Which caliber is best for stopping a crook? Pistol, rifle or shotgun?

You pay for BC already in both the retail and private sale price on every gun you purchase or sell.

It’s hilarious to think because you don’t care what anyone does with a firearm you transfer it to is not your responsibility. I’m glad you’re not a licensed blaster around here. The only reason you have to pay for them is, they aren’t universal. You don’t pay a separate fee when you buy one at an FFL dealer. The cost of buying TNT is part of the price built in for transference too. BFD.
If you don't understand what I wrote ask for clarification.

A CC permit is for concealed carry
They can only game the system with the help of people like you. Anyone who supports allowing gun sales to felons, the underaged and the mentally unfit because they “don’t care “ who the person is whom they transfer ownership to, IS THE PROBLEM. You and people like you who favor transfer of weapons without accountability are FOS. Many of you are internet tough guys who would likely fold if you had to be honest and accountable. You are the “unknowingly” don’t give a shit group.
A lie
The majority of gun owners support universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support it.
Demonstrate this to be true
Then demonstrate that an idea, by virtue of it being popular, is a sound idea.
In states like Illinois they have found away to support legal transfer and make it easier for legal owners to buy and sell ammo and firearms to other legal purchasers.
"The seller must verify the buyer's FOID card with the Illinois State Police, and must keep a record of the sale for at least ten years."

Illinois requires a license for the basic exercise of a right.
Thus, for it to work the same way across the US, you would have to obtain a license from the US government to simply own a gun.

How long do you think that would stand in federal court?
Repeating what I just said ? Well, at least you didn’t post without using the word “stupid”.
We have a plethora of federally controlled items we need checks and licenses for to transfer and own. We have a plethora of activities that we control by licensing. Licensing and permits is the way we people more responsible in their conduct with unqualified peoples. Federally restricted items where both the transferee and the those receiving the item are held accountable are all VERY. Effective in controlling misuse. Otherwise, you’d have more carnage then we do now.

I live in an area where blasting occurs frequently and no one has a problem with the TNT being misused or getting into the wrong hands...it’s controlled the way all firearms should be.

None of the are Rights.......you can't charge a fee to vote, you can't require a license to vote...no, an I.D. is not a license...it is identification.......you can't have a permit to vote......the democrats like you tried that against blacks in the south and both poll taxes and literacy tests were stopped...they are unConstitutional.....

The Supreme Court in Murdock v Pennsylvania also state that you can't charge a fee for the exercise of a Right.....you doofus.
Exactly. Ask any legal gun owner in Illinois. They have a workable system most legal gun owners actually like and there’s no firearm registration.

The FOID system is in court right now you doofus.........
How many of therm involve the basic exercise of rights specifically protected by the constitution?
Every single one of them, without exception. You need a course on constitutional law. Federal regs all have to pass the present interpretation of the past and present SC Decisions. It’s hilarious why you guys just make up shit and pretend you know wtf you are talking about.
None of the are Rights.......you can't charge a fee to vote, you can't require a license to vote...no, an I.D. is not a license...it is identification.......you can't have a permit to vote......the democrats like you tried that against blacks in the south and both poll taxes and literacy tests were stopped...they are unConstitutional.....

The Supreme Court in Murdock v Pennsylvania also state that you can't charge a fee for the exercise of a Right.....you doofus.
Have no idea what your point is after that ramble of made up sht. We know the right to bear arms is not absolute. Aamof, universal background checks mandated by 14 states have not been overturned. So you’re FOS.
Demonstrate this to be true
Then demonstrate that an idea, by virtue of it being popular, is a sound idea.

"The seller must verify the buyer's FOID card with the Illinois State Police, and must keep a record of the sale for at least ten years."

Illinois requires a license for the basic exercise of a right.
Thus, for it to work the same way across the US, you would have to obtain a license from the US government to simply own a gun.

How long do you think that would stand in federal court?
You like to deal with make believes Dorothy ? Why don’t you go to Illinois’s and try to buy a firearm or ammo without a card NOW. Snowflake righties can’t keep records. Boo boo. Maybe someone else does your taxes for you too.
If you don't understand what I wrote ask for clarification.

A CC permit is for concealed carry
Why are you introducing a red herring ? You have to pay for your driver’s license too. Weren’t we talking about BC s. Btw, I’ve had a CC for decades and willing pay to have it renewed. No dealer has ever asked to see it when I’ve legally purchased a firearm. It’s a non item. Find something else to whine about.
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Only for you duck. An intruder would take your gun away from your pansy ass, kill you with it and shove it up your ass. Stay in Canada.
There's very little chance of an intruder and zero chance of me having a gun to shove anywhere.
More important than that, you're still fully stoked up pissant.
Request denied.

In the eyes of visiting Americans to Canada, we are their utopia! They come to Canada to lower their blood pressure and stock up on pharmaceuticals. Insulin sales are through the roof!

Yeah....drugs you get on the cheap after American companies pay billions to create them......you are proud to be living off the creativity and hard work of American companies....
Yeah....drugs you get on the cheap after American companies pay billions to create them......you are proud to be living off the creativity and hard work of American companies....
Multinational corporations.
And much to your dismay, Americans are about to get a few drugs cheaper too. I wouldn't worry about it being very many though.

The American people in the majority hate affordable pharmas!

The only possible reason is that the god hates them too.

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