Where's the Outrage from Fair-Minded Rightwingers on the Breonna Taylor Verdict?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

She was a drug dealing criminal that got what she deserved. I'm glad she's dead and her scum boyfriend should be too. Perhaps you can shoot through the door at the cops.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

There was no "unlawful intruder". Try again.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

You libbers love you some criminals don't you???
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

The NRA doesn't defend drug dealers who shoot at cops serving a warrant.

Get a fucking life, you stupid mother fucker.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

Are we supposed to riot, loot and kill cops too?

The police had PROBABLE CAUSE to get a warrant and did so..

The police KNOCKED even thought they did not have too. The Police announced themselves multiple times.

The new boyfriend used her as a human shield when he was firing at law enforcement officers. They returned fire in defense of their own lives and unfortunately she was killed.

The officers were justified in their use of force.

Only one officer acted outside of his training and reasonable behavior and he has been charged accordingly.

Any loss of life is unacceptable but it happens. She was housing drug monies in the apartment so she was complicit in the crimes going on. The boy friend fired first striking the officer.

Why are you not holding the boy friend responsible for being stupid and firing on police who CLEARLY IDENTIFIED themselves?
There was no "unlawful intruder". Try again.
From the perspective of the victims, they were being unlawfully intruded upon.

The cops were too stupid to say who they were.

No dice.
Either way, whether they announced or didn't, if you shoot at a police officer take a guess....I mean a wild guess....at what is going to happen next?
Evidence exists indicating no "no knock warrant" was applied. Believing otherwise with no evidence doesn't fly.

You shoot at cops, you get shot. Your boyfriend shoots at cops and you're next to him, you get shot. Them's the breaks.

Democrats have an odd way of choosing heroes.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

Her boyfriend shot first. She was holding drug money for her former boyfriend, and she was standing in her hallway when she was killed. These are facts. The cops may have screwed up with their warrant. I don't know because I don't know the evidence presented to the Grand Jury. However, based on what we know, the warrant may have been justified. if it wasn't then that needs to be looked at hard. If it was reasonable, then her boyfriend started the action that got her killed.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Looks like the coloreds are upset about it, they're starting to retaliate...

Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

For conservatives that's only the case if one is white.

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