Which is more likely an explanation of the 2020 election

Which Scenario is more likely?

  • Scenario 1

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Scenario 2

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Scenario 1- That an unpopular president who was rejected by the popular vote, twice, whose approval rating never got above 50% in four years, who presided over a devastating pandemic, a massive recession and daily civil unrest, lost the election because the people didn't want him to do any more damage.


Scenario 2 - That people really did like the daily dose of crazy, and despite all the damage done, he really won the election, and a conspiracy by election officials across the country, state legislators and officials (many of them Republicans) the courts (again, many of them Republicans, some of whom he appointed), manufacturers of voting machines, and the entire news media, including Fox News, all worked together to cheat him out of his victory.
Scenario 2 - That people really did like the daily dose of crazy, and despite all the damage done, he really won the election, and a conspiracy by election officials across the country, state legislators and officials (many of them Republicans) the courts (again, many of them Republicans, some of whom he appointed), manufacturers of voting machines, and the entire news media, including Fox News, all worked together to cheat him out of his victory.

In 2016, Scenario 2 was that 3 million illegal Mexicans were allowed to vote against Trump

In 2008, Scenario 2 was that Obama’s parents left Hawaii and ran off to Kenya so that their child could be born in a Kenyan hospital. Knowing that this mixed race child would someday be President, they conspired to get him a fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate
Scenario-1: the MSM and their fake polls predicted the democrats would win in a big blue wave. The fact is that the GOP didn't lose a House seat, the democrats lost (12) seats. The polls showed that the (14) GOP senators up for election were vulnerable, fact is that the GOP lost (3) seats, two by their own stupidity by running Doug Collins against Loeffler splitting the GOP vote. Fact is Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016, that shows amazing popularity. So how did he lose?

Scenario-2: The democrats cheated like they always do, and the MSM and deep state and the courts cover it up instead of investigating. Biden is illegitimate, I hope the FBI nails them for their money-laundering scams.
I have yet to get an explanation as to why Republican vote count watchers were thrown out of this venue in Detroit and then the windows blocked. Seems like it would be tough to audit the count this way.

It became clear as the morning progressed that we saw our job as challengers quite differently. I was there to ensure a smooth process and make sure every vote was counted. They were there to gum up the process by questioning everything and anything.

It was sad, really. They distrusted their fellow citizens and thought the entire process was skeptical. When you begin with the assumption that there is widespread voter fraud, you see everything—normal processes and explainable errors—as part of a widespread criminal conspiracy.

By late morning, the GOP challengers in my section had to be repeatedly asked by supervisors and team leaders to follow the rules: do not speak with inspectors, only supervisors; stay back 6 feet from the table to maintain social distancing requirements; and wear your mask over your nose and mouth.
Scenario 1- That an unpopular president who was rejected by the popular vote, twice, whose approval rating never got above 50% in four years, who presided over a devastating pandemic, a massive recession and daily civil unrest, lost the election because the people didn't want him to do any more damage.


Scenario 2 - That people really did like the daily dose of crazy, and despite all the damage done, he really won the election, and a conspiracy by election officials across the country, state legislators and officials (many of them Republicans) the courts (again, many of them Republicans, some of whom he appointed), manufacturers of voting machines, and the entire news media, including Fox News, all worked together to cheat him out of his victory.

Scenario 3: Cheating in the tens of millions column
Scenario-1: the MSM and their fake polls predicted the democrats would win in a big blue wave. The fact is that the GOP didn't lose a House seat, the democrats lost (12) seats. The polls showed that the (14) GOP senators up for election were vulnerable, fact is that the GOP lost (3) seats, two by their own stupidity by running Doug Collins against Loeffler splitting the GOP vote. Fact is Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016, that shows amazing popularity. So how did he lose?

Because Biden got more votes. That's why Trump lost.

The fact that the GOP won back seats in districts they lost in 2018 that were gerrymandered to favor Republicans doesn't mean that much.

And, no, nobody said 14 Republicans were vulnerable. Everyone knew that Doug Jones was going to lose in AL, the Dems picked up four senate seats in states they won. The only real surprise was that Susan Collins survived, but she only did so because she ran as far away from Trump as she could.
Trump supporters need to live the lie.
Trump supporters can't handle the truth.

