white man expect the OLDER black man to alter his path?
In reality, I think MOST people follow the rules their parents taught them:

  1. If a woman is in your path you as a male step aside.
  2. If a man is in your path and you are the younger male, you step aside.
These are the fundamental rules that my parents taught me and by the way it wasn't a specific rule,i.e...
"if you are walking down the street and a woman or older man is in your path, you step aside".
No it was a simple rule..."Respect women and your elders in all aspects"!
That simple rule of a civilized family was how I was raised...not based on skin color.
It seems to me blacks often believe racism is behind everything they encounter on a daily basis.
It seems to me blacks often believe racism is behind everything they encounter on a daily basis.
It is what they are being taught in schools.
I just did a Google search...
Screen Shot 2017-07-22 at 8.51.51 AM.png

Here is just on of the 1,360,000 results!
"This article places the problem of disproportionate representation of African American students in special education in the context of the White privilege and racism that exist in American society as a whole."
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research
The major problem has been especially in the black household that Black female head of households number is 68 percent today.

"The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."

Black female head of households number is 68 percent

By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

And this kind of racism practiced by Obama didn't help!
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.
"In seven years of living and walking here, I’ve found that most people walk courteously — but that white women, at least when I’m in their path, do not," Howard writes.
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks

Some points of comment.
A) The thread title I wrote was provocative, partially true and definitely written to get your attention as was the story's HEADLINE! I wanted to show how in this 5 second attention span age the biased MSM does present the headlines with most emphasis on the hot words..."racism".etc. hot words to get your eyeballs.

B) Note NO MENTION of black women in the article. Why? is it because:

  1. He doesn't pay any attention to black women?
  2. Black women are deferential to black men?
  3. Black women are more afraid of black men?

C) Are most black men not gentlemen, i.e. if you see a black man walking toward you you should step aside if you are a woman, especially a white woman?

D) Finally just what are the rules i.e. should I as a white man expect the OLDER black man to alter his path?
In reality, I think MOST people follow the rules their parents taught them:

  1. If a woman is in your path you as a male step aside.
  2. If a man is in your path and you are the younger male, you step aside.
These are the fundamental rules that my parents taught me and by the way it wasn't a specific rule,i.e...
"if you are walking down the street and a woman or older man is in your path, you step aside".
No it was a simple rule..."Respect women and your elders in all aspects"!
That simple rule of a civilized family was how I was raised...not based on skin color.

Women has been making men into their slaves for years.



I think it is women in general

They tend not to step aside for anyone, probably won't hold a door for you and make lousy tippers
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.
"In seven years of living and walking here, I’ve found that most people walk courteously — but that white women, at least when I’m in their path, do not," Howard writes.
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks

Some points of comment.
A) The thread title I wrote was provocative, partially true and definitely written to get your attention as was the story's HEADLINE! I wanted to show how in this 5 second attention span age the biased MSM does present the headlines with most emphasis on the hot words..."racism".etc. hot words to get your eyeballs.

B) Note NO MENTION of black women in the article. Why? is it because:

  1. He doesn't pay any attention to black women?
  2. Black women are deferential to black men?
  3. Black women are more afraid of black men?

C) Are most black men not gentlemen, i.e. if you see a black man walking toward you you should step aside if you are a woman, especially a white woman?

D) Finally just what are the rules i.e. should I as a white man expect the OLDER black man to alter his path?
In reality, I think MOST people follow the rules their parents taught them:

  1. If a woman is in your path you as a male step aside.
  2. If a man is in your path and you are the younger male, you step aside.
These are the fundamental rules that my parents taught me and by the way it wasn't a specific rule,i.e...
"if you are walking down the street and a woman or older man is in your path, you step aside".
No it was a simple rule..."Respect women and your elders in all aspects"!
That simple rule of a civilized family was how I was raised...not based on skin color.
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.

Maybe those white women don't move aside because they're hoping to brush up against his massive black schlong.
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Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.

Maybe those white women don't move aside because they're hoping to brush up against his massive black schlong.
Good POINT! I being an objective non-racist type NEVER considered that! Obviously that was what you being either male/female thought of indicates a lot to me!
Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
I don't go beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating. There are assholes on all sides. There are racists on all sides. There are genuine caring people on all sides.

But good on you for playing the racial divide game with your fellow children!
White women just don't know their place. They need to step into the street when approached by a black.

This certainly answers a lot of questions, like why black people walk down the middle of the street. Why they do many of the things they do.
White women just don't know their place. They need to step into the street when approached by a black.

