Which Capital Punishment Methods Comply With US Eighth Amendment ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Which Capital Punishment Methods Comply With US Eighth Amendment ? "

* Sourced Reference Off Amendment Ate *

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.[2]

* Federal Policy On Capital Punishment Update *

Federal Government to Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly Two Decade Lapse

* Opining Post Contention Four Carbon Monoxide *

Do any others perceive embedded ritual or macabre theatrics when the death penalty as it is currently administered ?

Though some espouse equal reciprocity for capital crimes thereby proposing method of punishment for method of murder , us eighth amendment forbid the practice .

In an endeavor to minimize state actors in macabre theatrics involving the death penalty , would administering the death penalty through the issuance of carbon monoxide also be most succinct as a systematic exercise with indifference by a state in implementing capital punishment on those deserving it ?

Or is avoiding indifference the purpose of macabre theatrics ?

* Current Active Method Of Administration *

A number of constitutional challenges have been brought forward regarding the reliability of lethal injection .

Why would lethal injection be preferred over issuance of carbon monoxide ?

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
Lethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing immediate death.
The drugs cause the person to become unconscious, stops their breathing, and causes a heart arrhythmia, in that order.

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
On occasion, difficulties inserting the intravenous needles have also occurred, sometimes taking over half an hour to find a suitable vein.[4] Typically, the difficulty is found in convicts with diabetes or a history of intravenous drug use.[24] Opponents argue that the insertion of intravenous lines that take excessive amounts of time are tantamount to being cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, opponents point to instances where the intravenous line has failed, or when adverse reactions to drugs or unnecessary delays happen during the process of execution.

* Alternatives Methods Meeting Compliance *

Which other methods seem compliant with US 8th amendment ; do firing squad , or hanging qualify ?
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" Which Capital Punishment Methods Comply With US Eighth Amendment ? "

* Sourced Reference Off Amendment Ate *

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.[2]

* Federal Policy On Capital Punishment Update *

Federal Government to Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly Two Decade Lapse

* Opining Post Contention Four Carbon Monoxide *

Do any others perceive embedded ritual or macabre theatrics when the death penalty as it is currently administered ?

Though some espouse equal reciprocity for capital crimes thereby proposing method of punishment for method of murder , us eighth amendment forbid the practice .

In an endeavor to minimize state actors in macabre theatrics involving the death penalty , would administering the death penalty through the issuance of carbon monoxide also be most succinct as a systematic exercise with indifference by a state in implementing capital punishment on those deserving it ?

Or is avoiding indifference the purpose of macabre theatrics ?

* Current Active Method Of Administration *

A number of constitutional challenges have been brought forward regarding the reliability of lethal injection .

Why would lethal injection be preferred over issuance of carbon monoxide ?

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
Lethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing immediate death.
The drugs cause the person to become unconscious, stops their breathing, and causes a heart arrhythmia, in that order.

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
On occasion, difficulties inserting the intravenous needles have also occurred, sometimes taking over half an hour to find a suitable vein.[4] Typically, the difficulty is found in convicts with diabetes or a history of intravenous drug use.[24] Opponents argue that the insertion of intravenous lines that take excessive amounts of time are tantamount to being cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, opponents point to instances where the intravenous line has failed, or when adverse reactions to drugs or unnecessary delays happen during the process of execution.

* Alternatives Methods Meeting Compliance *

Which other methods seem compliant with US 8th amendment ; do firing squad , or hanging qualify ?
It doesn't require IV lines and three types of drugs to kill someone by lethal injection. Just give them an OD of morphine or fentanyl. They float to sleep and then it's over. Vets do it every day to dogs. Why or why must they make such a weird production out of it.

If that's too kind, you realize hanging, if done correctly, immediately breaks the neck and that's that. The muscles may twitch but the person was out of it as soon as the floor dropped out from under them. It is based on the person's height and weight, how far they need the drop to be in order to break the neck immediately. Back when hangings were the standard, good hangmen knew how to figure it out.

I should think either of those, if done right, would be better than getting pumped full of bullets.
" Which Capital Punishment Methods Comply With US Eighth Amendment ? "

* Sourced Reference Off Amendment Ate *

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.[2]

* Federal Policy On Capital Punishment Update *

Federal Government to Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly Two Decade Lapse

* Opining Post Contention Four Carbon Monoxide *

Do any others perceive embedded ritual or macabre theatrics when the death penalty as it is currently administered ?

Though some espouse equal reciprocity for capital crimes thereby proposing method of punishment for method of murder , us eighth amendment forbid the practice .

In an endeavor to minimize state actors in macabre theatrics involving the death penalty , would administering the death penalty through the issuance of carbon monoxide also be most succinct as a systematic exercise with indifference by a state in implementing capital punishment on those deserving it ?

Or is avoiding indifference the purpose of macabre theatrics ?

* Current Active Method Of Administration *

A number of constitutional challenges have been brought forward regarding the reliability of lethal injection .

Why would lethal injection be preferred over issuance of carbon monoxide ?

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
Lethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing immediate death.
The drugs cause the person to become unconscious, stops their breathing, and causes a heart arrhythmia, in that order.

Lethal injection - Wikipedia
On occasion, difficulties inserting the intravenous needles have also occurred, sometimes taking over half an hour to find a suitable vein.[4] Typically, the difficulty is found in convicts with diabetes or a history of intravenous drug use.[24] Opponents argue that the insertion of intravenous lines that take excessive amounts of time are tantamount to being cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, opponents point to instances where the intravenous line has failed, or when adverse reactions to drugs or unnecessary delays happen during the process of execution.

* Alternatives Methods Meeting Compliance *

Which other methods seem compliant with US 8th amendment ; do firing squad , or hanging qualify ?
I prefer the old method below, it is quick, it is painless and it definately puts a "oh shit", into those that think crime pays. Reusable, doesnt contribute CO2, and easy to make.

The Hispanic method of La Garrotte seems to be efficient and the same wire can be used repeatedly for several condemned.

Very earth friendly.

When it loses its tensile strength for garroting purposes, it can be recycled and made into new garrote wires, or piano wires or some other usage.
It is probably generally agreed that the electric chair seems to roundly violate that 8th.
It is probably generally agreed that the electric chair seems to roundly violate that 8th.

The courts haven't made that ruling at all. If you screw it up, and don't wet the sponge, like when Tom Hanks was a prison warden, sure.

But generally speaking 80,000 volts is humane enough.
I recall an execution by firing squad from back in the day. I think there were 4 shooters and one shooter had blanks but the shooters didn't know who. No theatrics with injections or electric chair. The guy was dead in two seconds. I don't see a better way than that.

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