AG Barr, The courts, GOP election officials, all have said no fraud. Any claims of fraud presented to the public or the courts have been completely debunked.

There is not a shred of credible evidence to show any fraud. Trump has completely fabricated the fake claims of fraud and his idiot supporters are stupid enough to believe the lies... because they want to believe the lies.

These people are the same pathetic wackos that believed in the Pizzagate lie, the most insane lie ever told in politics.

Trump supporters LOVE the lies, they need the lies. Sometimes in life it is easier to just live a lie.

Trump suppoerters are a new breed of pathetic, at least lose with dignity...
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Scenario-1: the MSM and their fake polls predicted the democrats would win in a big blue wave. The fact is that the GOP didn't lose a House seat, the democrats lost (12) seats. The polls showed that the (14) GOP senators up for election were vulnerable, fact is that the GOP lost (3) seats, two by their own stupidity by running Doug Collins against Loeffler splitting the GOP vote. Fact is Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016, that shows amazing popularity. So how did he lose?

Scenario-2: The democrats cheated like they always do, and the MSM and deep state and the courts cover it up instead of investigating. Biden is illegitimate, I hope the FBI nails them for their money-laundering scams.
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To be honest, I really don't care at this point anymore, even though I feel the election was questionable.
The drooling idiot Xiden will be installed. My taxes will go up, gas prices will rise to Obama levels.
Yay, America.
Scenario 2 - That people really did like the daily dose of crazy, and despite all the damage done, he really won the election, and a conspiracy by election officials across the country, state legislators and officials (many of them Republicans) the courts (again, many of them Republicans, some of whom he appointed), manufacturers of voting machines, and the entire news media, including Fox News, all worked together to cheat him out of his victory.

In 2016, Scenario 2 was that 3 million illegal Mexicans were allowed to vote against Trump

In 2008, Scenario 2 was that Obama’s parents left Hawaii and ran off to Kenya so that their child could be born in a Kenyan hospital. Knowing that this mixed race child would someday be President, they conspired to get him a fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate
If it was ACTUALLY proven that 13,000 dead people voted in Ga, 35,000 non residents. 3000 minors, 5000 illegals....What would you say....To give me a that never happened answer is to admit fraud.
Scenario 2 - That people really did like the daily dose of crazy, and despite all the damage done, he really won the election, and a conspiracy by election officials across the country, state legislators and officials (many of them Republicans) the courts (again, many of them Republicans, some of whom he appointed), manufacturers of voting machines, and the entire news media, including Fox News, all worked together to cheat him out of his victory.

In 2016, Scenario 2 was that 3 million illegal Mexicans were allowed to vote against Trump

In 2008, Scenario 2 was that Obama’s parents left Hawaii and ran off to Kenya so that their child could be born in a Kenyan hospital. Knowing that this mixed race child would someday be President, they conspired to get him a fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate
If it was ACTUALLY proven that 13,000 dead people voted in Ga, 35,000 non residents. 3000 minors, 5000 illegals....What would you say....To give me a that never happened answer is to admit fraud.

Looks like we got a Scenario 2
Scenario-1: the MSM and their fake polls predicted the democrats would win in a big blue wave. The fact is that the GOP didn't lose a House seat, the democrats lost (12) seats. The polls showed that the (14) GOP senators up for election were vulnerable, fact is that the GOP lost (3) seats, two by their own stupidity by running Doug Collins against Loeffler splitting the GOP vote. Fact is Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016, that shows amazing popularity. So how did he lose?

Because Biden got more votes. That's why Trump lost.

The fact that the GOP won back seats in districts they lost in 2018 that were gerrymandered to favor Republicans doesn't mean that much.

And, no, nobody said 14 Republicans were vulnerable. Everyone knew that Doug Jones was going to lose in AL, the Dems picked up four senate seats in states they won. The only real surprise was that Susan Collins survived, but she only did so because she ran as far away from Trump as she could.
Agreed Biden got more "votes", but how many were illegitimate?

The fact is that Trump got 10m more votes than in 2016, the GOP won (12) House seats in an election that was a referendum on Trump and the GOP, and the GOP basically held serve in the Senate except for their stupidity running Doug Collins, in a year the GOP was supposed to lose the senate. So how the fuck did Joe Biden win against the red tide? Hint: by cheating.

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