This certainly answers a lot of questions, like why black people walk down the middle of the street. Why they do many of the things they do.
Neighborhood is full of WHITE people running and biking down the street and we have sidewalks! Entitled white asses?
Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
I don't go beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating. There are assholes on all sides. There are racists on all sides. There are genuine caring people on all sides.

But good on you for playing the racial divide game with your fellow children!
That makes sense you don't go beyond headlines! Because YOU assumed that the rest of the comments were racists.
Evidently your parents never told you that when you assume what that makes you!
I think it is women in general

They tend not to step aside for anyone, probably won't hold a door for you and make lousy tippers
So as a man you weren't raised with manners.
My parents taught me that when it came to stepping aside it generally is expected to be age relevant then sex.
For example I as a older man seeing a younger woman would expect HER to hold the door for me...but in many cases that doesn't happen. Oh well.
But when I as an Older man see an older woman... I hold the door.
So to me it is respect. Younger people today seem lacking in respect for their elders and for manners in general.
But it certainly isn't as this young black man a "racist" thing! Again his parents didn't teach him fundamentals of good manners is the true case!
Bad parenting if in fact he had parents!
Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
I don't go beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating. There are assholes on all sides. There are racists on all sides. There are genuine caring people on all sides.

But good on you for playing the racial divide game with your fellow children!
That makes sense you don't go beyond headlines! Because YOU assumed that the rest of the comments were racists.
Evidently your parents never told you that when you assume what that makes you!
I didn't assume anything. Perhaps you just feel targeted lol
NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks
In a Wednesday essay titled "Was That Racist," reporter Greg Howard singled out white women for forcing him "off the sidewalk completely" when walking toward him, not allowing a straight path.

Maybe those white women don't move aside because they're hoping to brush up against his massive black schlong.
Good POINT! I being an objective non-racist type NEVER considered that! Obviously that was what you being either male/female thought of indicates a lot to me!

As Venus Flytrap on WKRP Cincinnati once said...

'That's the stereotype we don't object to'.
Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
I don't go beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating. There are assholes on all sides. There are racists on all sides. There are genuine caring people on all sides.

But good on you for playing the racial divide game with your fellow children!
That makes sense you don't go beyond headlines! Because YOU assumed that the rest of the comments were racists.
Evidently your parents never told you that when you assume what that makes you!
I didn't assume anything. Perhaps you just feel targeted lol
You had to ASSUME! You said in your own words.."beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating"... well that's means you
ONLY believe the headlines. And again. Nothing in the my comments were RACISTs and I totally resent your out right LIE!
You should apologize to me for once again being a person that ONLY reads headlines because the word RACIST was NOT used anywhere in my comments..except
in copying the DIRECT HEADLINE! "NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks"
I assume you are NOT man enough even after your moniker of "Grampa" to apologize because why should you ... YOU'VE ASSUMED enough. Too bad your parents
weren't prescient enough to teach you some manners!
Both questions in the title are dumb

Well it was just like the BIASED MSM ! Enough to get YOUR short span attention which was the purpose!
People like you don't obviously dig past a headline and that's the major problem with people like you!
Go beyond the headlines gramps.. there is always more to it then meets your 5 second attention span!
I don't go beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating. There are assholes on all sides. There are racists on all sides. There are genuine caring people on all sides.

But good on you for playing the racial divide game with your fellow children!
That makes sense you don't go beyond headlines! Because YOU assumed that the rest of the comments were racists.
Evidently your parents never told you that when you assume what that makes you!
I didn't assume anything. Perhaps you just feel targeted lol
You had to ASSUME! You said in your own words.."beyond your headlines because I'm not interested in long winded bloviating"... well that's means you
ONLY believe the headlines. And again. Nothing in the my comments were RACISTs and I totally resent your out right LIE!
You should apologize to me for once again being a person that ONLY reads headlines because the word RACIST was NOT used anywhere in my comments..except
in copying the DIRECT HEADLINE! "NY Times reporter accuses white women of racism on city sidewalks"
I assume you are NOT man enough even after your moniker of "Grampa" to apologize because why should you ... YOU'VE ASSUMED enough. Too bad your parents
weren't prescient enough to teach you some manners!
Apologize to you? Well if you insist...

I am sorry that you're an idiot who gets bent out of shape over a relatively benign post. I am sorry that you seem to have self worth issues that require to to get unnecessarily offended.

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